[轉錄][轉錄] 海地----Samuel Dalembert 的使命

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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: willyt (優質ㄌㄔ世界一流) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [轉錄] 海地----Samuel Dalembert 的使命 時間: Sat Jan 16 22:03:25 2010 ※ [本文轉錄自 Sixers 看板] http://youtu.be/cQRrDGVPidk
海地一哥 Dalembert Mix 作者: KevinMartin (馬丁) 看板: Sixers 標題: [外電] 時間: Sat Jan 16 12:31:07 2010 http://0rz.tw/13sqj PHILADELPHIA – They were bouncing on one of those narrow dirt roads, pushing out of the cluttered downtown of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and out to the central plateau, the poorest part of the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The Philadelphia 76ers’ Sam Dalembert traveled home to Haiti over the summer to scout a location for a children’s academy on the outskirts of the city. 去年暑假 他們穿越最髒亂的街道 , 來到這裡尋找那些適合當地小孩學習的環境 這裡是北半球最落後的國家 也是七六人先發中鋒Sam Dalembert的故鄉 This was the country where Dalembert walked barefoot as a boy, where his grandmother used to invite his starving, homeless friends for a scrap of food and a night’s sleep on sheets strewn on the floor. This is the most improbable birthing place of an NBA millionaire, the against-all-odds story in a sport where those sprout off trees. Dalembert跟他的親朋好友從小常常在這裡吃著奶奶招待的飯菜 他們常常打著赤腳上街 , 並且在街上席地而睡 這裡看上去是最不可能培養出NBA明星的地方 A mayor had delivered Dalembert a plot of land for the construction, and the Samuel Dalembert Foundation and a non-profit partner, Mediashare, intended to soon commission an architect to make plans. He wanted it to be a place where the most determined, driven children could aspire to come to take academic and art classes and play sports. Here, there were no roads. No irrigation. People traveled miles to reach drinkable water. Dalembert didn’t return to be a savior, just a loyal Haitian son. 市長把土地計畫拿給Dalembert , Dalembert跟他的夥伴Mediashare 打算把這一塊區域建造成一個孩子們能夠接受教育並且培養人文氣息 還有發展運動天份的地方 這裡是個荒無之地 人們要通過一英哩路程才能找到飲用水 Dalembert在這裡不是救世主 他還保有海地小孩的那份赤子之心 “I know I can’t save the world,” Dalembert said late Wednesday in a private moment. “I know I can’t save my country. Dalembert: " 我知道我不能拯救世界 , 我知道憑我救不了整個國家" “But I thought I could save some kids there. …I thought I could give some hope, where there really isn’t any.” "但我知道我能拯救這裡的一些孩子 ,我知道我能給他們一些希望 一些他們爭取不到的" Dalembert’s friend Emmanuel was of Haitian descent, but had never visited the island of his ancestors. Apparently, this reaction comes with everyone who visits Haiti. No one is ever prepared for what they witness. How could somewhere so close to the United States be so impoverished, so third-world? Over the summer, Emmanuel walked the neighborhood in Port-au-Prince where Dalembert lived as a child, and his eyes grew wide with the poverty, the hunger, the sickness. Dalembert的朋友 Emmanuel 也有著海地血統 但是從沒拜訪過他的出生地 顯然的 , 大家沒親眼見過 都不相信離美國這麼近的海地會是這麼落後的第三世界國家 今年暑假 Emmanuel跟 Dalembert一起拜訪了海地 所到之處 盡是貧窮 , 飢餓 , 跟疾病 Who could survive this? Who could go to a fine American university, make it to the first round of the NBA draft, to an eventual $64 million contract? 誰能拯救這裡? 誰會成為這裡出生的第一位NBA球員? Beyond the streets of Port-au-Prince, all the way out to the central plateau, Emmanuel kept asking: “Sam, how did you ever get out of here?” Emmanuel忍不住問 Dalembert "你是怎麼逃離這裡的?" Here Dalembert was, 28 years old, and that question washed over him with this odd mix of wonderment and confusion, of gratitude and guilt. 聽到這個問題 Dalembert百感交集 有疑問 有混亂 有感激 也有慚愧 “And it made me think … why me?” Dalembert said. “Of all the people … why me? All these countries in the world where they play basketball, where they produce players and this skinny boy from Haiti… Dalembert "這讓我想到......為什麼是我這麼幸運?" 在這個籃球盛行的國度 在這個出產Dalembert這樣饑瘦男孩的國度 “Why me?” 