[情報] 如何撰寫英文論文摘要?

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※ [本文轉錄自 AfterPhD 看板 #1EBc86Wq ] 作者: Ariel0801 () 看板: AfterPhD 標題: [情報] 如何撰寫英文論文摘要? 時間: Tue Jul 26 14:43:14 2011 如何撰寫論文摘要? 摘要無疑是論文中最關鍵的部分。如一篇摘要無法在開頭的三百字內 讓人留下深刻印象的話,獲得發表的機率可能會大大的降低。 在本期寫作電子報中,艾思特科學編修將提供一摘要例子, 與各位讀者一同探討如何撰寫摘要, 以下為摘要之基本結構,摘要應包含以下五個部分‧研究動機 為何要研究此題目? ‧研究問題 研究的主題為何? ‧研究方法 使用什麼研究方法? ‧研究成果 發現了什麼結果? ‧討論 意涵與應用 現在,就讓我們來看一個摘要的例子, 雖然此摘要裡的術語看來像是典型的學術論文上會出現的字眼, 但題目本身應適用於所有領域的讀者。 我們挑選了一個每個人都相當熟悉的題目,那就是 「如何挑選一部適合與老婆/女朋友觀看的電影?」 (相信多數人都曾有類似的問題與經驗), 雖然本摘要裡使用了許多統計上的專有名詞,但內容本身應相當淺顯易懂, 盼各位讀者能藉由此詼諧的摘要了解摘要各區塊應包含之內容,enjoy it! The Role of Movie Selection in Domestic Disputes 選擇電影在家庭糾紛中扮演的角色 研究動機 In recent weeks, considerable effort has been dedicated to the advancement of my career. Long hoursand and tight deadlines have left me exhausted both physically and mentally. In addition, my spouse has begun complaining that we seldom spend time together and almost never go out. 譯文:近幾個星期以來,為了升遷等事務,我付出相當多的精力, 長時間的工作與 迫在眉睫的工作日程讓我心力交瘁和疲於奔命。 而我的配偶近日來也不停地抱怨 相處時間銳減及我們已經鮮少一同外出。 研究問題 It was decided that an evening spent in a movie theatre would help to overcome the exhaustion and malaise we were suffering. Unfortunately, the selection of a movie proved problematic, due to the difficulties associated with satisfying both partners. 譯文:經協商後,我們決定選定一個晚上去電影院看一部好的電影,以期能紓解近日來的 壓力與不快。 很不幸的是,挑選適合兩個人觀看的電影這項任務被證實是 相當艱鉅的。 研究方法 Researchers conducted a thorough examination of the relevant literature to compile a list of candidate entertainment. Entries were categorized according to genre and a panel of movie critics was consulted as to the relative merits of each film. A survey was then conducted in which each interested party was requested to list their movie preferences using a 5-point Lickert scale, ranging from 1 = “Have been dying to see this” to 5 = “Would rather eat ground glass”. To verify the reliability and validity of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis was employed for parameter estimation. 譯文:本研究針對一系列相關電影文獻進行蒐集與分析,最後得出最有可能的電影清單。 並更進一步依電影類型來分類及諮詢影評人對於每部電影之評價。本研究採取 李克特五點量表,請受測者依其偏好替每部電影評分,評比等級分為: 五分為「我迫不及待想看這部電影」至一分「再怎麼樣我都不願意看這部電影」 此區間。為了驗證量表之效度與信度,我們藉由驗證型因素分析來估計參數。 研究成果 The Cox proportional hazard regression model was used to evaluate the probability of my surviving the evening, after adjusting for confounding factors, including a refusal on the part my better half to view any movie in the genre of “Action” and the enduring popularity of the parameter “George Clooney”. 譯文:在參考干擾因子並做出調整後,本研究應用Cox比例風險回歸模型來 評估我可以活過今晚的可能性。干擾因子包含我的配偶對於 任何動作類電影的排斥以及參數「喬治克隆尼」之歷久不衰性。 討論 In summary, this study discovered that personal preferences related to movie choice are far outweighed by the need to maintain domestic harmony. 譯文:本研究發現維持家庭和平之必要性遠超過於個人對電影之偏好。 主觀 vs. 客觀 以上摘要顯然太著重於第一人稱,如您在撰寫摘要時,應盡量地保持客觀, 勿提及自身個人, 以下精簡濃縮過後的摘要,則以客觀的口吻來敘述, 包含動機與問題、方法及成果與討論: ‧研究動機與研究問題 Long hours and tight deadlines render many researchers physically and mentally exhausted and spouses are often neglected, leading to domestic instability. Unfortunately, conflict may arise when attempting to resolve these issues through shared entertainment. ‧研究方法 This study conducted a thorough investigation of available celluloid entertainment possibilities as well as a self administered questionnaire, to identify the diversion best suited to overcoming spousal frustration. ‧研究成果與討論 Our results indicate that genre, stars, and the reputation of directors are subordinate to the desires of the spouse. Action movies were identified as poison to a relationship, and romantic comedies (particularly those featuring George Clooney) were found to be the best alternative among the available choices. 您可按以下連結觀看摘要中英對照之PDF檔以及投稿信 (cover letter)的範例, 如您欲投稿期刊時,即可使用本投稿信範本再加以修改。 PDF 連結: http://acceptediting.tw/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Newsletter-Volume-3.pdf 摘要通常都是出現在論文的第一頁,但當期刊要求附上投稿信時,作者們就必須提供 資訊密度更高的內容,撰寫成為投稿信。PDF內的範例展示精簡後的摘要如何變身成一封投 稿信。 我們確保投稿信範例中的語氣為禮貌及專業的語氣,作者們可放心套用。 作者們只需 要把此範例複製到Word裡,把「有色字體」部分的文字替換成您的paper之相關資訊即可。 盼您能從此次的摘要中有所裨益, 如您有任何相關的疑問或建議,可寄信至 service@acceptediting與我們聯繫, 歡迎所有讀者們對於本文提出心得或想法一同討論! 艾思特科學編修 新竹縣竹北市縣政十一街75號3樓之C http://acceptediting.com.tw http://acceptediting.tw service@acceptediting.tw 03-5585146 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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