[閒聊] 機器人駕駛Vettel神奇地製造出人類後代

看板FORMULA1作者 (報廢機器人的傳說)時間10年前 (2014/03/13 14:42), 編輯推噓5(613)
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這篇有點久了,所以不算情報,還滿有趣的,所以轉來當閒聊。 http://jalopnik.com/robo-driver-sebastian-vettel-miraculously-produces-huma-1480566272http://0rz.tw/xxUA2 Robo-Driver Sebastian Vettel Miraculously Produces Human Spawn 機器人駕駛員 Sebastian Vettel 奇跡似地產生了人類的後代 Raphael Orlove Certified robot and F1 driver Sebastian Vettel has miraculously produced a human, yes human, baby in a stunning development in the worlds of Formula 1 and robotics. 經認證過的機器人 F1 駕駛 Sebastian Vettel 奇跡般地產生了一個人類。是的, 人類,嬰兒。這件事的發展震驚了 Formula 1 以及機器人學的世界。 Vettel, the mechanized automaton that has won four F1 driver's titles at the "age" of 26, has made his high school sweetheart Hanna Prater pregnant, reports Motorsport. 據 Motorsport 的報導,在 26 歲的「年紀」贏得四個 F1 車手冠軍的自動機械 Vettel 讓他的高中甜心 Hanna Prater 懷孕了。 "My plan... it is finally coming to fruition," responded Helmut Marko, the mysterious Austrian mad scientist who finished constructing Vettel in 1987. Marko receded into his underground lair before taking press questions. 「我的計劃……終於得到成果了。」在 1987 年完成製造 Vettel 的神祕奧地利 瘋狂科學家 Helmut Marko 回應道。Marko 沒有讓媒體記者發問就躲回他的地下 秘密基地了。 "Of course we're very happy," Vettel told reporters. "Now it is clear that there is no way that I am a non-human robot automaton built to operate high-performance racing cars. It's crazy to even suggest that." 「我們當然很高興。」Vettel 對記者說。「現在應該很清楚我不可能是造來駕駛 高性能賽車的非人類自動機器人了吧。會那樣想的人簡直是瘋了。」 "You can't fool us, Robo-Driver," chanted angry townspeople earlier today at Marko's castle in the Alps, pitchforks in hand. At the time of publication, it is unclear if Vettel will release the hounds on them. 「你唬不了我們的,機器人駕駛。」稍早一群氣憤的鄉民拿著草叉在阿爾卑斯山上 Marko 的城堡外喊道。在結稿前我們並不清楚 Vettel 是否會對他們放狗。 -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS/CM/IT d-(+) s-:- a- C+++(++) UB++++ P-- L- E- W++ N+ o?>++ K-> w--(+) O-@ M+@ V- PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5?>+ X+ R+@ tv+ b+ DI>+ D G e++>++++ h+@ !r !y ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Leland 來自: (03/13 14:42)

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