為什麼Dalembert會這麼幸運過著這麼好的NBA生活? He was almost sheepish retelling the story, because it seems silly to ask now. Why him? Well, now Sam Dalembert knows. For this earthquake, this devastation, has sobered him in a way nothing else ever could. Why did he get out, and make it big? Because they would need him now, because they need everyone. He’s never been so sure of anything. 這有點讓Dalembert難以啟齒 但他現在懂了 海地大地震讓他清醒了一切 為什麼是Dalembert? 因為他必須爲海地受難的人發聲 他必須當那個人 This had been the most tortured, cruelest day of Dalembert’s life. He wanted to charter a flight to Port-au-Prince, but it wasn’t possible. His family has mostly moved to the United States through the years, but there are still so many relatives, so many friends. He used his platform to tell the story of Haiti, and he did an endless run of interviews and pleaded for support. In something of a daze, Dalembert played in the Sixers’ 93-92 loss to the New York Knicks and delivered 12 points and 21 rebounds. 他曾經想切割 但是他知道這是不可能的 雖然他舉家搬到美國了 但在海地他依然有親戚朋友 他用他的地位來幫海地發聲 請求大家幫幫他的故鄉 The game had been over an hour now, and Dalembert had slipped on an “NBA Cares” gold shirt to tape a public service announcement in a side room of the Wachovia Center. When tragedy hits, the NBA is good this way. It had Yao Ming(notes) tape a message when an earthquake hit China, and now the league wanted Dalembert to do it for Haiti. Within hours, the PSA will play everywhere. It will reach the corners of the globe, and in a lot of places, for a lot of people, Sam Dalembert will be the face, the voice, of his anguished, suffering people. Hundreds of thousands could be dead in Haiti, and millions more will need help for sheer survival. 像姚明之於四川大地震一樣 Dalembert扮演著類似的角色 這是NBA 推行慈善活動好的地方 有一個明顯的球員當發聲筒 大家能很快知道他的國家需要什麼幫忙 成千人的死亡 百萬人需要救援 這就是海地的現況 “We’re tough people at heart,” he said. “We deal with things the best we can. These people, they don’t do anything to deserve this.” Dalembert說 "這是十萬火急的狀況....我們儘可能提供該有的協助給這些難民" Dalembert left Haiti for Montreal at 14, moved to New Jersey to play high school basketball and ended up earning a scholarship to Seton Hall. His parents and siblings live in Florida, where his grandmother is desperate to know if her old family and friends survived, if anything, or anyone, in their old neighborhood isn’t buried in the rubble. Dalembert 14歲離開海地 來到New Jersey打高中籃球 他的雙親 跟 兄弟姊妹都住在Florida 現在他的奶奶最想知道的是 故鄉海地那些親朋好友是否安好? 祈禱他們沒有被埋在瓦礫堆了 As a young boy in Port-au-Prince, Dalembert grew too fast to stay in shoes. Those feet blew through them, and so he would walk barefoot through jagged streets. He thinks about his grandmother, his parents, about the value they placed on education, about possibilities, and how they gave him a reason to dream even when such despair surrounded him. Dalembert在青少年時期長的太快 使他穿部下他的鞋子 所以他必須赤腳在街上行走 他想起他的奶奶 , 他的父母 給他在籃球路上 , 在學習上的支持 讓他能在被大家質疑時還能走的過來 Throughout his childhood, there was something he always told his friends that made them laugh. Through the pain, he smiled for a moment on Wednesday night and remembered the way they roared at that goofy, gangly kid stumbling with those floppy feet when he’d tell them, “One of these days, I’m going to fit myself into a suitcase, go onto one of those planes, get out of the country and have a better life.” 回憶他的童年 其實是被其他小孩嘲笑長大的 他們喜歡欺負這個瘦長 看起來軟軟的大個 但Dalembert 現在能一笑置之了 對能個他曾經很想逃離的環境一笑置之 As much as he wanted something more, it still resonates within him that he never, ever thought they had it so bad there. “You would get used it,” Dalembert said. “You can be in a worse place, but have good people around you. You just think this is the way people live until you come to America and go to the market and the chicken is clean over here.” 