[閒聊] Ask the Expert - Ferrari’s Kimi Rai …

看板FORMULA1作者 (Pepe1981)時間15年前 (2009/08/11 18:36), 編輯推噓2(201)
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http://www.formula1.com/news/interviews/2009/8/9729.html Q: Just after you started in Formula One racing, which of your fellow drivers was quoted as saying “I am not afraid of Kimi, but he is definitely one of the strongest rivals I have come up against”? 你進入F1之後,哪位車手說過這句話"我並不害怕Kimi,但肯定的他是我遇過最強的對手 之一"? Kimi Raikkonen: Michael. Kimi:Michael(大舒) Correct - it was indeed Raikkonen’s predecessor at Ferrari, Michael Schumacher. 正確:這是大舒說的 Q: You were born in 1979. Which driver and which team took the F1 title that year? 你出生於1979年.那一年是哪位車手和那支車隊贏得世界冠軍頭銜? KR: Hunt? Kimi:是Hunt嗎? Incorrect - it was Jody Scheckter and Ferrari. 不正確:是Jody Scheckter 和Ferrari Q: How many races did Marcus Ericsson win for your Raikkonen Robertson Formula Three team this year? 今年Marcus Ericsson 為你的F3車隊贏得幾場比賽? KR: He clinched two wins. Kimi:2場 Correct 正確 Q: You won the Formula Renault series in 2000. Can you remember by how many points? 2000年你贏得雷諾方程式系列賽. 你記得贏幾分嗎? KR: 56. Kimi:56分 Correct - Raikkonen scored 316 to Ryan Daziel’s 260. 正確:Kimi得到316分,(第二名的)Ryan Daziel得到260分 Q: You’re a fan of Finnish ice hockey team, the Espoo Blues. During the 07/08 season they set a new team record. What was it? 你是芬蘭冰上曲棍球隊Espoo Blues的球迷.07/08賽季他們創了一個新的球隊紀錄. 你知道是什麼嗎? KR: 12 wins in a row. Kimi:連贏12場 Correct 正確 Q: On your Formula One debut at the 2001 Australian Grand Prix, you crossed the line seventh but were classified sixth. Why? 在你的F1處女秀-2001年澳洲站中,你是第七個衝線的,但卻獲得第六名,為什麼? KR: Wasn’t it Panis who got a time penalty? Kimi:不是Panis被加時(加罰秒數)嗎? Correct - following the race, BAR’s Olivier Panis was handed a 25-second time penalty for a yellow flag infringement. 正確:Panis在黃旗之下違規被加罰25秒 Q: Why was the 2003 European Grand Prix at the Nurburgring so special for you? 為什麼2003年在Nurburgring的歐洲站對你而言很特別? KR: My first pole position. Kimi:我的第一個杆位 Correct 正確 Q: How many world rally championship events has Marcus Gronholm won? Marcus Gronholm 贏得幾次拉力冠軍? KR: 25? Kimi:25次嗎? Incorrect - it’s actually 30. 不正確:是30次 Q: If the newspapers are to be believed, who is the only other sportsman to top your earnings? 如果報紙上所說的是真的,收入在你之上的唯一一位運動員是誰? KR: Tiger Woods. Kimi:老虎伍茲 Correct 正確 Q: You made your World Rally Championship debut recently at Rally Finland. Who won the rally last year? 最近你在芬蘭第一次參加世界拉力錦標賽. 去年的冠軍是誰? KR: Loeb Kimi:Loeb Correct - it was Sebastien Loeb and co-driver Daniel Elena. 正確:是Sebastien Loeb 和他的報路員Daniel Elena Q: In 1998 another Raikkonen made headlines in Finland. What for? 1998年,另一位Raikkonen登上了芬蘭的頭條,什麼原因? KR: I think his first name was Ville. But no idea what he did. Kimi:我知道他的名字是Ville,但不知道他是幹麻的? Call us generous but we think that deserves half a point - Ville Raikkonen won a bronze medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics for the sprint event in the Biathlon. 