[Ask ] I want to improve my English.But how?

看板EngTalk作者 (Robert)時間13年前 (2010/09/11 21:02), 編輯推噓3(411)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
I'd like to learning English. so I went to Wall Street Institute . But as you know . They're so expensive to me. By the way. I choice five levels lessons. And it will takes me 15 months and 100 thousand dollars. That's crazy. I'm just wondering is this worth it? Is there have someone who can advise me another way to learning English? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/11 22:04, , 1F
fetch a novel and enjoy it.
09/11 22:04, 1F

09/11 22:43, , 2F
learn it throughout your life :>
09/11 22:43, 2F

09/12 00:55, , 3F
maybe "Friends" would give u more advices
09/12 00:55, 3F

09/12 13:55, , 4F
hang out with foreigner, fool around with foreigner
09/12 13:55, 4F

09/13 13:08, , 5F
suck a forign cock
09/13 13:08, 5F

09/17 02:16, , 6F
09/17 02:16, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1CYttbNP (EngTalk)