[請益] 辯論英文Proposition of fact.value...

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修了辯論英文的課 老師要我們自己做做看 但我怎麼看都還是怪怪的... 希望版友可以幫幫我 > < 1. To construct propositions of fact, value, and policy. 目前是了解 Proposition of Fact (Is/Is not) ex:Obesity causes health problems. 是一個事實 Proposition of Value (Good/Bad) ex:Democrats are bad. Proposition of Policy (Should/should not) ex:Government should provide more parking spaces. 以上分開看我還算懂... 要我分開舉例也OK 但如果要以題目來說 Example: *Topic: E-mail *Proposition of fact: E-mail is not private. *Proposition of value: It is ethical to use the office e-mail system for private business. *Proposition of policy: The United States should institute national laws regulating privacy in use of e-mail. 那如果我以world AIDS crisis當topic *Topic:world AIDS crisis *Proposition of fact:AIDS crisis are increase around the world. *Proposition of value:?? *Proposition of policy: Government should be "doing more to help solve the problem of AIDS. -------------------------------------------------------- fact、policy這樣寫對嗎? 我寫不出value...>"< -------------------------------------------------------- 試寫另一題 *Topic:Saving the environment *Proposition of fact: Saving the environment is an issue of important international concern. *Proposition of value: Electric cars are good for saving the environment. *Proposition of policy: Should provides the complete welfare for buy electric car 這樣寫對嗎? 還是有什麼寫法會更好呢? 謝謝大家~~~ ※ 編輯: lotteyaya 來自: (11/08 14:36)
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