[心得] The vampire diaries S03E04 雷!!!

看板EAseries作者 (Shirley)時間12年前 (2011/10/09 20:27), 編輯推噓6(6017)
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第四集的英文內容 不過Jeremy的部份我沒有打喔~~~我知道Anna很可愛...可是我懶@@ 只會大概的寫一下 既然是劇情 一定有雷 空一頁 R、老K和S在Chicago的某家服飾店 R: There has to be more to this dress. OK: There's not. R: So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers. OK: You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. R: And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident. S: It's dance music. R: You would dance to this? S: Huh. OK: Are we done? R: And why are you so grumpy? OK: I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it. R: I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years. So what do you think? (R繞了一圈給S看) S: I like it! (R顯得很喪氣) What? I said I like it. R: I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan. OK: Nice one, good work. S: You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her. R: I heard that. S: All right. I'm going to get some fresh air. S走出傷店見到K K示意S跟她走 E家裡 D: I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili. Hi, Ric. R: What's up? E: What time do you want to go to the Lockwook party? R: Ah. Those founders parties aren't really my thing. D: Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili. E: It's an old family recipe, ok? D: Yeah! I know. I knew your old family. They made sucky chili. (DE兩人開始打情罵俏中 R看的不太爽) R: Why are you here, exactly? D: She knows. E: He thinks I'm going to break. I'm not going to break. I am just going to keep making chili, pretend lik i didn't just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found. D: She's in denial. E: I'm not in denial. D: No? You're still wearing this necklace. Isn't this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan? S&K S: What the hell are you doing here? K: You two look chummy. Klaus your new bestie? S: You know, if he finds out you're in Chicago, you're dead. K: Happy to know that you still care.(你依然對我如此掛記 小女不勝歡喜) So tell me if I'm wrong-- R's necklace that Klaus is looking for... that's the necklace that you gave to E. S: Bye, Katherine. K: Hey, hey. Wait. You're up to something, tell me. S: They don't know where the necklace is . I just have to keep them from figuring it out. I have it all under control. K: Please tell me you have a better plan than that. You do. Come on, S. You're not the diabolical type. Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work. S: Well, if the most diabolical woman I know can't seem to figure it out, then I must be doing something right. K: I forgot. You're bad now. Don't get too cocky. Klaus is smarter than you. He's smarter than everyone. And I've heard about that sister. Be careful. She'll ruin you. S: Happy to know you still care. J正睡著 聽到Anna叫她的名字 嚇了一大跳 Anna更驚訝J聽的見他 問J原因 原來是J剛好 夢到Anna了! C來到了E家 C: I come beraing gifts. E: Please say that's not chili. Bonnie! B: I'm back! E: Hi! B: I leave town for the summer and everything goes to hell for the both of you. J:(下樓 看到B) Bonnie! B: Jeremy! BJ相擁 J卻在此時看到Anna出現在鏡子中 D和Liz走去MF的市立監獄 D: So mayor Lockwood called your gay ex-husband to torture your vampire daughter. L: Yes. I've been keeping him detained to make sure the vervain's out of his system. So you could, you know... D: Can't we just kill him? L: No, Damon! He's Caroline's father. D: He sounds like a douchebag to me. L: Yeah, well, just cause you and I are on ok terms doesn't mean that I'm a suddenly a big advocate for your "lifestyle". D: Is that what you told him when you two got divorced? L: Double check him for vervain before you compel him. B: You brought another vampire into this? L: It's the best thing for all of us, Bill. D: So, Bill, I hear you're into the whole daddy-daughter vampire torture thing. B: I was trying to help her. D: Well, if there's anyone who doesn't need help, it's your annoying control freak of a daughter. (D咬了B) Yep. He's vervain-free. (我真的覺得Damon是一臉那血過期有腐敗臭很難喝的樣子...) L: Just erase his memory, Damon. D: So, Bill, I have a question. What makes you think that you can change the basic nature of a vampire? B: The mind's a powerful tool. It can be trained and retrained. You just have to be strong enough. D: Oh, yeah? I completely agree. I actually happen to love mind control, myself. [You will leave town immediately. All you remember is you came to bring your daughter back to school