Re: Long Way Around

看板EwanMcgregor作者 (窮...)時間20年前 (2004/03/16 03:58), 編輯推噓3(300)
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喔啊啊啊啊阿 本人膽量小,光是看這篇文章就兩腿發抖了 @@ 親愛的Ewan你可真得要保重啊~~ 大家等著你平安回來,好興奮地跟我們講你的冒險旅程啊~>o< 以下報導來自英國星期天郵報(Sunday Mail) 方便各位閱讀,我大概翻譯一下,大意而已,做個參考 full_siteid=86024_headline=-BE-AFRAID-name_page.html BE AFRAID Ewan insured for £20m on epic bike trip By Toby Mcdonald 英國特派記者 麥當勞報導 EWAN MCGREGOR will be insured for £20million when he goes on a daredevil motorbike ride through some of the world's troublespots. Film-makers behind the epic trip have taken out the cover on the intrepid star in case of accidents, terrorism, and kidnapping. 一萬麥克雞 為他即將啟程的冒險旅程投保兩千萬英鎊。 為預防意外,恐怖主義,以及綁架, 旅程背後的製片公司已經為這位無畏的明星做了保險 But he could face other dangers when he visits countries such as Mongolia where guests land in trouble if they do not drink as much vodka as their hosts. 但在他拜訪各個國家時還是有可能遇到其他的危險。 例如在蒙古,如果客人喝的伏特加沒有主人多,他可能就會遇上麻煩。 McGregor and actor pal Charley Boorman who he met on the set of 1996 film The Serpent's Kiss are heading for turbulent former Soviet republics on their 20,000 mile bike journey. 麥克雞與他在1996年拍攝The Serpent's Kiss時認識的演員朋友查理布爾門 在這趟兩萬哩的越野機車旅程中,將前往混亂的前蘇聯共和國 A spokesman for the production company behind the film, Image Wizard TV, said: 'There is a lot of money riding on their safety.' 製作公司Image Wizard TV的發言人表示, 已經投下許多金錢以確保他們的安全 The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises British travellers to avoid parts of eastern Europe and Asia. 政府建議英國旅客避免東歐與東亞的某些區域 *註:我猜測那是英國政府的某單位 And Luke March, a lecturer in Soviet and Post Soviet Politics at Edinburgh University, warned: 'The further you get out the cities in Kazakhstan and Siberia there's a lack of protection. If something did happen you're very much on your own. 此外,愛丁保大學的蘇聯政治學者 路克三月 也警告: 只要離開哈撒克與西伯利亞的大城越遠,所能獲得的保護就越少。 如果發生什麼事就只能靠自己了。 'If you look like a foreigner you can get unwanted attention police and traffic cops will pull you over for nothing and create fines. 如果你長得像外國人,警察跟交通指揮就會來找你麻煩,隨便亂開罰單 'There's a lot of corruption. The biggest problem they will have will be the roads. Lots of people get killed in the Ukraine because of the lack of lighting and drink driving.' 那裡的貪污非常嚴重。最大的麻煩還是在路上。 在烏克蘭,很多人因為缺乏照明與酒醉駕車而喪命 McGregor and Boorman will be alone on their epic three-month trip, although a backup team will monitor their every move. 麥克雞與布爾門將會單獨踏上他們歷時三個月的旅程, 不過會有後援小組監視著他們的所有行動 McGregor, who has previously crossed America on a Harley Davidson, is determined to enjoy the trip. 曾經騎著哈雷穿越美國大陸的麥克雞,堅持要好好享受這次的旅程 He said: 'There are a lot of 'what ifs' in life which stop you doing stuff.' 他說, 人生中總有很多的「萬一」會讓你躊躇不前 The pair's progress will be watched from a London office and they will be shadowed from a distance by a team of security and medical experts. 這對哥倆好的行程會有人在倫敦的辦公室監視著, 而在一段距離外還有一組安全與醫療專家尾隨 Their BMW bikes will be fitted with global satellite positioning equipment accurate to within 50feet. 他們的BMW機車會配備衛星導航,準確度在50英呎內 Image Wizard TV said: 'We'll be getting feedback from wherever they are. It is imperative their exact location can be pinpointed to a few metres in case of an emergency. 製作公司表示:不管他們在哪裡我們都會收到回應, 萬一有緊急狀況,能夠準確地找到他們的位置是非常重要的 註:可是衛星是裝在機車上吧....阿人勒? >_< 'They have been having a lot of training, which has been carefully set up over the last couple of months.' 