[好雷] 慾望莊園/夢斷白莊(ITV影集)

看板EAseries作者 (沒頭緒的論文)時間15年前 (2009/05/09 17:32), 編輯推噓4(403)
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影音內嵌網誌版: http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear/archives/8497797.html Brideshead Revisited (1981)〔故園風雨後/夢斷白莊〕 啊!我簡直沒辦法說清我對這部影集的讚嘆, 劇本好演員好當然是不在話下,畫面台詞之細膩精良,一幕幕都是享受, 不過最讓我無可自拔的是......劇中的英文講的好聽到不行啊! 真的,我發現自己,確實是看過這部影集之後,才對這個語言有感覺了, (之前只有喝醉了或是自言自語時講來給自己聽~XD) 原來"英語"的發音可以這麼好聽啊!好聽到......我看過一遍配中文字幕的, 又跑去看一遍英文字幕的,最後,忍不住把小說原文挖出來,一個字一個字的對讀。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7obvsi-gFQ
〔註:我也想要那隻 Teddy bear Aloysius 啦!〕 總之我很喜歡這部影集, 最早其實也是先看了2008年改編的電影(2008)〔慾望莊園〕, 結果,好一個失敗到不行的改編啊~從人物設定到劇本剪裁都一塌糊塗, 好奇把1981年BBC影集Brideshead Revisited (TV serial) 〔故園風雨後/夢斷白莊〕調出來看,才一看不可收拾~ 劇本和故事都不用說了,改編的真是精彩無比啊! 尤其是對照於電影版的失敗,更讓我驚嘆,同一個劇本, 在相異的改編才能的變動下,造成的差異可以有多大! 再說演員,影集裡的角色全部是一時之選(演技外型無一不到位), 相對來講電影的選角還真有夠令人難過的......。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snw9SWpikiw
〔註:這是我非常喜歡的劇中很有意味一段對話(這種橋段很多)〕 Cara: "I think you are very fond of Sebastian." Charles: "certainly." Cara: "I know of these romantic friendships of the English and the Germans. They are not Latin. I think they are very good if they do not go on too long.......; It is a kind of love that comes to children before they know its meaning. In England it comes when you are almost men; I think I like that. I think It is better to have that kind of love for another boy than for a girl. Alex you see had it for a girl, for his wife. Do you think he loves me?" Charles:"Really, Cara, you ask the most embarrassing questions. How should I know? I assume......" Cara: "He does not. But not the littlest piece." Charles:"But then why does he stay with you?" Cara: "because I protect him from Lady Marchmain. He hates her; but you can have no conception how he hates her......; My friend, he is a volcano of hate. He cannot breathe the same air as she. He will not set foot in England because it is her Home; he can scarcely be happy with Sebastian because he is her son. But Sebastian hates her too." Charles:"Oh no, I think you're wrong there." Cara: "He may not admit it to you. He may not admit it to himself; they are full of hate - hate of themselves. Alex and his family......; (And how has she deserved all this hate? She has done nothing except to be loved by someone who was not grown up.) When people hate with all that energy, it is something in themselves they are hating. Alex is hating all the illusions of boyhood - innocence, God, hope......; Sebastian is in love with his own childhood. That will make him very unhappy. His teddy-bear, his nanny and he is nineteen years old......" Cara: "How good it is to sit in the shade and talk of love."