shopping.] (他們都不上課的哪裡需要買開學用品阿XD) Chicago的酒吧 老K、R等著G G正在作法 S進來 R: You left us. S: Well, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode. OK: Tell me about it. S: What's she doing? OK: She's falling. G: It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on. R: So use me. I only wore if for a thousand years. G: See? Now this one offers a solution. All right, give me your hand, sweetheart. S: She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh? E家的廚房裡 B: The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer. C: After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family. Since when did you learn how to cook? E: Damon helped a little. B: Damon's helping you cook now? E: Both of you stop judging. He's just trying to be a good-- ow! C: Ahh! Did i splash you? E: No, no, my necklace. 酒吧裡 G: I can sense something. E家的廚房裡 E: It burned me. C: Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it. E: Caroline... C: What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be "cooking" without S. B: Let me see it. B碰到時項鍊起了火花 酒吧裡 G: I found it. R: So where is it? G: It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends-- R: Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back. G: Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details. OK: So dive. G: I need more time. And space. You're harshing my ju-ju. OK: We can wait. G: I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked. S: Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat. Lockwood主辦的founders party BCE三人聚在一起開會 B: Hey. Ok, I got it. I have an identification spell that might be able to tell me what magic affected the necklace. It's going to take a while, so tell me if anyone's coming, ok? C: So you're not, like, switching Salvatores, are you? E: What? B: Caroline... C: Stay focused. As your friend who worries for you daily, what is the deal with you and Damon? E: There is no deal. He's been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have. C: Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less Damon. If my own father, who I love dearly, can't change me? No one's changing Damon. Not even you. E: Look, why are we even talking about this? B: Hey. Guys? 項鍊自己飄起來 C: What are you doing? B: I'm not doing anything. It has its own magic. Party中的Damon和Ric D: I'm going to let you in on a little secret-- founders parties are just an excuse for the council to gather in back rooms and plot against vampires. R: I think you need to take a beat with Elena. D: Excuse me? R: Whatever it is you two have going on, I think it's a bad idea. D: I don't really think it's your problem, Ric. R: It is my problem. I'm supposed to look after her, and this is my doing that. D: What do you think I'm doing? R: What I think is you need to take a beat. Liz走過來 L: Damon? Sorry. Uh, the mayor just called the council meeting. In Chicago的倉庫裡 S和老K沉醉在血液中 R: My girl's dead. I'm bored. OK: You weren't kidding about being hungry. S: Yeah. It's been a long day. OK: Try being related to her. (S大笑) R: You're being mean. And why are you being mean? You used to love me. OK: It's been 90 years, R. Give him a minute. R: Why are you taking his side? OK: Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want. R: Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat! OK: A thousand years of life experience says otherwise. S: Well, you're no picnic, either. I mean, I've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I want to blow my head off. R:(大笑)Fantastic. S: I need to go. R: Where's he going? OK: To write a name on a wall. It's a long story. Jeremy又開始跟Anna連通 Anna說她們能聽見彼此看見彼此是因為兩人都試圖接觸到對方 而Vicki連通J的時候因為Anna感覺到黑暗邪惡 所以警告了J 也跟J說只要他不敞開心扉 Vicki就進不來 Anna說能和J一起說話聊天她很開心 因為她自己一個人很孤單 S跑去G的酒吧 G: There you are. S: Thought you were resting. G: Well, now we both have a secret. S: What did you see? G: It's what I heard that's interesting. You know, the girls with the necklace, they were talking about you. S: Yet you didn't tell Klaus. Why? G: Cause I wouldn't help that hybrid half-breed with anything. The necklace is a talisman from the original witch herself. I want it. S: Well, I'm sorry. I can't help you. G: Don't be difficult. You know, I'd hate to have to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick is.