[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern Family S01E08

看板EAseries作者 (書蟲女孩)時間8年前 (2016/05/05 21:05), 8年前編輯推噓13(1300)
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不知不覺已經到了五月,看影集學英文的系列文章從三月中到現在培養了不少忠實讀 者,很開心我可以在大家學英文的路上給予幫助!最近陸陸續續收到一些讀者的回饋,大 家的鼓勵和建議書蟲女孩都會放在心裡,持續為創造更好的部落格努力,也歡迎大家多多 跟我互動,或是把書蟲女孩的文章分享給更多想學英文或自我精進的朋友們,學英文真的 可以很有趣,加油! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 無音樂部落格好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-VT Modern Family season 1 episode 8--Great Expectations http://imgur.com/k8rmoqz
這集一樣分三線進行,Phil 和 Claire 慶祝結婚紀念日,Phil 精心準備了一堆驚喜 但 Claire 只送了抱抱券,甚至還誤請 Phil 根本不認識的歌星來家裡表演;Jay 辦了孫 子們專屬的睡衣派對,Haley 想盡辦法要逃去朋友的派對;Cam 和 Mitch 決定暫時擺脫 奶爸生活,找瘋狂的朋友 Sal 聚聚。 這集我和男性朋友在討論時,最心有戚戚焉的部分就是 Phil 和 Claire 這一線了, 女生真的很容易覺得男生沒有需要什麼,但在他們內心想要的東西其實很多!每年交往紀 念日時,我總是拿出一張滿是心意的卡片,然後男朋友就會一一的變出各種驚喜,相比之 下我簡直太遜了,可是到了隔年紀念日時,我還是想不出要送對方什麼禮物,真的也曾經 像 Claire 一樣寫了幾張「不生氣券」給對方,我想這也是摩登家庭吸引人的地方,因為 觀眾們多少都可以在角色中找到自己的影子,不會心一笑也難! perm (n.) 波浪髮型 a process in which you make straight hair curly by using chemicals , or hair that treated in this way. Claire: Oh, God. That perm. bureau (n.) 梳妝台、五斗櫃 a large desk or a writing table Claire: It's on the bureau.Other meanings: 1.an office or organization that collects or provides information 2.a government department : the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 3.an office of a company or organization that has its main office somewhere else. 4.a piece of furniture with several drawers,used to keep clothe in. contour (n.) 輪廓 the shapes of the outer edges of something such as an area of land or somebody's body. Mitch: Contours to protect her little body. (這邊的 contours 是指尿布的邊緣很完美包覆Lily的屁股) inhibition (n.)壓抑 a feeling of shyness or embarrassment that stops you doing or saying what you really want. Cam: The reason we love her so much is she has absolutely no inhibitions. hose (n.)水管 http://imgur.com/il6PV3S
a long rubber of or plastic tube that can be moved and bent to put water onto fires, gardens, etc. Jay: I will spray you with the hose. bleach (v.) 漂白 to make something pale or white , especially by using chemicals or the sun. eg.The wood had been bleached by the sun. Cam: Did you get your teeth bleached? sensational (adj) 壯觀的、震驚的 very interesting, exciting, and surprising. Mitch: Those are sensational. squat (n.) (informal) nothing or nearly nothing Alex: And I got squat. segue (n.) 開場白 to move smoothly from one song ,idea, activity,condition etc to another Mitch: She threatened our baby , and that's you concern-a segue? act out 鬧脾氣 to express your feeling about something through your behavior or actions, especially when you have been feeling angry or nervous. Cam: The first child gets jealous of the second child and starts acting out. brew (v.) 醞釀 be brewing: if a storm is brewing, it will happen soon. Claire: Meanwhile, stateside, another storm was brewing... decent (adj) 好的、像樣的 of a good enough standard or quality. Claire: You're so sweet and nice, and I can't even give you a decent anniversary present. §摩登家庭小趣聞:這集客串飾演 Sal 的 Elizabeth Banks 應該可以堪稱整部戲劇中知 名度最高的客串演員,她每次出現的部分我都很喜歡。Elizabeth 踏入戲劇圈的機緣相當 有趣,小時候因為在小聯盟打棒球(由7~10歲小朋友所組成的棒球聯盟)滑壘的時候腳骨 折,於是決定改成參加學校的戲劇表演,開啟她的演藝之路,想多瞭解她的朋友也可以看 看她的電影作品,除了知名的 Hunger Games 及 Pitch Perfect 系列,她也有出現在 2002 年的蜘蛛人電影呦~ Facebook fan page:Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈 ,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:) 看影集學英文系列文章 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-7 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-Rl 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-6 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-LN 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-5 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-GB 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-4 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-Dw -- Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 https://readingladyfrances.wordpress.com Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/readingladyfrances/?fref=ts -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1462453526.A.008.html ※ 編輯: wormlady (, 05/05/2016 21:06:01

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文章代碼(AID): #1NAqKM08 (EAseries)