[文法] 我的解題的觀念正確嗎?

看板Eng-Class作者 (sex56)時間13年前 (2010/09/29 14:04), 編輯推噓1(102)
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想問我的解題的觀念正確嗎? 我沒這些這些題目的正確解答,所以把我的想法po上來尋求指正,謝! 1. Judy and Vivian were invited to the party by John A) Judy invited Vivian and John to the party B) Judy and Vivian invited John to the party C) John was invited by the party D) John invited Judy and Vivian to the party Judy跟Vivian被邀請參加John的派對 答案應該是D 2. Helen is Jimmy's girlfriend. He can't live without seeing her. A) Jimmy can't see Helen B) Jimmy will die if he sees Helen. C) Jimmy likes Helen very much. D) Jimmy doesn't like Helen very much. Jimmy不能生活在看不到Helen的狀態下 答案應該是C 3. Most students in Taiwan are busy with their studies. They seldom have free time. A) All students in Taiwan have no free time. B) Most students in Taiwan can use their free time well. C) Most students in Taiwan are too busy to have much free time. D) Students in Taiwan don't like to do their homework. 大部分的台灣學生忙於學習, 他們少有空閒時間 答案應該是A 4. Which sentence is correct? A) Are you convenient for it to come to my office tomorrow morning? B) She sold the house at a more expensive price. C) Something terrible was happened 3 days ago. D) The song can be heard on the radio every day. (A)應該是 Is it convenient for you to come to my office tomorrow morning? (B)該把more去掉 (C)可怕的事情發生在3天之前,這句話應該去掉was 答案應該是D 5. Which sentence is correct? A) I disgust the fruit. B) The story is touched by them. C) If you are free tomorrow, remember to have dinner with us. D) Though the fair is crowded, but people still love to visit it. (B)這句應該是 touched to them 感動了他們 (C)If you were free tomorrow才對 (D)Though 跟 but不可出現在同一句子 答案應該是A 還請不吝指正觀念 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/29 16:49, , 1F
09/29 16:49, 1F

10/03 16:02, , 2F
10/03 16:02, 2F

10/03 16:05, , 3F
10/03 16:05, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1CejRhnJ (Eng-Class)