(S被激怒想攻擊G,但G讓他偏頭痛) Guess I've got to get it you of you the hard way, huh? G把S綁起來 打算開始逼供 S: What is this? Why can't I move? G: Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell. Nothing major. Just got to get the information out of your pretty little head. You know, witches now days, they're into that new age stuff, but... I'm a little more old school voodoo. This will stop that pesky healing. S: I won't tell you anything. G: You don't have to. You feel that? That's your essence. Your spirit. It lets me make a connection. Herbs help, too. Diviner's sage, witch hazel. But my personal favorite... Vervain. Founders family在開會中~ Carol: There have no been no incidence of question since spring. L: It's been quiet. C: Anyone else have anything to add to the minutes? Damon? D: Ah, no, I think the sheriff covered it, mayor Lockwood. Looks like we've made it through the worst. C: Well, I have nothing new to add, so thank you all for coming. Good to see you. D: Carol. C: Damon.(不曉得Carol知不知道Damon是Vampire) Bill走進來 B: I have a question. L: Bill. B: Do you three think that everybody on the council is clueless... or just stupid? B給J一本很厚的魔法書 要他幫她找跟貴重的紀念章或項鍊有關的標誌 J納悶為何B不直接問死去的女巫們 B說他們已經不理他了 因為他違反自然規則救回J 當J拿起項鍊時 A突然出現警告他 說邪惡的感覺在這 然後就著火了~ 酒吧裡 G正在虐待S G: I'm impressed. You've got discipline, S. It's not going to do you much good, but... just let go, honey. There we go, there we go. (G雙手中有Vervain 她把手放在S的胸前 來回的折磨S 然後看到了影像) There's the girl with the necklace. You love her. You'd do anything for her, and you have. A lot of darkness, a lot of guilt. All to keep her away from Klaus. Why would he be interested in one girl? S: Don't do this. Don't do this. G: She's the doppelganger. She's supposed to be dead, and that's why Klaus can't make hybrids, isn't it? K: Well, this is creepy.(手拿著匕首往G的脖子刺) Maybe you do need my help, after all. Lockwood的家中 C: Did S ever tell you where he got the necklace? E: No, and I never asked. Hopefully Bonnie will be able to figure it out. R: Please tell me it's time to go. E: Beyond. Where's Damon? C: Probably off somewhere doing bad things to good people. Consider me the honesty please.(C突然臉色大變) E: What is it? R: What's the matter? C: It's my dad. E: Why would he even show up here? C: I don't know. But I can't... E: I get it. I'll call you later. C: Ok. R: Ok, what's that all about? E: Speaking of doing bad things to good people... D: Wait, wait, Houston, we have a problem. E: Where have you been? D: Managing Bill Forbes. Apparently he's impervious to compulsion. E: How? D: I have no idea. But he threatened to out me. Don't get me started on the irony of that. E: What did you do to him? How do you know the compulsion doesn't work? D: That's not the most important piece of information I mentioned, Elena. R: What does he want? D: He wants to control the council. Say it's been compromised. R: It has! D: He wants to put vervain in the town's water supply. E: Maybe it's not a bad idea. I mean, it'll help you keep yourself in control. Now that S's not here to... D: To what? To keep me in check? Make me behave? I should have killed him this morning. E: He's Caroline's dad, Damon. D: Yeah, and when I kill him, she'll have one more parent than we do. R: Oh, come on, Damon! D: You're repeatedly killing my buzz today, Ric. Step aside. R: Yeah, it's not going to happen.(D看了R放在自己胸口上的手有戒指 可以死一下XD) D: Your temporary funeral.(D扭了R的頭 暫時停止呼吸XDD) E: Damon, no! What is wrong with you? 酒吧裡 S&K S在收拾G的屍體 K: I've been thinking about your diabolical plan. S: Oh. Do tell. K: Well, you must know that Klaus is too paranoid to ever fully trust you. But the sister, she loves you like it was yesterday. She's the easier mark. But you can't just pretend to care, because Klaus will know better. So you do the opposite. You bond with him, make her feel left out. That will only make her want you more. S: Oh! So you mean, I'm, uh, I'm taking a page out of the Katherine Pierce playbook. K: The only question is why, S? I mean, I get it, you want to keep Klaus away from Mystic Falls, but... what else do you expect to get from it? S: You know what's funny? You keep talking to me, like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything. K: Oh, come on, S, we're beyond that. I saved you from Hilda the high voodoo priestess. S: Ok. I knew them, back in the twenties. They were running from someone. Someone who scared them. K: The hunter. I heard stories about him centuries ago. S: Don't you want to know why an original vampire who can't be killed is afraid of a vampire