[法國] 關於葡萄牙的大絕XD

看板FFF作者 (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)時間18年前 (2006/07/05 20:36), 編輯推噓2(200)
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http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=373291&cc=4716 Domenech unconcerned by Portugal's 'diving' France coach Raymond Domenech tried to soften the tone ahead of tonight's World Cup semi-final with Portugal after defender William Gallas had predicted Luiz Felipe Scolari's side would use every trick in the book against Les Bleus. 占星師要出來緩和一下大戰之前的緊張氣氛XD 因為之前記者會上加拉斯說葡萄牙一定會用各種小伎倆來算計法國 Gallas warned that the Portuguese would try to 'destabilise' France with 'little fouls' and 'diving' but Domenech avoided any provocative comments about the Portuguese when he took the microphone after the Chelsea defender had finished speaking. 加拉斯警告大家 葡萄牙會使用犯規假摔等伎倆來擾亂法國 占星師接過麥克風之後趕緊為加拉斯緩頰 Asked about Gallas' remarks, Domenech said: 'Portugal can play well, they will cause us problems technically, tactically and physically. 當被問到關於加拉斯的言論時 占星師說:"葡萄牙也能踢的很好 他們可以利用技巧 戰術和體能來位我們製造麻煩" 'They have shown they are a good team because they have reached the semi-finals, it would be wrong to dismiss them in that way.' "他們打入了四強 顯示了他們是一隻強隊 這樣否定他們是不對的" Domenech, who was France's Under-21 coach when Les Bleus won the 1998 World Cup, continued: 'We are ready for the semi-final, we are feeling exceptionally well.' 占星師在98年法國奪冠時還是U21的教練 他說:"我們已經為半決賽做好準備 感覺很棒" Repeating what has become a regular phrase at his press conferences in Germany, Domenech said: 'Our objective remains July 9 (the day of the final) but to get to July 9 we must be better still because Portugal did not get to the semi-final by accident.' 他又說了一次在德國開賽前記者會時常說的話:"我們的目標是7月9日的決賽 為了達到這個目標我們要繼續努力 因為葡萄牙打進四強決非偶然" Domenech is expected to stick with the same team that has beaten Spain in the last 16 and outgoing champions Brazil in the quarter-finals. 一般預料他將會派出和前兩戰相同的陣容 However, six French players - including five starters - go into the match knowing a booking would rule them out of the final were France to get there. 但是陣中六位球員身上都有一張黃牌 其中五個是先發 若是在與葡萄牙的比賽中吃牌 將會無緣決賽 The five starters walking the disciplinary tightrope are Zinedine Zidane, Patrick Vieira, Willy Sagnol, Franck Ribery and Lilian Thuram, while substitute Louis Saha will also be at risk if he gets involved against the Portuguese. 這五位如履薄冰的球員包括 Zidane Vieira Sagnol Ribery Thuram 如果Saha替補上陣的話 也會有吃牌的風險 'We won't be talking about the final before the semi-final,' said Domenech. 'But the match with Portugal could help us reach our July 9 objective.' 占星師說:"在半決賽之前我不想討論決賽的事 但這場比賽是決定我們能否參加 7月9號決賽的關鍵" Domenech continued: 'We will only know what will happen when the match gets underway. They will cause us problems and we will cause them some problems as well. It's the team that deals with it best that will end up winning the match.' 他說:"直到比賽開始之前我們都不會知道事情將如何發展 兩隊都會給對方帶來麻煩 而誰能解決這些麻煩 誰就會是最後的贏家" Domenech admitted he had to work hard to get his players up for another big match after the win against Brazil, saying: 'It's the same for all the coaches. 占星師承認讓隊員們在與巴西比賽之後再做好惡戰的準備並不容易 他說:"每個教練遇到這種情況皆是如此" 'You have to try to prepare the team as quickly as possible.' "你必須儘快讓隊伍做好準備" 不知道大家怎麼認為 我是覺得加拉斯太中肯了XD 對方可是同時擁有老牌影帝與新科影帝耶 好險我們都是老頭 應該比較不會暴走(?) -- 話說今天在分生所閱覽室看到主場蚊香體 #10 Zidane耶 是不是板友啊 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/06 01:01, , 1F
07/06 01:01, 1F

07/06 03:55, , 2F
07/06 03:55, 2F
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