[考古] 93下 宋玉生 財政學 期末考

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科目︰財政學二 教授︰宋玉生 試別:期末考 時間︰2005.6.22 by nevernever (轉自NTU-Exam) 試題 : National Taiwan University Econ Department          Public Finance Final Exam 1. (30%)  A not-for-profit golf club allows only members to use its acilities, and has  to maintain a balanced budget. Let g be the size of its golf course, and n be  the number of members. The construction cost of the golf course is                                     C(g) = 2g^2  which will be shared by all members equally. Due to congestion effect, the per-member benefits is:             B(g,n) = 100 lng-n^2  What then ares the optimal golf course size g* and membership n* ? 2. (30%)  From the general equilibrium point of view, what are the short-run and long- run tax incidence of local property tax (e.g. land tax, house tax, etc.) ? 3. (40%) Please tell me what cause you most difficulties in this class during this semester? How can we make thing easier for foreign students like you in the future? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: horus 來自: (04/28 01:22)
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