[Talk] free writing

看板EngTalk作者 (= =")時間14年前 (2009/09/16 18:01), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
So far, we've learned many writing skills, some of which are useful and were put to good use, while others are impractical and put to no use. Among all the knacks I've learned from varied sources, the most unattainable for me is "free writing." Every time I write a story, I just can't refrain from heeding grammar. Probably part of this results from the education I accepted, which puts insurmountable focus on grammatical errors over the body and skeleton of an essay; hence my excessive preoccupation with grammar, I think, is also conducive to my poor English speaking. That is, scarcely a conversation proceeds but I keep aware of the grammar of my speaking, in which case this interrupts my train of thought and further, rather than advances my speaking skill, hinders it. I think some of you guys may run into similar situation-- dealing with various setbacks in learning English. How do you vanquish them, especially the one concerning speaking? cya around~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/18 17:38, , 1F
try to forget about grammar and just read a lot
09/18 17:38, 1F

09/21 14:51, , 2F
build up a virtual dialogue in which you play a doulbe
09/21 14:51, 2F

09/21 14:52, , 3F
role and try to learn how to initiate and respond. Befor
09/21 14:52, 3F

09/21 14:59, , 4F
e long, you would find speaking a lot easier than you fi
09/21 14:59, 4F

09/21 15:00, , 5F
-rst thought.
09/21 15:00, 5F

09/22 15:40, , 6F
thanks, I'll try following these tips~
09/22 15:40, 6F
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