Re: [單字] 子公司可以叫做Child company嗎已刪文

看板Eng-Class作者 (真‧大天使五八五)時間3年前 (2020/08/28 00:41), 3年前編輯推噓0(000)
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網路查到的 Subsidiary or Child Companies A subsidiary company is a business owned by a parent company. Subsidiary companies are separate legal entities created by the parent company or another party. Subsidiaries are not divisions of the parent company – divisions are incorporated into the parent company and not legally separate. A subsidiary company is sometimes referred to as a daughter or child company to the parent or holding company. A subsidiary company can have controlling interests in its own set of subsidiary companies. In general, companies become subsidiaries when another entity purchases 51 percent of their stock, thereby gaining voting and decision making control. Wholly-owned subsidiaries are 100 percent owned by the parent company. An example would be the Disney Channel, which is wholly owned by The Disney Corporation. ※ 引述《e150275 (High tension)》之銘言: : 如題 : 前幾天在翻譯網付費找了一位英文母語的外國人幫忙翻譯一些商務用的句子 : (對方簡歷是加拿大人) : 其中有個單字是子公司 : 他翻成child company : 可是我上網查都說這個說法是錯的 : 要用subsidiary : (頓時懷疑他是不是丟google翻譯再修改之類的...) : 然後我就問他說這個單字沒譯錯嗎? : 他就說美國經常用child company這用法 : 另外找了一篇英文網頁給我,上面就寫說child company是比subsidiary更有獨立性、自主性的子公司之類的 : 我英文不是很好,才會找人幫忙翻譯... : 我也問了英文系的朋友,他說沒聽過child company這用法 : 想請問大家真的有child company這用法嗎? : 謝謝 : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Archangel585 ( 臺灣), 08/28/2020 00:42:44
文章代碼(AID): #1VH-99nP (Eng-Class)
文章代碼(AID): #1VH-99nP (Eng-Class)