[Mind] casual writing

看板EngTalk作者 (adult)時間16年前 (2008/09/24 19:59), 編輯推噓2(206)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Ever since I learn grammar, I can't but notice the grammatical structure every time I read, much less type. I remember once my teacher teaching SLA told us students that when foreign children learn their mother language, just as when we learn Chinese, scarcely do our parents correct our grammar; we learn all the speaking rules spontaneously. Sometimes deep in my mind I hope that one day I can speak and type whatever I wanna type without taking grammar into consideration. But I can't... somehow grammar, on some level, even retard one's creativity, once my classmate said. I don't know whether this word have some influence on me. But lately it looms in my heart that what it will be like if one day I get rid of all the grammar rules, flush them down the toilet and compose an essay in such way. Will it be a thorough mess? Or it is a thorough mess already XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/25 00:54, , 1F
One of my foreign friends, he's from canada. and he
09/25 00:54, 1F

09/25 00:55, , 2F
told me about my pool speaking to a foreign people
09/25 00:55, 2F

09/25 00:56, , 3F
like to him. he says:"you need to think in English
09/25 00:56, 3F

09/25 00:57, , 4F
when you speak English." To learn Chinese,he says
09/25 00:57, 4F

09/25 00:58, , 5F
that's the same thing. :)
09/25 00:58, 5F

09/25 16:21, , 6F
09/25 16:21, 6F

09/26 11:30, , 7F
Be used to follow the grammar as if u forget it...
09/26 11:30, 7F

09/26 11:34, , 8F
But not skip it... Don't misunstand the suggestions.
09/26 11:34, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #18sYkQvU (EngTalk)