但他沒有後悔 Dalembert說 "我不後悔經歷過那些 我出生的環境很遭 但是週遭的親人對我很好 那是我生命中的一部分" Dalembert didn’t have much in Port-au-Prince, but he always felt like he had a little more. As he rapidly grew, he passed his clothes to friends and watched as they proudly marched around with baggy shirts and pants. “We didn ’t think there was anything wrong. …We thought, we have … life. Dalembert在海地的生活並不優渥 但是他會把自己穿不下的衣服分給朋友穿 Dalembert說 "我想我們什麼都沒有..........我們也沒做錯什麼 只是窮而已 , 但是我們還是要有骨氣的生活 " “We were grateful we weren’t sick. We were able to eat at least one meal a day. As long as we have each other, as long as we were there for each other, that was enough.” "我們感謝上天沒讓我們生大病.....每天至少還能吃一餐 只要大家生活在一起一天 , 大家就願意互相扶持一起生活 這樣我就很滿足了 " Dalembert has never been a photo-op do-gooder. He has always been there for the long haul, when the cameras aren’t there to record his every good deed. To say that Dalembert has always honored the most humble of beginnings with remarkable generosity is true, but sometimes his professional behavior could be less noble. He has grumbled about wanting trades. He has complained about his minutes, his role – all typical NBA frustrations. Dalembert played the part of the prima donna for the Canadian Olympic team, and they parted ways before the team ever left for the Beijing Games in 2008. Dalembert不是個喜歡作秀找攝影機來拍自己做好事的人 他總是長期謙遜的投入慈善事業 並且展現他慷慨的一面 但在場上是另一回事 他抱怨著上場時間不夠 , 想被交易 他曾加盟過加拿大國家隊 但最後也退出了 總之他場上的生活並非十分如意 He didn’t try to defend himself and says simply now, “This summer, I finally tried to realize that it doesn’t do me any good anymore to point fingers at anyone when something doesn’t go right.” It was something about that trip back to Haiti, that question that was raised with his buddy Emmanuel that stayed with him. 他不再避談這些問題 Dalembert 說 "這個暑假 , 我想了很久......覺得一直抱怨對我沒什麼好處 也對別人造成傷害...... " 想起前文他的好友Emmanuel問他的問題讓他思考的那句話嗎? Why him? For too long, it dogged him. As he has promised his friends, he had slipped himself into that suitcase, flown away and made an incredible life. All that, so he could come back again and again. 為什麼是Dalembert? 這個一直困擾著 Dalembert的問題 從他相信朋友投奔到美國打拼的那一刻開始 他知道他有一天會回來 Now, Dalembert desperately wants to get on a plane, and get over there, and that’ll happen eventually. For now, he’s going to be the face, the voice, of Haiti for millions of people, because his feet grew too fast to find shoes, his legs too long to wear his daddy’s old pants. Someday, he’s sure he’s going to build that children’s center, but now his mind, his heart, is on the short-term survival of his people: food, medicine and shelter. 現在 他急切的想要飛奔回故鄉 現在開始 他將要擔任起那個爲家園百萬難民發聲的人 他要蓋兒童中心 但是當務之急 是怎樣籌到這次大地震需要的物資跟救援 It was 10:15 p.m. on Wednesday, in this quiet room in the Wachovia Center, and Dalembert still had so much frustration about why this quake had to happen to a place, to a people, that never, ever stop suffering. Now, they dig them out of rubble, tens of thousands dead and a loyal son of Haiti watched from far away like everyone else. Why were they buried, and why was he an NBA millionaire? The answer will probably always confound him on some level, but this was too long of a day and night for guilt, for that question that chased him over the summer when he tried to make sense of it all amid the poorest of the poor in our part of the world. 現在 海地地震亡者的屍體一具一具被挖出來 Dalembert一直慚愧的想著 "為什麼地震要來 ? 為什麼要發生在我的家鄉 為什麼大家在受苦時我還能在這裡享受著領著百萬年薪的NBA生活!? " 這是長久以來在他心中的問題一次爆發出來 當他思考著命運之神的捉弄時 Why him? "爲什麼是我?" Now, he knows. 現在他懂了 Nothing’s ever been so clear. 一切都明白了 “I know what I have to do now,” Samuel Dalembert(notes) said. “I know why I ’m here.” "我現在知道了, 我要盡力去請求幫忙 這就是我存在的理由" 身為海地的NBA代表 , Dalembert終於領悟了 == Dalembert的基金會 http://www.dalembertfoundation.org/index.html 希望大家有小錢的可以透過紅十字會或相關捐助給海地難民 雖然是大家陌生的國度 但是愛是不分國界的 也希望這篇外電能給我們多一點啟發 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: KevinMartin 來自: (01/16 12:39) ※ RonArtest93:轉錄至看板 NBA 01/16 12:40