...... Cara: "Sebastian drinks too much." Charles:"I suppose we both do." Cara: "With you it does not matter. I have watched you together. With Sebastian it is different. He will be a drunkard if someone does not come to stop him. I have known so many. Alex was nearly a drunkard when he met me; it is in the blood. I see it in the way Sebastian drinks. It is not your way." 不過不要有錯誤的期待, 這部影集可不是那種典型的八點檔三角戀情劇或是某種同志肥皂劇 (雖然電影改編版倒是很像那樣) 這部影集的主題比那種肥皂劇劇情寬廣多了, 看這部戲,會有一種看《紅樓夢》的感覺! 同樣是家族,或說是某個世代的沒落、變遷,同樣有有人性、人情的荒謬、糾葛, 信念與人生的追尋,幸福的短暫與殘缺,童真的不可把握......; (一言以蔽之,人如何面對成年後的荒謬與時勢的變遷呢?) 愛情不是沒有(不管對象是誰),但是含蓄的, 點到為止的,和人生其他許多面向相纏繞的。 (我想某方面來說,這也是所有好劇本的先決條件吧! 就是不把「愛情」看成首要,世間不是沒有愛情, 但那是作為人生的一部份,那種把愛情作為人生全部去編寫的劇本, 注定是到庸俗又失敗的) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtQoUs1rVz8
〔讓人難忘又難過的一幕,我不能否認Julia是片中讓我最有投射感的角色; 如果一定要說的話,我大概是有點像她的吧! 有點任性、有點徬徨卻又不是/能那麼天真...... 好像很放得開,其實一點也不(在意的事還挺多的); 所以彷彿離愛和救贖又比任何人都更遙遠一點? ......不過可能也是因為這樣, 也讓我對Charles這個角色更有感覺吧!(是愛還是恨的 感覺呢?~笑)〕 〔不知為何我好像還是容易被像Charles這樣的角色吸引? 或許是因為他那紳士、文雅的舉止, 混合了一點寬厚、冷漠、軟弱、理解與自我堅持的距離感,給我一種安心的感覺吧! 我很喜歡他那種淡淡的,卻又好似帶有理解與寬容的神情與語調! (還有慧黠又帶點狡猾的笑容) ......即使吃了很多苦頭,好像還是一不小心就會喜歡上這樣的人啊(汗); 不過從今往後我會記取教訓知道要遠距欣賞就好啦~(笑)〕 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NFmVfmqYv8
〔這一系列的訪談還不錯(共五集), 可以看到原著作者的模樣還有一些花絮 (不過害我練英聽練得很辛苦,因為找不到翻譯~)〕 Brideshead Revisited is a 1981 British television serial based on the novel of the same name by Evelyn Waugh. The book was adapted to the screen by producer Derek Granger and Martin Thompson after the initial script by John Mortimer was rejected. It was directed mainly by Charles Sturridge, but part of one or more episodes by Michael Lindsay-Hogg. 〔喜歡這片的另一個主因,很多拍給酒鬼看的段落!XD (酒鬼應該可以有更深一點的感受吧!)〕 〔放這段除了為了和上面對照外(很令人傷感的是彷如伊甸園王子的隕落), Anthony Andrews這段演技頗有發揮(雖然稍稍有些過於強烈?); 此外Lady Marchmain念的「Unseen Hook」, 應該是本片最強烈的主題了吧!(頗為令人震攝的意象......)〕 In Evelyn Waugh's novel Brideshead Revisited, a quote from the Father Brown story "The Queer Feet" is an important element of the structure and theme of the book. Father Brown speaks this line after catching a criminal, hearing his confession, and letting him go: "I caught him, with an unseen hook and an invisible line which is long enough to let him wander to the ends of the world, and still to bring him back with a twitch upon the thread." Book 3 of Brideshead Revisited is called "A Twitch Upon the Thread," and the quote acts as a metaphor for the operation of grace in the characters lives. They are free to wander the world according to their free will until they are ready and receptive to God's grace, at which point He acts in their lives and effects a conversion. In the miniseries made by Granada Television adapting Brideshead, the character Lady Marchmain (Claire Bloom) reads this passage aloud. 