[寵社] 新功能&新MIs

看板Facebook作者 (靜默〥)時間15年前 (2009/06/20 12:22), 編輯推噓23(23012)
留言35則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://blog.petsociety.com/2009/06/20/friendly-but-mysterious-transactions/ 1.新的GMB BMB商品 BMB - Blue Checkered Rug http://files.getdropbox.com/u/353122/PS/Alfombrita.png
GMB - Little Frog Doll http://i41.tinypic.com/11s2eyc.jpg
GMB - Vintage Shades 應該算是某種復古墨鏡吧... http://tinyurl.com/l6nm4e 2.Secondly, the coins for visits have been restructured; due to this, you will now be able to earn more coins from some visits. If a friend has been active in Pet Society within the last 24 hours, you will get an additional 10 coins for visiting that friend (for example, if you visit them in your first 50 friend visits, you will receive 30 coins instead of 20 for visiting them) 根據我的理解,這句話的意思是:拜訪24小時內玩過寵社的好友,會獲得額外的10coin 3.Thirdly, you will notice that there have been some updates to your Friends Bar! You now have three friends lists to choose from: All – this list includes all of your friends, and is nearly the same as the list we used to have; 跟舊的好友名單一樣 Active – this list includes those friends who have played Pet Society in the last 24 hours 24小時內玩過Pet Society的好友 Visits – this list is a list of everyone who you can still earn coins from for visiting today, as soon as you make the visit, that friend is removed from the list! ;) 尚未拜訪過可以獲得coin的朋友 In conjunction with the new Friends Bar, you will notice a new red pet icon on the left of some of your friends’ avatars on the Friends Bar. The red pet icon indicates friends that have been active in Pet Society in the last 24 hours, and hence those who you will receive the bonus 10 coins for visiting! Also, you can now tell who you have already visited today from the colour of the background behind each friend on the Friends Bar; the initial grey background behind each will change to a much lighter grey after you have received coins from visiting that friend today. 可以藉由好友名單的一些變化做以上的判斷: 1.紅色的小人型標示 - Active(拜訪了多10coin的) 2.拜訪過拿到coins過的是亮灰色,沒拜訪過的是暗灰色。 -- 話說我剛才看人數: All:290 Active:139 Visits:289 發完發現已經有人貼了...翻譯跟找圖花太多時間了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/20 12:24, , 1F
06/20 12:24, 1F

06/20 12:26, , 2F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~>///////< 青蛙好好笑啊!!
06/20 12:26, 2F

06/20 12:26, , 3F
06/20 12:26, 3F

06/20 12:26, , 4F
拜訪Active人有$30 好像有人數限制 我後來拜訪了就只有$20
06/20 12:26, 4F

06/20 12:27, , 5F
文章裡面沒有看到 也許你拜訪到不是Active的人
06/20 12:27, 5F

06/20 12:28, , 6F
是耶 我確定拜訪的有紅色人的圖案
06/20 12:28, 6F

06/20 12:28, , 7F
等有人回報吧~ 沒看到相關的註解@@
06/20 12:28, 7F

06/20 12:28, , 8F
06/20 12:28, 8F

06/20 12:35, , 9F
我突然發現 拜訪超過不知道多少人 錢變成$10 是以前就這樣
06/20 12:35, 9F

06/20 12:35, , 10F
06/20 12:35, 10F

06/20 12:37, , 11F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~那個24小時內玩過PS的, 如果只進FB不
06/20 12:37, 11F

06/20 12:37, , 12F
06/20 12:37, 12F

06/20 12:37, , 13F
一直都是這樣喔:) 爬一下文有 50人以下20 coins
06/20 12:37, 13F

06/20 12:38, , 14F
soga 謝謝牡丹 很少拜訪人 所以沒注意過^^
06/20 12:38, 14F

06/20 12:39, , 15F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~青蛙好可愛喔>..<~ 他是從zuma來的嗎
06/20 12:39, 15F
※ 編輯: Mudadm 來自: (06/20 12:39)

06/20 12:39, , 16F
XDDDD 有像耶 小曼人超好
06/20 12:39, 16F

06/20 12:46, , 17F
06/20 12:46, 17F

06/20 12:50, , 18F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~ 感謝你拯救英文苦手XDD
06/20 12:50, 18F

06/20 13:15, , 19F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~ 那個墨鏡讓我的寵物像個盲人XDDDD
06/20 13:15, 19F

06/20 13:16, , 20F
牡丹丹真貼心~~~~ 對了快12點時地震,都沒人有感覺嗎
06/20 13:16, 20F

06/20 13:19, , 21F
小曼真貼心~~~~ 青蛙真的好可愛啊XDDD
06/20 13:19, 21F

06/20 13:32, , 22F
開到青蛙了!!! 整個很可愛阿 >\\\\\\\\\<
06/20 13:32, 22F

06/20 13:34, , 23F
06/20 13:34, 23F

06/20 13:36, , 24F
06/20 13:36, 24F

06/20 13:52, , 25F
我試了一下 拜訪到第51個active的朋友 就會變成20coin
06/20 13:52, 25F

06/20 14:08, , 26F
06/20 14:08, 26F

06/20 14:17, , 27F
06/20 14:17, 27F

06/20 14:17, , 28F
06/20 14:17, 28F

06/20 15:13, , 29F
06/20 15:13, 29F

06/20 15:25, , 30F
06/20 15:25, 30F

06/20 15:31, , 31F
小曼真貼心~~~~ 青蛙好可愛哦 可是寵社錢好難賺 XDD
06/20 15:31, 31F

06/20 15:40, , 32F
抽到眼鏡了 ..
06/20 15:40, 32F

06/20 15:47, , 33F
拜訪到75人以後是15 coins
06/20 15:47, 33F

06/20 15:54, , 34F
75人後 15 是active的
06/20 15:54, 34F

06/20 17:37, , 35F
06/20 17:37, 35F
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