[Talk] the trip to the hospital

看板EngTalk作者時間18年前 (2006/05/19 12:54), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
I went to the hostipal this morning, it's a really special experience for me becuase this is the first time i go to the hospital on my own. maybe it's what "turning 20-year-old" means, which means i have to be more independent.(sigh) my problem is that i have a itch on my both eyes frequently these days. as my eyes itching harder, i knead them harder,too. And it didn't do any good for me. since i can no longer stand on this problem, finally have my registration. after the diagnosis, the doctor found out that i got the conjunctivitis.(sad...) which means i really made my eyes too tired. (sigh again) i wear my contact lenses about 12 hours almost every day, ok ok, i know i'm wrong....>< and by the way, i usually get up at six in the morning and go to bed at two. hahaha fortunately, it hadn't been a big deal now. But i have go back to the hospital again to make sure that every thing is under control. pleace wish me good luck!^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 14:47, , 1F
20 yrs old? U r soooo younggggg. (sighX20)
05/19 14:47, 1F

05/19 17:16, , 2F
good luck!!
05/19 17:16, 2F

05/19 17:47, , 3F
sometimes u need to relax your eyes
05/19 17:47, 3F

05/19 18:24, , 4F
haha..is 20 still too young?Icomplained for my age
05/19 18:24, 4F

05/19 18:35, , 5F
just now
05/19 18:35, 5F

05/21 22:15, , 6F
When you are 30, you will regret other than complain
05/21 22:15, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #14RK-9co (EngTalk)