[請益] 申請大學的Personal Statement

看板Eng-Class作者 (thePwnER)時間12年前 (2012/03/14 00:11), 編輯推噓1(108)
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大家好~ 小弟今年申請大學,我第一志願的科系要求要填寫各項資料 (如課外活動、工作/志工經驗等等) 和一篇Personal Statement。 要求如下: What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the University of Toronto? What skills have you developed through your extra-curricular experiences that will support your future success as both a student and an engineer? 以下是我寫好的成品,請各位看看: ===================================================================== Sensibility. Practicality. Reasoning. Without a doubt, these are invaluable qualities essential to the problem-solvers in the real world. When faced with a challenge, an engineer must foresee the limitations and potential difficulties to devise a practical solution. It is by the ability to predict and rationalize outcomes of an action that humans were able to overcome the adversities of circumstance. But there is more to the success of the human race than the ability to rationalize. Problem-solving alone could not have made us who we are today. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw. High school’s offering is limited. Rather, it provides me the material and the challenges from which I develop my skills and knowledge. As a student, I never let anyone tell me how I should think or learn, nor did I allow the standardized curriculum to dictate my learning. I might have received higher marks if I simply conform to the standard ways, but I refuse to compromise in exchange for on-paper performance. You may call it childish or unreasonable, to pose “unnecessary challenges” unproductive towards academic achievement. To me, however, this is commitment. It is a commitment to excellence, commitment towards lifelong learning, and commitment to offer the best of myself to the world. I am preparing myself to become one of those whose “unreasonableness” has allowed the human race to evolve as a whole – creators. I am unreasonable, and this is my inspiration. To become an innovator, not merely a “problem solving engineer”. To pursue my inspiration, I am committed to learning even in my extra-curricular activities. Music taught me how to give shape to imagination through goal setting and careful preparation. Through competitive speed-cubing, I learned to deal with frustration and examine my own weaknesses. My experience with robotics enabled me to take failure in stride and grow out of my error. No matter what I do, I strive to make the best of any learning opportunity. Like a child, I yearn to “grow up” quickly but struggles with my own method. Commitment, intuitiveness, risk-taking, decision-making; despite my effort to develop these discipline, my growth is still limited by my environment. Luckily for me, I now have the opportunity to change that environment – to join UofT Engineering. As a world-class faculty, it is home to many “unreasonable” innovators, thus it must offer what is needed to fuel my ambition. I hope that through the challenges UofT Engineering provides, I will learn to coordinate my skills, interests, and knowledge for the betterment of myself, and grow from an ambitious child to a man with the best of himself to offer the world. I will drive forward our evolution with all that I can offer. ===================================================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 00:45, , 1F
03/15 00:45, 1F

03/15 00:47, , 2F
動(或加入更具體且可以幫你加分的例子 - 如 "my expe-
03/15 00:47, 2F

03/15 00:47, , 3F
rience as the robitics team leader"),可是整體來講這
03/15 00:47, 3F

03/15 00:50, , 4F
03/15 00:50, 4F

03/15 00:52, , 5F
03/15 00:52, 5F

03/15 00:52, , 6F
是creative writing,可是你的一些地方可以改成完整句子
03/15 00:52, 6F

03/15 00:53, , 7F
03/15 00:53, 7F

03/15 00:55, , 8F
生申請美國學校已經好幾年了,希望這些有幫助:) -Alex
03/15 00:55, 8F

03/15 09:38, , 9F
Thanks! I'll take a look at it again :)
03/15 09:38, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1FNt73l4 (Eng-Class)