[Intr] This is Celia, nice to meet you all!

看板EngTalk作者 (Celia)時間11年前 (2012/12/17 22:45), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Name: Celia Birthday: 10/23, people always ask me if I'm a Libra or a Scorpio! I'm not familiar with constellations, but I think I tend to be more like a Libra :) Hobbies: I love watching Japanese animations and occidental TV series, like CSI or Sherlock (that's FANTASTIC! Cannot wait for season 3rd!); I also spend a lot of time on comics and many kinds of novels. Occupation: (if you are a student, where/what you are studying) I'm a graduate student preparing the oral defense in Tainan, and will go to UK to pursue another master degree in 2013. How long have you been learning English? Wow, such a long time! From the third year in elementary, as many other students in Taiwan, until now! What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? Actually I do HATE english until these few years! Haha! Since my Eng. scores in high school always not good. Finally I realize that I need to fall in love with it, and ... I did, that's why I'm here, ha! I enjoy chatting, and with foreigners, English would be the only choice. Any tips about learning English? TV series could help a lot, but don't load the subtitle! And chatting, too, I guess so. Oh, I forget it at first but I think it's worth to mention, the TED speeches is very recommendable! You can watch it from youtube or apps, that could help you to become familiar with differnt accents and topics! Any other information about yourself? Again, I LOVE chatting!(xD) So it is wellcome to chating with me, and I'd glad to be friends with you :) However, since my oral defense is coming soon (so nervous about that!), this month I would be busier than usual, so maybe I would reply slower, but I will try to respond ASAP! :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: celia4621 來自: (12/17 22:55)

12/17 23:22, , 1F
don't worry about your oral defense,and you will
12/17 23:22, 1F

12/17 23:22, , 2F
be fine eventually...
12/17 23:22, 2F
※ 編輯: celia4621 來自: (12/19 08:59)

12/19 10:38, , 3F
Thank you! :)
12/19 10:38, 3F
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