過去幾個月來,他們一直在接受許多相關的訓練 McGregor will travel through Europe, Poland, Slovakia, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Siberia, Alaska and Canada before arriving in the United States. The epic trip called Long Way Round will be filmed on hand-held cameras for 10 one-hour programmes to be shown in the UK, Australia and US. There is also a £1million book deal. 麥克雞即將經過歐洲,波蘭,斯洛伐克,烏克蘭,哈撒克,蒙古,西伯利亞, 阿拉斯加,加拿大,最後抵達美國。 這趟史詩般的旅程稱做 Long Way Round,將以手持攝影機拍攝成10集各長一小時的 節目,並且在英國,澳洲,美國播出。 此外還有一紙百萬英鎊的合約(書) Foreign Office advice for the regions they plan to visit states: 'There is a high threat from domestic terrorism in Russia, with suicide attacks in public places in Moscow. 政府針對他們即將造訪的國家有以下建議: 俄國境內有非常嚴重的恐怖行動威脅,包括莫斯科市內公共場合的自殺攻擊 'Kidnapping is common and Westerners are particularly vulnerable. 綁架時常發生,尤其是西方人特別危險 'In Kazakhstan, tuberculosis is widespread, typhoid is on the increase and there have been outbreaks of Hepatitis A and brucellosis. 在哈撒克,肺結核,傷寒,A型肝炎及布氏桿菌症的疫情均相當嚴重 註:布氏桿菌症好像是類似痢疾的一種 'Fatal road accidents occur frequently in Mongolia. Even in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, only basic healthcare is available and medicines are scarce.' 在蒙古,致命的道路意外時常發生。 即使在首都,也只有基本的醫療,醫藥相當缺乏 Trainspotting star McGregor earns more than £5million a movie. The success of films such as Moulin Rouge and Star Wars has seen his power soar. 猜火車的那顆星星麥克雞每部電影可以賺至少五百萬英鎊。 成功的電影如紅磨坊與星球大戰等使他名氣大增 註:簡單的說,你是神經病嗎?! The insurance company have insisted the star's risks from terrorism and kidnapping be minimised. 保險公司堅持要減少這顆星星遭遇恐怖攻擊與綁架的風險。 An insider said: 'McGregor's personal insurance against loss of life or personal injury is a minimum of £20million. A lot of money has been spent so far. 內線消息表示:麥克雞本人的人壽及傷害險賠償金額是從兩千萬英鎊起跳。 目前為止已經花了很多錢。 'The project rests on the safety of Ewan, who is executive producer.' 整個計畫都仰賴在 一萬 本身的安全,他同時是這個節目的執行製作。 Boyd Harvey at Media Insurance, who are covering the project, added: 'It's an unusual production. 保險公司的哈維先生補充:這是一個不尋常的製作。 'Underwriters will impose terms where they think the risk lies, whether you are covering the bikes, people, or equipment. There are specialist insurance companies for the different risk involved in this particular production.' 保險人員會針對人,車,以及設備所可能遭遇的危險訂立條款。 在此特別的製作中,有各種專門的保險公司負責不同的風險 McGregor and Boorman start their trip in April. They will arrive at their final destination, New York, in July, having taken only one train, plane and boat to get them across the seas. 麥克雞與布爾門將在四月展開他們的旅程。 他們會在七月底達終點站紐約,其間只搭乘一班火車,飛機,與船來跨越海洋 The pair have been training for the trip for the last few months by learning advanced survival skills such as self-defence, advanced first aid and hostile environment training from former UK Special Forces Soldiers. 這對哥倆寶過去幾個月都在為這趟旅程接受訓練,包括自衛術,急救術等求生計能 並向前英國特種部隊軍人學習應付敵意環境 註:隨便翻翻,隨便看看 >_< They will be riding all-terrain BMW R1150 GS Adventure motorbikes. The 1130cc engines and extra large fuel tanks give them a range of 300 miles. 他們將騎乘 BMW R1150 GS Adventure 越野機車。 1130cc的引擎加上特大油箱可行駛三百英哩 They even have heated hand grips to deal with the extreme cold. 他們甚至配備可加溫的手把,以應付嚴寒 ------------------------------------------------------------- 結論:真的是敗給麥克雞先生了.....(倒) 不負責翻譯 by 喜歡吃摩斯漢堡的版主 J -- 光速逃~~ -- 你死了你!!! 現在都了~~~你還在打B???? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcyl 來自: (03/15 22:16)

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