[分享] AIT 「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第8發:投手萊福力的棒球心聲

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https://www.facebook.com/193725958489/posts/10158195931493490 美國在台協會 AIT 「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第8發:投手萊福力的棒球心聲 我來自北加州一個叫蘇珊維爾的小鎮,小鎮人口大約兩萬人。大學期間,我獲得美式足球 獎學金,進入薩克拉門托州立大學就讀,當時我打棒球也打美式足球,並得到傳播與商業 行銷學位。今年是我打職業棒球的第14年。我在美國打了9年棒球,我先是受科羅拉多洛 磯隊招募,後來在舊金山巨人隊打了7年,最後2年我為華盛頓國民隊效力。我也曾經在墨 西哥、委內瑞拉和日本打球。3年前,我有一個機會,可以選擇留在墨西哥或來台灣打球 。我深深地被台灣文化吸引,這個地方很棒,對家庭非常友善,這點對我、妻子和我們剛 出生的孩子尤其重要!台灣隨處可見哺乳室、親子廁所、及室內兒童遊樂設施,所有一切 都很適合家庭,這是台灣吸引我們的很大原因。另外,在台灣打棒球真的很棒,尤其是球 迷的加油聲,這是我在世界其他地方從來沒有體驗過的!我曾在7個國家打過棒球,在來 台灣之前,我從沒有這種經驗,球迷會不斷的為我加油和跳舞,即使我當天表現得不好, 球迷仍幫我加油,就算某局我打得爛透了,他們也會大喊:「下次會更好!」台灣的棒球 因為球迷而獨一無二,身為一個美國人,可以在台灣打球是我莫大的榮幸。 萊福力為美國棒球投手, 2018年起來台發展,目前效力於中信兄弟隊。 Why I Chose Taiwan # 8 - Mitchell Lively's baseball path “I’m from a small town in Northern California called Susanville. I think the population may be 20,000. I went on a football scholarship to Sacramento State University, and I played football and baseball while I got my degree in communications and business marketing. This is my fourteenth year playing baseball professionally. I played nine years in the United States: got drafted by the Colorado Rockies, then I spent seven years with the San Francisco Giants, then two years with the Washington Nationals. I’ve also played in Mexico, Venezuela, and Japan. I got a choice about three years ago to stay in Mexico or to come here to Taiwan. I was really intrigued with the culture here. This place is amazing. It’s very family-friendly, especially having my wife here with a new-born baby. There’s breast-feeding rooms, family bathrooms, indoor play places. I mean, everything about this place is family-friendly and that’s one thing that really drew us to coming here. Plus, the baseball here is unbelievable -- the fan support, the cheering -- it ’s something that I’ve never experienced anywhere. I’ve played in seven countries, and I have never seen anything like it. They have the non-stop cheering and dancing. Even if you’re doing bad out there, they are still cheering for you and supporting you. If I have a bad inning, fans are shouting, “There’s always next time!” The fans here make the baseball so amazing. Being an American player here is a huge honor.” Mitchell Lively is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chinatrust Brothers of CPBL. He joined CPBL in 2018. --- 前天的文章好像沒人分享 在之前同系列還有看到邦邦的羅力 第三行翻譯有誤,應為在選秀會被挑中 -- 標題 [新聞] 富邦爭郭泓志失利 葉君璋:若上大聯盟意義更大 時間 Fri Feb 17 11:31:55 2017

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標題 [新聞] 道奇再出發 李振昌:不到最後不知輸贏 時間 Fri Mar 16 15:09:42 2018

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