[轉錄] HBO的剪片標準說明 (工作人員解釋)

看板EAseries作者 (第一印象は死体写真)時間16年前 (2008/04/22 08:27), 編輯推噓0(000)
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剛剛看到有人提到HBO剪片 之前在HBO板看到工作人員對於HBO審核標準的說明 曾獲作者同意轉到電影板 這次再轉到這裡 應該有助於讓有疑問的板友了解^^ ※ [本文轉錄自 HBO 看板] 作者: istelle (N NN￾N) 看板: HBO 標題: Re: [心得] 如果人的一生是一本書..... 口白人生 時間: Tue Mar 18 22:09:43 2008 關於原作者提到的剪片問題,也是很多人抗議過了。 這個不是動不動就剪的啊,是各地把關的標準不同 我來給大家說說始末。 HBO設於新加坡的亞洲區總部是HBO Asia,顧名思義負責亞洲區的頻道。 HBO電影資料庫的電影分成兩大類,edited及unedited, 而edited又分成india edited、malaysia astro edited及asia edited。 通常在拿到電影原始素材之後,content editor會將當中的 不良內容如髒話、色情畫面剪輯掉,再交給各地的電檢局審查。 麻煩就出在,同一部電影要在亞洲其他地區播放 麻煩國家把關標準列舉如下︰ 印度的不能有太髒的髒話不能太血腥, 中國不能有髒話不能太血腥不能太暴露不能很可怕的鬼怪, 馬來西亞不能有髒話不能太血腥不能太暴露。 之前馬來西亞正逢回教齋戒月,馬來西亞的astro(衛星服務公司) 特別傳話過來說,這個月把關要特別嚴格。 所以當時拍攝HBO本月最愛時,simone包得緊緊的,真悶。 除了台灣版本的主持人李培禎不在此限,因為只在台灣播放。 在通過剪輯及審查之後才能播片。通常在台灣及新加坡播放的是asia edited, 到這裡有人會問,asia edited照理說尺度比較寬一點點吧, 真真也只有寬那一點。因為新加坡還有不少回教徒, 有些議題不能碰觸,例如同性戀題材, 因為同性戀在回教法律中是違法的。 否則HBO會在什麼防礙風化、煽動種族whatever之類的法令下被提控。 在馬來西亞必須更小心。 因為任何馬來文以外的電視臺跟馬來西亞的華文學校一樣, 在馬來西亞被關臺之後是很難開臺的, 除非HBO改成馬來文臺。 公司在這個敏感地帶身不由己啊,想看完整版也只能買DVD 然後說到口白人生,這部電影的預告剛好是我剪的 XD 一邊剪一邊抗拒不住,一再一再放下工作專心欣賞 真的相當不錯 po一些精彩對白如下︰ 開場白︰ Kay Eiffel: [narrating] This is a story about a man named Harold Crick and his wristwatch. Harold Crick was a man of infinite numbers, endless calculations, and remarkably few words. And his wristwatch said even less. Every weekday, for twelve years, Harold would brush each of his thirty-two teeth seventy-six times. Thirty-eight times back and forth, thirty-eight times up and down. Every weekday, for twelve years, Harold would tie his tie in a single Windsor knot instead of the double, thereby saving up to forty-three seconds. His wristwatch thought the single Windsor made his neck look fat, but said nothing. Harold Crick: [Ana has just brought out a huge box totally stuffed with a mess of papers] What's this? Ana Pascal: [Very pleased with herself] My tax files and receipts for the last three years. Harold Crick: [Horrified] You keep your files like this? Ana Pascal: No. Actually I'm quite fastidious. I put them in this box just to screw with you. Book Channel Host: So, can you tell us the title of the book you haven't written yet? Kay Eiffel: [Who has had just about enough of this host] I'm calling it Death and Taxes. Book Channel Host: Death and Texas? Hey! I'm from Texas! Kay Eiffel: Wha? Book Channel Host: Yep! San Antone. Kay Eiffel: No, no, no, no. Death and Taxes. Taxes. TAXes. Book Channel Host: Oh! Death and TAXES! Like the Ben Franklin quote. Kay Eiffel: Yes. Book Channel Host: Oh now I feel really silly. Kay Eiffel: [under her breath] You should. Harold Crick: [on bus, and sees Ana get on the same bus] Miss Pascal! Miss Pascal! Ana Pascal: [she sees him and moves away so that she is standing in the aisle] Harold Crick: It's Harold Crick from the IRS. Ana Pascal: [embarrassed] Hi. Harold Crick: Hey, do you want a seat? Ana Pascal: No. Harold Crick: Because there are 11 empty ones. Harold Crick: So, how are you? Ana Pascal: I'm lousy. I'm getting audited! By a real *creep*, too. Harold Crick: I may already be dead, just not typed. Penny Escher: And I suppose you smoked all these cigarettes? Kay Eiffel: No, they came pre-smoked. 小小聲說,299+1壯士跟第三隻蜘蛛要登場啦!(逃) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/18 23:20,
推說明 雖然尺度嚴 不過HBO還是我認為表現最佳的
03/18 23:20

03/18 23:22,
外語頻道 因為內容是跟亞洲同步的
03/18 23:22

03/18 23:47,
03/18 23:47

03/19 00:30,
該不會斯巴達人也要剪吧 囧 那會沒動力看耶......
03/19 00:30

03/19 07:51,
波斯王從背後撫摸斯巴達王的畫面一定要剪 妨害善良風俗
03/19 07:51

03/19 15:35,
03/19 15:35

03/20 12:29,
03/20 12:29

03/22 01:39,
03/22 01:39

03/23 21:49,
看完此文後, 再次覺得, 台灣的尺度..真寬 XDDDD
03/23 21:49

03/27 12:47,
03/27 12:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lovetech 來自: (03/28 00:38)

03/28 00:39,
推 希望神廟那段別剪
03/28 00:39

03/28 01:27,
剪定了啊 大露點耶
03/28 01:27

03/28 01:32,
橘紅色的 ...
03/28 01:32

03/28 02:49,
03/28 02:49

03/28 02:48,
HBO都沒有廣告真好耶,剪片的程度還可以拉 (二輪片場也會剪)
03/28 02:48

03/28 06:45,
ANMAIX和HBO都設在新加坡~"~導致剪片減很兇@@ 來台灣設嘛XD
03/28 06:45

03/28 09:34,
我覺得還是別在台灣設 在台灣設要追求本土化都會做些很
03/28 09:34

03/28 09:34,
爛的節目或糟糕的主持人 MTV和V頻道就是最好例子
03/28 09:34

03/28 11:58,
03/28 11:58

03/28 13:15,
樓上要問問題的話 請自行去HBO板問清楚囉
03/28 13:15
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lovetech 來自: (04/22 08:29)
文章代碼(AID): #183J3dci (EAseries)