[Intr] hello everyone ..but my english is very poor

看板EngTalk作者 (約定下輩子的幸福)時間14年前 (2010/09/18 01:06), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Name: eric lei Nickname: eric Birthday: 4/18 Hobbies: baseball,swim,play on_line game Occupation: (if you are a student, where/what you are studying) I'm now working in hsinchu ..the work as project control with RD and factory How long have you been learning English? I learned english exceed ten years, but i was not often used it for my life What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? I need use english in my work, becasue i'm sometimes must talk english with foreigner, from now on , I would like to practice it(english) every day Any tips about learning English? I will write a letter every day in PPT for my friend and read 20 word in english dictionary Any other information about yourself? I know my english is poor,,but i think i will to promo my english ability.. welcome everyone to point out the mistakes for correct,,thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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