[請益] 天母國中99學年國二下考題

看板Eng-Class作者 (雲淡風清)時間12年前 (2012/06/19 01:29), 編輯推噓2(205)
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天母國中國二(下)期末考考題,改錯 1.Allen is smart and cares about his studying; he _______. (A) studies harder than everyone in his class (B) is glad to fail any of the exams (C) is sure to have fun in learning (D) spends his most time reviewing lessons 正解 (C) 想請問,(A)是錯在要加 everyone else 嗎? (B)除了語意錯誤,有文法的問題嗎? (D) spend + on 名 spend + (in) Ving 此選項錯在哪 @@? 2.(選出正確的句子) (A) B: How far is it from here to the MRT station? J: About three blocks away. (B) My foot got hurt a week ago and still hurts now. (C) Ms.Love had us not to catch the pretty bugs in the park. (D) Cindy tried on all the dresses, but one of them made her look terribly. 正解 (A) 想請問 (B) 錯在哪? (C) had 使役動詞,所以後面不可以有 to (D) look 連綴動詞,後接形容詞,所以要改成 terrible 是這樣嗎@@? 寫改錯題真的要很容易檢視自己文法讀的透不透徹 Orz... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/19 01:37, , 1F
most of his time
06/19 01:37, 1F

06/19 09:14, , 2F
B: 人才能接got hurt
06/19 09:14, 2F

06/19 10:35, , 3F
"人才能接got hurt"請問這文法規則在哪看到的,我都找不到
06/19 10:35, 3F

06/19 12:11, , 4F
「人才能接get hurt」這個文法規則我也找不到,不過我看
06/19 12:11, 4F

06/19 12:13, , 5F
06/19 12:13, 5F

06/19 12:58, , 6F
06/19 12:58, 6F

06/19 13:38, , 7F
請問有哪本字典有身體部位+got hurt的?
06/19 13:38, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1FtsM2UR (Eng-Class)