hunter? K: If you're planning on making a move against Klaus... I want in. S: That's good. It's good to want things, Katherine. K: Stefan... S: Katherine. I'm in this alone. If you're looking for a diabolical partner in crime, I suggest you look elsewhere. C躲在T的房間裡 躺在T的床上XD T進來 C: How was football practice? T: What are you doing here? C: Hiding out from my dad. He's here. T: Are you OK? Do you want me to kick his ass? C: Yes. No. I bought him the shirt he's wearing, it is really expensive. And through everything... he's still my dad. You know? C把頭埋入T的胸懷XD 嫌棄他身上的汗臭XD C: God, you reek! T: What? C: That is bad. T: No, this? This is sexy. (汗臭說是性感的味道XDDDDDD) C: No! It’s really bad. No. 兩人開始親親>////< 小狼兒的身材練的好好 C: Oh! Hang on, my phone. T: Oh, come on!(T一臉超失望XD) C: I'm only answering in case it's a friend emergency. E: It's an emergency. D走進剛剛在開會的房間 Bill在裡面 正在倒酒喝 D: Whoa, whoa. Is that Scotch? I figured you for an abstainer. B: Everything in moderation. Keeps the mind clear from... influence. D: Like vampire compulsion. B: Yeah, I tried to tell you... D: Yeah, yeah, powerful tool. Got it. I'm impressed. Can't say I've ever seen that before. B: Well, it takes a certain human focus. It's a skill that I've been honing for decades. Plus, your technique… is a little lazy. D: Duly noted. I'm curious. Why not just expose us to the council? B: I know you think I'm the bad guy here, Damon. But I would never expose my own daughter to those morons. D: It's a pretty risky move, taking me on, don't you think? B: I knew what I was risking when I didn't leave town. But I figured...you're not self destructive enough to kill the sheriff's ex-husband. D: Makes you the third person to underestimate me today. D咬B開始狂飲 D:(一副好久沒喝到溫暖的人血 很爽的叫了一聲XD) You know, with all this behavioral modification going on around here, I almost forgot how good blood tastes when it's... fresh. B: What are you going to do? Kill everybody who discovers your secret? D: No, I'm not going to kill you, Bill. I'm just going to find pleasure in perfect little moments like this. D又開始喝 C來了 神力芭比C推開了D C: Daddy! Are you OK? B: I'm fine. C: (咬自己的手)Here. It'll heal you. B: I said I'm OK. C: Grow up. (壓B的頭硬給B喝自己的血) D: Let me teach this ass-wheel a life lesson. C: Just get out of here. D: Or what? C打了D很大的一巴掌!兩人又開始打了起來 D: I'm stronger than you, little girl. C: Well, I'm angrier! E進來C用頭硬敲D的頭 推開D 咻咻咻的的緊急把B救走了 D: Bummer. I love a good girl fight. E: You can't do this anymore, Damon. Not in this town. Not around me. D: Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before. Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check? E: Because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are. D: What? A monster? Sorry to disappoint you, Elena. But last time I checked, I was still a vampire! E: I guess I wish that you didn't have to act like one! D: I am not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him? 回到J的房間內 B說到處都是灰燼 要去清理 J在浴室內 又遇見了A 要A不要在他和B在一起時出現 A說她的出現是互相的 只有J想他時她才會出現 J決定拒絕A 並且誠實告訴B他自己的問題 然後A很可憐的在那邊呼喊J@@ S回去倉庫 正想打開一座棺材(可能是老E的) R出現 R: You're back. Finally. Nik went to check on the witch. Dreary, isn't it? The family cargo. S: Hmm. Why don't you undagger them? R: Because he would hunt me down and kill me. He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother. S: But you still care about him. Why? R: Well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting. S: You know, when I met you two, you were both on the run. R: Also exhausting. S: Who were you running from? R: What do you mean? S: Last night I saw you, there was a man looking for you. You both seemed afraid. I just-- I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody. R: No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan. Not even Niklaus. S: Who was that man? R: I can't. Please. If Nik knew we were talking about this, he would-- S: No, no, no, I'm sorry. Just forget I asked. Ok? R: He told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother. S: It's true. R: I think he secretly admires that about you. He'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that. S: Your secret… is safe with me. R把正要轉身離開的S拉回來吻 感到不對勁 R: Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you loved that girl? S: One day, maybe. R: I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan. S: What? I'm not-- R: Don't bother. Your kiss already gave you away. 