[討論] Charlie Sheen Celebrity Roast

看板EAseries作者 (Schadenfreude)時間13年前 (2011/09/26 00:07), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
有人看嗎? 這次沒有Situation 太可惜了 (雷) -- “You’re just like Bruce Willis — you were big in the 80s and now your old slot is being filled by Ashton Kutcher.” - Amy Schumer “If you’re winning, this must not be a child custody hearing. The only time your kids get to see you is in reruns — don’t you want to live to see their first 12 steps?” - Jeff Ross “Brooke Mueller is not very bright unless Charlie throws a lamp at her. … Mike Tyson, your opponents spent more time bleeding in the corner than Charlie’s ex wives.” - Jeff Ross “The only reason you got on TV in the first place is because God hates Michael J. Fox.” - Anthony Jeselnik “Charlie still hasn’t hit rock bottom. He’s looking forward to it though, because he thinks there’s a rock there.” - SteveO “You dropped out of school faster than Casey Anthony’s kid.” - Anthony Jeselnik “It’s amazing — after abusing your lungs, liver and kidneys, the only thing you’ve had removed is your kids.” - Kate Walsh “Charlie, you claim to have ‘tiger blood,’ but after all the porn stars you ’ve banged, it’s probably Tiger Woods’ blood.” - Seth McFarlane “On ‘Two and a Half Men‘ tonight, they’re apparently having a funeral for Charlie’s character. But there’s no need to switch over. In a few months, you can probably see the real thing.” - Seth McFarlane “I’m 80, you’re 46… how come we look like we went to high school together? ” - William Shatner -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/26 01:33, , 1F
09/26 01:33, 1F

09/26 03:14, , 2F
第一則 XDDD
09/26 03:14, 2F

09/26 05:29, , 3F
連Kate Walsh都來XDDDDD
09/26 05:29, 3F

09/26 10:26, , 4F
我有看 超好笑!! Amy Schumer超酸超毒 這妮子哪來的?
09/26 10:26, 4F

09/26 13:04, , 5F
She was the worst act
09/26 13:04, 5F

09/26 13:04, , 6F
Best 3:Tyson, Walsh, Shatner
09/26 13:04, 6F

09/26 19:43, , 7F
09/26 19:43, 7F
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