[翻譯] John Petrucci:我們的新專輯整體風格꜠…

看板DreamTheater作者 (]v[EGADET]-[)時間12年前 (2011/10/05 21:44), 編輯推噓11(1106)
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※ [本文轉錄自 RockMetal 看板 #1EZ5xpLL ] 作者: coolfly (]v[EGADET]-[) 看板: RockMetal 標題: [翻譯] John Petrucci:我們的新專輯整體風格更加平衡 時間: Wed Oct 5 21:43:12 2011 來源:BLABBERMOUTH(http://tinyurl.com/3dwjxgkDREAM THEATER Guitarist: New Album 'Has More Of A Balance In Our Overall Sound And Impact' - Sep. 29, 2011 夢劇場吉他手:我們的整體風格和所受影響在新專輯上表現得更均衡 Alan Sculley of the Daily Herald recently conducted an interview with guitarist John Petrucci of progressive metal giants DREAM THEATER. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. 快速翻譯版,如有錯誤,敬請指正。 On whether the title of the band's new album, "A Dramatic Turn of Events", refers to last year's departure of DREAM THEATER's founding drummer Mike Portnoy: 談新專輯名稱「A Dramatic Turn of Events(戲劇性轉折)」與去年創團鼓手Mike Portnoy離團之間的關係: Petrucci: "People look at the title and they say, 'Oh, well, obviously it's about Mike's departure and the changes.' It's really not. First of all we didn't write any of the songs lyrically about our situation at all, and that was a conscious effort. It's not the place to do that. We didn't think that would be, we didn't want to do that. We didn't want to write about our own band woes or politics or whatever. There's definitely this running theme of major changes taking place. There's this song 'Outcry', it's exactly about what's happening now in Libya. There's a tie-in with Egypt and with people uprising. There are songs about that spiritual sense where somebody is really trying to make some kind of change in their life. They seek out a shaman to try to do that in a more spiritual way. There are songs about people, situations in history, major historical events that happened that maybe we forgot about, but that really changed life for many, many people So we're talking major events, major dramatic turns of events." 人們看到專輯名稱,都說:『噢,這很明顯就是在說Mike離團的事,和對樂團所造成的改 變。』真的不是。首先,專輯中沒有哪首的歌詞是與我們的情況有關,而我們是有意為之 的。歌詞創作不是做這種事的地方,我們不認為這樣合適,我們不想打算這麼作。我們不 想寫關於自己樂團發生什麼倒楣事,或者是政治之類的東西。是「巨大的改變」這個主題 在主導歌詞創作。專輯中的歌Outcry是描寫利比亞發生的事,這首歌也和埃及與人民起義 有關。也有幾首跟靈性有關的歌,描寫人們想要令他們的生活有些改變。他們向薩滿尋求 協助,想要得到更屬於靈性上改變。這些是關於人們、歷史上的情況,一些曾經發生、被 我們忘記,但卻實際改變了許多、許多人生命的重大歷史事件。所以我們所談論的是那些 重大的事件,那些戲劇性的轉折。 On Portnoy's decision to leave the the group after first proposing they go on an extended hiatus — perhaps lasting upward of five years: 談Portnoy建議長期休團──可能長達五年──不成,隨後離團之事: Petrucci: "I think the bottom line is he needed a change, whether the change was playing with another band or taking some sort of break or whatever. And the rest of us didn't. We felt that this is what we do. This is our band. We're at a great point in our career. We're very passionate about what we do. We're very energized. And we tried to convince him otherwise, but ultimately you can't really force somebody to do something they don't want to do. So it's something that he had to do and we kind of recovered from that, embraced the change and moved on." 我想基本上就是他想要改變,無論這個改變是跟其他團一起表演,或是休息一段時間之類 的。而我們其他人並不想要如此。我們覺得這是我們在做的工作,這是我們的團,我們正 值事業生涯的良機,我們熱中於自己所做的事,感到精力充沛。我們試著要說服他改變主 意,但你終究不能逼一個人去做他不想做的事。所以那(離團)就是他不得不做的選擇, 而我們已經比較有從這件事中恢復了,接受這項改變並繼續前進。 