得到半分,Ville Raikkonen 在1998年冬季奧運上獲得一面銅牌 Q: You drove Rally Finland alongside Tommi Makinen's former co-driver Kaj Lindstrom. How many times had Lindstrom previously competed in Rally Finland? 你參加芬蘭拉力賽時的報路員Tommi Makinen的前合作夥伴Kaj Lindstrom,你知道他之 前參加過幾次芬蘭拉力賽嗎? KR: Ten times? Kimi:10次 Correct 正確 Q: In 2008 Finland’s postal service celebrated your world championship by issuing a special sheet of stamps. They were released as part of a series to commemorate the postal service’s birthday, but which birthday? 2008年芬蘭的郵政總局為了慶祝你獲得世界冠軍,發行了特別版的紀念郵票 這版郵票是作為慶祝芬蘭郵政總局生日的一系列的一部分,是慶祝芬蘭郵政多少年呢? KR: I don’t know. Kimi:我不知道 Incorrect - it was the service’s 370th birthday. 不正確:是370年 Q: One of your favourite charities is SOS Children’s Village Finland. In which district did the charity set up its first village back in 1965? 你從事的慈善活動中,SOS兒童村是其中之一. 1965年這個慈善組織在哪個地方成立它的第一個兒童村? KR: In Tapiola. Kimi:在Tapiola Correct 正確 Q: You’re a firm fan of Walz Hardcore motorcycles. How long did it take to build your bespoke Iceman II bike? 你是Walz Hardcore摩托車的鐵桿粉絲.打造你的Iceman二代要花多久時間? KR: I think nobody has the right answer for that. I guess that normally it takes one year, but I got mine in 10 months. Kimi:我想沒有人知道正確的答案.一般來說要一年的時間,但我10個月就拿到 Correct 正確 Q: You have been known to use the pseudonym ‘James Hunt’ when entering non-F1 events. How many Grands Prix did Hunt win during his F1 career? 你經常化名為James Hunt參加非F1賽事. Hunt在他的F1職業生涯中贏得過幾次大獎賽? KR: Ten. Kimi:10次 Correct 正確 Q: You are one of eight Finns to have competed in Formula One racing. How many of the other seven can you name? 你是8名參加過F1的芬蘭人之一. 你能說出其他七個人的名字嗎? KR: Heikki, both Mikas, Keke, JJ, Kinnunen. One is missing, right. I have no idea who that was. Kimi:Heikki, 兩位Mika, Keke, JJ, Kinnunen.還有一個.我不知道他是誰. Correct on six counts - it was indeed Mika Hakkinen, Leo Kinnunen, Heikki Kovalainen, JJ Lehto, Keke Rosberg and Mika Salo. The driver Raikkonen couldn’t remember was Mikko Kozarowitzky. Correct Kimi說對了6個,不記得的那位是Mikko Kozarowitzky Q: You are a keen snowboarder. When did snowboarding become an Olympic sport? 你熱衷於單板滑雪.你知道從何時起單板滑雪成為奧運項目嗎? KR: 1998. Kimi:1998年 Correct 正確 Q: Only one other Finn has raced for Ferrari - Mika Salo. What was his best result for the team? 另一個曾經效力過法拉利車隊的芬蘭人是Mika Salo. 他為法拉利贏得的最好成績是? KR: Second in Hockenheim in ’99. 1999年Hockenheim第二名 Correct - at the German Grand Prix, deputising for Michael Schumacher. 正確:當時代替大舒出賽 Q: You have set the fastest race lap an amazing 35 times during your F1 career. Only two men have bettered that total. Can you name them? 在你的F1生涯中,你拿了35次最快單圈. 只有兩個人在你之上. 他們的名字是? KR: Michael and Prost. Kimi:Michael和Prost Correct - Michael Schumacher (76) and Alain Prost (41). 正確:Michael有76個, Prost有41個 Final score: 22.5 points from a possible 28 成績22.5分 滿分28分 Ask the Expert rating: 80% 得分:80% -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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推~~~ 大王m~
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