[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern Family S01E09

看板EAseries作者 (書蟲女孩)時間8年前 (2016/05/12 22:33), 編輯推噓29(2900)
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看影集學英文的單元已經正式進入第三個月,謝謝大家的支持,歡迎大家可以把這樣 的資源分享給更多的朋友,書蟲女孩也很樂意與大家交流喔! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 無音樂部落格好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-132 Modern Family season 1 episode 9–Fizbo http://imgur.com/Vy0SlNK
Luke 的生日因為在感恩節附近,所以常常被大家遺忘,於是 Phil 決定幫他舉辦一 個盛大的生日派對,Claire準備了一些手工藝品要做梳子套,卻完全不受小朋友歡迎; Manny試圖引起一個心儀的女生注意,卻一直失敗;Cam壓抑不住心中想要扮演小丑的慾望 ,化成 Fizbo 現身 Luke 的生日派對,沒想到原本美好的生日派對在一隻毒蠍子失蹤之 後變成一場災難。 本集是我個人非常喜歡的一集,一個短短的生日 party 卻用了許多交錯的鏡頭,製 造出懸疑感,同時也在 20 分鐘內交代出角色們的性格,這些特性也都會在接下來的幾季 繼續出現,第一次看的時候我真的一直在猜到底是誰受傷了,大家看的時候有猜到嗎? Extension cord (n.) 延長線 cord:a piece of thick string or thin rope. Luke: Extension cord works pretty good. crow (n.) 烏鴉 Jay: My dad used to give me a quarter for every crow I bagged. back to square one 回到原點 a phrase that means “to go back to the beginning, after a dead-end or failure". Phil: Well, then we’re back to the square one, aren’t we? mayonnaise (n.) 蛋黃醬 a thick white sauce, made with raw yolks and oil, often eaten on sandwiches or salad. Haley: Mom, just let you know, Dylan cannot have mayonnaise. bead (n.) 珠子 one of a set of small, usually round, pieces of glass, wood, plastic etc, that you can put on a string and wear as jewellery. sheath (n.) 套子 the cover for the blade of knife or sword Claire: Here it is in my incredibly convenient beaded comb sheaths. bumper (n.) 保險杆 a bar fixed on the front and back of a car to protect it if it hits anything deploy (v.) 應用/部署 formal to use something for a particular purpose , especially ideas,arguments etc: a job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed. (airbags deploy 的意思就是安全氣囊發揮功效,意即安全氣囊爆開) Cam: I will beat you head against this bumper until the air bags deploy. gloat (v.) 幸災樂禍 to show in an annoying way that you are proud of your own success or happy about someone else’s failure. dud (n.) 無用 something that is useless, especially because it does not work correctly. Claire:If you came over here to gloat, I already know it’s dud. Hit the road 離開、出發 to depart; to begin one’s journey, especially on a road trip; to leave for home. Jay: Guys, hit the road. Come on. rappel (v.) 垂降 to go down a cliff or rock by sliding down a rope and touching the rock or cliff with your feet. Phil: Now comes to the fun part. Rappel down. gentrify (v.) 開發 a gradual process un which an area in bad condition where poor people live is changed by people with more money coming to live there and improving it. Phil: I regularly drive through neighborhoods that have only recently gentrified. cast (n.) 石膏 Luke: I got a cast. smother (v.) 纏著人不放 to give someone so much love and attention that they feel as if they are not free and become unhappy. Manny: I am started to feel smothered. §摩登家庭小趣聞:這一集的靈感來源其實是源自於飾演 Cameron 的 Eric Stonestreet,他在現實生活中也曾扮演過小丑,而 Fizbo 則是 Eric Stonestreet 他爸 爸替他取的小名,劇中一整套 Fizbo 的服裝都是 Eric Stonestreet 自己的喔! Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲 專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:) 看影集學英文系列文章 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-8 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-VT 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-7 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-Rl 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-6 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-LN 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-5 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-GB -- Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 https://readingladyfrances.wordpress.com Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/readingladyfrances/?fref=ts -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1463063625.A.891.html

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推推! 感謝分享!
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推因為書蟲女孩 看摩登之後發現超好笑
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推 最近正好在重看
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我只學到了 do you .. do you .. do you ~~~~
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文章代碼(AID): #1ND9H9YH (EAseries)