01/16 14:46,
01/16 14:46

01/16 14:46,
God Bless Haiti
01/16 14:46

01/16 15:53,
01/16 15:53

01/16 16:03,
我推薦世界展望會, 他們在當地有駐地單位
01/16 16:03

01/16 16:37,
大推 天佑海地
01/16 16:37

01/16 16:51,
http://www.cnn.com/impact 網頁下方有CNN"背書"的慈善機構
01/16 16:51

01/16 18:53,
01/16 18:53

01/16 19:17,
推 Dalembert加油 海地加油
01/16 19:17
-- Tell me what you think about your friends at the top. Who'd you think besides yourself's the pick of the crop? Buddha, was he where it's at? Is he where you are? Could Mohammed move a mountain, or was that just PR? -- Superstar, Jesus Christ Superstar. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (01/16 22:04)

01/16 22:04,
01/16 22:04

01/16 22:04,
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01/16 22:07,
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01/16 22:07,
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01/16 22:08,
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01/16 22:09,
Dalembert on Sportcenter
01/16 22:09

01/16 22:09,
01/16 22:09

01/16 22:12,
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01/16 22:12,
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01/16 22:13,
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01/16 22:13,
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01/16 22:15,
01/16 22:15

01/16 22:15,
簽肥約 打那什麼球 擺爛
01/16 22:15

01/16 22:16,
01/16 22:16

01/16 22:17,
希望苦痛趕快過去幸福快點降臨 2F你眼睛放在哪裡
01/16 22:17

01/16 22:18,
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01/16 22:18,
01/16 22:18

01/16 22:19,
01/16 22:19

01/16 22:24,
01/16 22:24

01/16 22:52,
前太陽隊的Raja Bell也是海地人
01/16 22:52

01/16 23:04,
海地推 不過大攬伯不是加拿大國籍嗎?
01/16 23:04

01/16 23:28,
01/16 23:28

01/16 23:35,
01/16 23:35

01/16 23:37,
01/16 23:37

01/16 23:37,
Raja Bell:我是美屬維京群島人啦! Orz|||
01/16 23:37

01/17 00:25,
最近明明就打得不錯 撥接喔?
01/17 00:25

01/17 00:59,
01/17 00:59
-- http://blog.yam.com/tzaralin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/18 15:57, , 1F
01/18 15:57, 1F
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