【影集演員表】: Jeremy Irons as Charles Ryder, Anthony Andrews as Lord Sebastian Flyte, Laurence Olivier as Lord Marchmain, Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain, Diana Quick as Lady Julia Flyte, and Jane Asher as Lady Celia Ryder Phoebe Nicholls as Lady Cordelia Flyte, John Gielgud as Edward Ryder, Simon Jones as Lord Brideshead, Nickolas Grace as Anthony Blanche, Stéphane Audran as Cara, Lord Marchmain's lover, Charles Keating as Rex Mottram. 最後一定要再多說一下演員們的表現, 簡單來講,我覺得這部影集的選角與演員演技發揮都異常成功! Jeremy Irons尤其令人眼睛一亮!演得好(從年輕到老,層次十足), 人又帥氣(從年輕到老,都有不同的魅力); Anthony Andrews也還不錯,雖不是終極版的Sebastian,但也演得不錯了! (Sebastian對我來說是某種很接近寶玉的角色, 那種稍縱即逝的青春美感與無助徬徨很難呈現,只能訴諸天然......); 〔有版友分享他心中最夢幻的Sebastian是已故的美國影星 蒙哥馬利‧克里夫特(Montgomery Clift, aka Monty),的確是夢幻人選!〕 其他像 Laurence Olivier的Lord Marchmain (令我驚訝的好演技,演任性老人的自私、無奈及面臨死亡的恐懼很有真實感); Claire Bloom的Lady Marchmain(真的是大家閨秀的氣質啊! 非常有說服力的遲暮美女,下面那段和Charles對戲的片段很精彩!); Diana Quick的Julia(她的服裝秀讓我昏頭轉向,一套套都美極了); Phoebe Nicholls的Cordelia (戲份不多,但演得非常好,從少女到少婦,層次感十足); John Gielgud的Edward Ryder(我很喜歡這個爸爸,演得好, 呈現的個性又討我喜歡,很愛看他和Charles對戲); Nickolas Grace的Anthony Blanche(有點誇張不過還挺有趣的), Stéphane Audran的Cara(也是很美~)。 〔很有意思的一幕,很有意思的對比,就是這樣的片段讓我愛這部戲, 能夠寬廣的、完整的、瞭解的呈現世間的種種不同面相, 給我像看京戲時那樣的感受~(奇怪的聯想~笑)〕 裡面人物的口音和舉止都恰如其份,特別是演上流社會的Marchmain家族,還有Jeremy的 Charles, 那種文雅的氣質舉止,真的是幽雅到不行!特別是Jeremy Irons的口音~ 我真的是聽再多遍也不會膩呢! 看完這部影集,突然成為他的粉絲了!(笑) 〔這樣說來,要得到我的心,首先條件大概是聲音要讓我喜歡吧!〕 他在片中演的好又有魅力,無怪乎演完這部戲整個紅起來! 片子裡的服裝佈景都非常考究,不管是自然景色(好美的英國鄉間)、 建築裝飾、道具擺飾......無一不讓人看得目眩神迷! (據說製作費高達450萬英鎊?我想比電影還多吧! 無怪乎考究到鄉間田獵、豪華郵輪這種本可跳過的場景都呈現的令人嘖嘖稱奇) 連配樂我也喜歡!更不要說服裝了,真是令人讚嘆! 我常常看著劇中人Charles、Julia、Sebastian等人那一套套英挺美麗, 既襯人又款式多變的服裝,看的眼都直了! 〔據說是當時典型的牛津 Oxford 上流階級不務正業的學子們(笑) 〔專有名稱據說是 Aesthetic Set(唯美主義圈子)〕 不過他們的西裝都很英挺吧! 對話也離經叛道的頗有意思,朗誦艾略特 T. S. Eliot 的 「荒原 The Waste Land」其實也頗有寓意的! 【附1】:艾略特 T. S. Eliot《荒原 The Waste Land 》(原文及譯本)。 【附2】:這段描寫據說頗有作者 Evelyn Waugh個人經驗的投射, 這篇網誌有Evelyn Waugh當年在牛津學院的荒唐軼事。 又:這一段描寫牛津學院的景象, 也讓我回想起自己年少時在英倫(特別是劍橋 Cambridge) 短暫停留的那個夏季...... (雖是不同學校,但學院的感覺還是有些相似的; 說真的很難忘懷,真像在夢中的過往一樣啊~)〕 〔很養眼的一幕嗎?(笑)不過重點是他們討論的主題, 其實是本戲的一個重點;奇怪的是雖然我沒有宗教信仰, 卻不會對這個主題感到無趣或隔閡...... 我猜想每個人或多或少都有信仰的問題, 特別是那種你出身時就伴隨著你成長的的信仰背景; 我知道我其實還是有的,只是不是宗教,而是另一種傳統...... 雖然我現在很厭惡那樣的背景與壓力,以及那些實踐著"它"而帶給我難受的人, 但也許有一天,我終究還是得要找到方法和"它"和解吧!〕 -- 泉涸,魚相與處於陸,相呴以溼,相濡以沫, 不如相忘於江湖。 《莊子‧大宗師》 Juicybear's Playground: http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 18:11, , 1F
上個月剛看完 Jeremy Irons和Anthony Andrews的口音好好聽~
05/09 18:11, 1F

05/09 21:53, , 2F
05/09 21:53, 2F

05/09 22:07, , 3F
ITV也出了些不錯的影集,最近才看了'Lost in Austen'
05/09 22:07, 3F

05/09 22:55, , 4F
lost in Austen...我喜歡主角以外的所有人XD
05/09 22:55, 4F
※ 編輯: juicybear 來自: (05/10 00:32)

05/10 00:32, , 5F
哈 大感謝!已更正!謝謝Mie大!口音真的很迷人啊~
05/10 00:32, 5F

05/10 00:54, , 6F
好用心的心得:) 棒!電影版真的拍不好...
05/10 00:54, 6F

07/24 21:59, , 7F
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com
07/24 21:59, 7F
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