Re: [閒聊] 值得借鏡?φ(._. )>

看板FAPL作者 (工口)時間7年前 (2017/07/24 00:00), 編輯推噓18(18014)
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在惹毛對岸政府後,切爾西深知大事不妙了,第二次公開道歉 而且還是中英對照的鄭重道歉 Chelsea Football Club apology to Chinese people for player’s offensive social media posts 切爾西俱樂部就其其他球員社交媒體上粗魯內容向中國人民的致歉書 NEWS SUN 23 JUL 2017 On July 22nd, Chelsea Football Club experienced the warmth and friendliness of Chinese fans at the National Stadium. However, we were surprised and disappointed that one day prior to the match, one of our young players, Kenedy, posted messages on his social media account that caused great offence and hurt the feelings of the people of China. 7月22日,我俱樂部到貴國國家體育場比賽,感受了中國球迷們的熱情與友好。但令人十 分意外和失望的是,比賽前一日我俱樂部年輕球員肯尼迪在自己的社交網上發表了十分粗 魯且傷害中國人民感情的文字。 Unfortunately, even though he quickly deleted the messages and apologised, and the club also apologised via our Chinese social media channels, the damage had already been done. Chelsea Football Club once again solemnly and sincerely apologises. 肯尼迪的錯誤行為雖已被立即制止,並表示了道歉,俱樂部也通過我中國官方渠道道歉, 但此舉已傷害了廣大中國球迷的感情,破壞了交流氣氛,造成了惡劣影響。為此,我俱樂 部再次鄭重和誠懇地致歉。 Kenedy’s actions were a mistake that he will learn greatly from. His behaviour does not represent the entire team and does not align with the club ’s high expectations and strict requirements of its young players. He has been strongly reprimanded and disciplined. 肯尼迪的行為是一個嚴重的錯誤,他將從中汲取深刻的教訓。肯尼迪的行為不代表整個球 隊,也有失我俱樂部對球員高格要求的期待。對年輕球員這種缺失教養的行為,我俱樂部 承擔管教責任,也不會容忍這種行為的存在,俱樂部將對當事人作出嚴肅處罰。 Everyone at Chelsea Football Club has the utmost respect and admiration for China and loves our Chinese fans. It is because of this that the negative impact we have seen over the last two days has left us shocked and saddened. Once again, we sincerely apologise for the hurt caused to our Chinese fans as well as to the Chinese people. 切爾西對中國有崇高的敬意,熱愛中國,熱愛中國球迷。這種粗魯所引起的惡劣影響,令 切爾西俱樂部非常震驚,十分痛心。切爾西俱樂部就球員此次行為對中國球迷,中國人民 造成的傷害再次表示深深歉意。 The match was a great cultural exchange event between China and Britain and the club is extremely grateful to China for its hospitality, which has brought us closer together in friendship. We very much hope to build on our strong relationship with our Chinese fans and friends, joining hands firmly with China in future for further cooperation 此次球賽是中英球界及文化交流的盛事,我俱樂部十分重視,也感激中方的盛情安排,讓 我們彼此加強了解,增添友誼。我們希望能與中國球迷朋友進行廣泛的交流,與中國的體 育界有更多的合作,以推動中英友誼的更好發展。 We offer this apology with utmost sincerity. We have listened carefully to the criticism and will use the lessons learnt over the last two days to improve our processes in future. 我們再次最誠摯地道歉,我們願意聽取和接受你們的批評,並視其為促進我俱樂部職業精 神提升的治本藥方! -- 估計大概罰款幾萬英鎊外加禁賽幾場了事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/24 00:40, , 1F
07/24 00:40, 1F

07/24 00:44, , 2F
07/24 00:44, 2F

07/24 00:56, , 3F
07/24 00:56, 3F

07/24 02:01, , 4F
07/24 02:01, 4F

07/24 07:33, , 5F
07/24 07:33, 5F

07/24 07:43, , 6F
07/24 07:43, 6F

07/24 09:40, , 7F
07/24 09:40, 7F

07/24 10:21, , 8F
07/24 10:21, 8F

07/24 10:43, , 9F
這真的很蠢 感覺只會踼球
07/24 10:43, 9F

07/24 11:57, , 10F
07/24 11:57, 10F

07/24 12:55, , 11F
07/24 12:55, 11F

07/24 12:56, , 12F
07/24 12:56, 12F

07/24 12:56, , 13F
07/24 12:56, 13F

07/24 12:57, , 14F
上一場沒多少人知道吧 法布倒是被噓滿大聲的
07/24 12:57, 14F

07/24 14:29, , 15F
07/24 14:29, 15F

07/24 14:32, , 16F
中國人玻璃心 哀 反正他想來中超還不適會乖乖買他
07/24 14:32, 16F

07/24 14:33, , 17F
這篇幫中國說話太多了 我是切爾西我挺到底 玻璃心啊
07/24 14:33, 17F

07/24 15:26, , 18F
玻璃心一回事 公眾人物就要注意言行 特別內容提及國
07/24 15:26, 18F

07/24 15:27, , 19F
07/24 15:27, 19F

07/24 15:28, , 20F
家 用詞好一點不會喔? 也不是挺國家或車車的問題
07/24 15:28, 20F

07/24 15:29, , 21F
07/24 15:29, 21F

07/24 18:36, , 22F
護航的會不會也是沒帶X,如果Kenedy說的是台灣呢 XD
07/24 18:36, 22F

07/24 18:46, , 23F
07/24 18:46, 23F

07/24 18:54, , 24F
07/24 18:54, 24F

07/24 19:10, , 25F
跟那ID不用太認真 知道他在其他版發瘋的事蹟就無所謂
07/24 19:10, 25F

07/24 19:10, , 26F
好笑了是超級反中反韓 結果在PTT取不到溫暖只好去百度
07/24 19:10, 26F

07/24 19:11, , 27F
07/24 19:11, 27F

07/24 19:26, , 28F
07/24 19:26, 28F

07/24 23:21, , 29F
07/24 23:21, 29F

07/24 23:50, , 30F
笑死 果然提到中國大家腦袋都能轉彎了 這種行為還能罵
07/24 23:50, 30F

07/24 23:50, , 31F
07/24 23:50, 31F

07/25 04:04, , 32F
也沒幾個人罵吧 就球員白目帶塞球隊 我車QQ
07/25 04:04, 32F
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