[請益] 分享一些句子單字~~

看板Eng-Class作者 (@#$%^&*)時間13年前 (2011/02/12 12:55), 編輯推噓1(101)
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在看影集時搜集到一些句子和單字 分享給大家之餘, 也希望板上各位鄉民如果看到翻譯錯誤或用法不通順可以幫我更正,謝謝大家~~ 其中大部分應該都是很基本的 @_@ 只是我覺得不太熟析還是抄下來這樣 you were involved with her 她是你的戀人 patriot 愛國者 one more thing that comes through with experience 還有一個經驗之談 disregard 忽略 a coup d'etat 致命一擊(政變) it is vital to V …是很重要的 have medical teams standing by in case the gas is released ...以防… i give u my words i will.... 承諾… i have a working relationship with 我習慣和__配合 asset n.財產、資產 rescind vt.廢止、取消、撤回 instruction n.教學(in)、指示(to) i had to keep Karen from replacing u put urself in my position 請你在我的立場想 don't hesitate to do sth be holding = be standing by we 're running out of time 我們時間不夠 dress 包匝 vice president 副總統 I really need to do sth first It means a lot for me 這對我意義重大 go against with me 反抗我 Copt that. 知道了 They are on the way There are sth we can do absolutely (應答)一點也沒錯、adv. 絕對地、完全地 that are secondary to … 比起…那是次要的 work all the time 一直在工作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/12 13:42, , 1F
片段的詞語會扭曲意思. 單字也要視內文取不同字意
02/12 13:42, 1F

02/12 19:00, , 2F
02/12 19:00, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1DLXA-VF (Eng-Class)