老K回來了 OK: Gloria's gone. She's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately. What's going on? R: Something's wrong. He was asking about Michael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it. S: She's wrong. Klaus... 老K發動攻擊S Damon家中,Damon調了像是柳丁汁的飲料 在R的旁邊搖了搖 D: Wake up. (R驚醒) It took a bit longer than usual, huh? Might want to get that ring checked. Hope it's not going bad.(D你真的很欠扁!XD) R: You killed me. D: You pissed me off. R: You killed me! D: Ric, no hard feelings, all right? I was on a bit of a tear. Everyone was trying to tell me how to behave. R: Well, maybe they finally realized yo're just a dick. C&E C: I'm not going to say I told you so. E: Thank you. C: But I did tell you. E: Ok, you and Damon were both right. I was trying to change him. But if he wants to be in my life… C: Wait. I... it's been a long week, so I'm just going to be blunt. It doesn't matter what he does, Damon's gotten under your skin. E: That's not true. C: (芭比C快被Elena搞瘋了XD) God, just admit it, Elena, ok? You are attracted to him! In all of his bad brother glory. E: No. C: Wait, no, you're not attracted to him, or no, you just won't admit it? E: I can't, Caroline! If I admit it, if I even thought it for just a second... What does that say about me? C: It says you're human, Elena. (C看到他爸爸B 似乎正要離開) E: Do you need me to... C: No, I got it. C走向她爸Bill C: Hey! B: Hey! Don't worry. I'm going to go back home before somebody kills me. C: How's your… (指脖子的咬傷) B: Oh, healed. See? Thank you. For coming to my rescue. C: You're welcome. B: Bye, Caroline. C: Daddy. I'm going to be ok. B: You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be ok again. Lockwood家中 Ric找Carol和Liz協商 L: I understand where you're coming from, but-- R: The Gilbert family is a founding family, and they deserve to have a voice on the council. I've taken care of them, I should be that voice. C: That's not the way it works, Mr. Saltzman. R: Oh, really? Well, then tell me how it does. The council's job is to protect the people of this town. Now your daughter's a vampire and your son's a werewolf. So who's looking after the actual people? Some of them may be family or friends, but they are still supernatural. They don't follow our rules or our laws, they look after themselves, and that's what we need to do. I'll see you at the next meeting. MF的Mystic Grill外 B正坐在那等E E來了 E: Hey there. I just saw Jeremy. He said that you still have my necklace? B: Yeah, I haven't figured out what's going on with it yet. E: I know. But I just-- I feel weird without it. The whole Stefan of it all. B把項鍊還給E B: Did Jeremy also tell you that he's been seeing ghosts of his dead girlfriends all summer? E: What? B: Vicki and Anna. He's been talking to them. E: You're kidding. B: I wish. It's because I brought him back to life. The witches said there would be consequences. Gusee they were right. You know, what am I supposed to-- E突然不見了!!!阿~~原來是會咻咻咻不見得Vampire Katherine又假冒E D家 K來了D開門 D以為是E D: I'll accept written apologies only. K: (笑~) Are you two lovebirds fighting already? (↑K笑的一副很幸災樂禍的樣子XD) D: (把頭拿去撞門XD 一副可惡又被騙了的樣子XDD) Katherine. Wonderful. What do you want? K: I'm just a girl looking for a partner in crime. Feel like hitting the road? Getting the hell out of dodge? D: Impeccable time. I was told I need to take a beat. K: Is that a yes? I'll drive. D: Why not? Walls are starting to close in on me around her. Where are we going? K: Away from here. That's all I'm going to give you for right now. But believe me-- it's good. K把E的項鍊拿給D看 老K和S在一個很暗的空間裡 老K把昏迷的S踢醒 S: Just give me a chance to explain myself, ok? OK: No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. R seems to think you're hold onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding.(打開了門) Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan. 原來他們在卡車上 結論&bugs 1.Jeremy可以看到鬼魂,只要他努力的去連通。不曉得這功能在日後有什麼用, 或是會造成什麼後遺症? 2.Bill對Vampire的compulsion免疫,可能跟當初追捕Original Vampire的Hunters 有關,甚至可能就是Hunters的一員 3.Ric不再站在Damon這邊了...但不清楚Carol鎮長知不知道Damon是Vampire耶... Liz知道D、S還有她女兒都是,但Carol好像只知道Caroline. 4.本集便當發一枚,老女巫G,兇手為Katherine,為了救下她愛的Stefan~ 5.項鍊,沒交代完。Bonnie說項鍊自身有魔法,G想得到它,因為那是Original Witch 的護身符。可能項鏈擁有強大的法力,但是被K給騙走了。不過有個小bug,E似乎 沒跟D說項鍊的事,D卻願意跟著K辦事。 6.最大的爆點啊!!!老K跟S又回MF了,可是K要帶著D走了。E將只剩下C保護, 可是........CT熱戀中XDDDDD 7.恭喜老K和S有情人終成眷屬~誤~~~XD 好長~終於打完了^^ 好期待下一集~~~~~ ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: shirley7398 來自: (10/09 20:31)

10/09 22:40, , 1F
Ric 只是根 Damon 小吵價拉 >/////<
10/09 22:40, 1F

10/10 16:32, , 2F
10/10 16:32, 2F

10/10 17:52, , 3F
10/10 17:52, 3F

10/10 17:53, , 4F
10/10 17:53, 4F

10/10 17:53, , 5F
10/10 17:53, 5F

10/10 20:44, , 6F
10/10 20:44, 6F

10/10 20:45, , 7F
10/10 20:45, 7F

10/10 20:46, , 8F
10/10 20:46, 8F

10/10 20:47, , 9F
10/10 20:47, 9F

10/10 20:49, , 10F
我是覺得Anna的部分的劇情蠻違和的 好像有點硬凹= =
10/10 20:49, 10F

10/10 22:53, , 11F
10/10 22:53, 11F

10/10 22:54, , 12F
10/10 22:54, 12F

10/11 00:21, , 13F
有約法三章?我不曉得@@ 我知道B救他時女巫很反對而已
10/11 00:21, 13F

10/11 08:53, , 14F
10/11 08:53, 14F

10/11 08:53, , 15F
10/11 08:53, 15F

10/11 11:46, , 16F
10/11 11:46, 16F

10/11 12:19, , 17F
10/11 12:19, 17F

10/11 12:20, , 18F
10/11 12:20, 18F

10/11 12:21, , 19F
10/11 12:21, 19F

10/11 12:22, , 20F
10/11 12:22, 20F

10/11 18:29, , 21F
推老K和S在一起XD 比起妹妹 我覺得哥哥更愛S(誤)
10/11 18:29, 21F

08/16 12:22, , 22F
為了救Jere違反了這 https://muxiv.com
08/16 12:22, 22F

09/22 02:30, , 23F
那個項鍊給人的感覺越來 https://daxiv.com
09/22 02:30, 23F
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