On Portnoy's change of heart and request to be allowed back into DREAM THEATER: 談Portnoy改變心意要求回團: Petrucci: "It was very upsetting for us, especially after what we went through trying to convince him to stay, and him adamantly saying, 'It's not something I can do,' to the point where he quit a band [after] 25 years. It's not like he was wishy washy about it. He was definite. He was concrete in his decision to leave the band." 這真的讓我們很不爽,尤其是我們當初努力想要說服他留下,而他堅持說:『我沒辦法』 ,然後離開待了25年的樂團。這可不像他對此有什麼三心二意。他的態度很明確。他當時 就是打定主意要離團。 On whether DREAM THEATER was feeling pressure to prove that the group was as good as ever without Portnoy: 談DT對於去證明樂團沒有Portnoy也一樣好是否感到有壓力: Petrucci: "That pressure, it comes from within. It's always there. I feel that every time we go in to do a new album. It's a brand-new opportunity. At whatever point it happens to be at, I love that whole process of starting out with nothing and having a goal, and coming up with something and building it from the ground up. I love that process every album we've done. So in some ways, this was no different." 這種壓力是來自內在的,總是如此。每次我們製作一張新專輯,我都有這樣的感覺。這是 一個全新的機會。無論是在何時製作專輯,我都愛那種有個目標,然後從無到有地設想、 建造出某樣東西的過程。錄製我們過去的每張專輯時,我都愛這種過程。因此,從某方面 來說,這張專輯並沒什麼不同。 On how the new CD compares to DREAM THEATER's past efforts: 談新作與過去作品的比較: Petrucci: "There is a different mix, a little bit. The band throughout the years tends to sway in a certain direction depending on sort of our mood or our influence or whatever. I think this album has more of a balance in our overall sound and impact. The core, there's always a core element of our music, which is the songwriting. The composition, the melody, the structure of the chord progressions and everything, always has to be the focal point. And sometimes we stray from that and we do things that are more riff-based or more attitude-based or whatever. And this kind of has a little bit more in-depth spirit to it and a little bit more balance. A lot of people are saying, and I tend to agree, that the context of the writing style is progressive music that we grew up on, like Yes and stuff. But the organization and the instrumentation is of a metal rock band. That's kind of more of the balance that keeps us unique and defines our sound, I would say." 這張專輯有點算是不一樣的綜合體。過去樂團創作總是習慣往特定方向傾斜,端視我們當 時的心情或是所受的影響。我想這張專輯在我們整體的風格以及所受的影響方面,表現得 更加平衡。專輯的核心──我們的音樂中總是有個核心要素──是歌曲的創作。歌曲的譜 寫、旋律的創作、和絃進程的結構等等,永遠都必須是關注的焦點。有時候我們會偏離這 點,寫些更以riff為主或是更以態度為主的東西。這有點可以說是投入更多情感深度、更 加平衡的作品。很多人說,而我也同意,這種創作風格在脈絡上屬於我們成長過程中所聽 的前衛音樂,像是Yes等團的東西;但它的組織和樂器編排則屬於一個金屬樂團。這樣更 加平衡,而且使我們與眾不同,並且定義出我們的風格,我想可以這樣說吧。 On performing new material on DREAM THEATER's current world tour: 談論在DT目前的世界巡迴中表演這些新歌: Petrucci: "I love playing new music. It's the latest thing that you did. You're so psyched about it. Especially in this case, this is the music that [new DREAM THEATER drummer] Mike Mangini has recorded, so it's great to play the music that we wrote and recorded with him. As far as the show, we do have some new things planned as far as our presentation. It's going to be the best show we've ever done as far as the video presentation and design, and the look of the stage and the look of the screens. We have something really unique that our talented video director and lighting director have designed. I can't wait for people to see it." 我喜歡演奏新歌。它們是你最近在做的東西,你深深著迷的東西。尤其在這個例子中,這 些是(DT的新鼓手)Mike Mangini錄的東西,能和他一起演奏我們所創作,並和他一同錄 製的歌,實在很棒。至於演唱會方面,我們打算在表演時有點新東西。就影像呈現、設計 、舞台外觀和螢幕上來說,這會是我們最棒的演唱會。我們才華洋溢的影像指導和燈光指 導為我們設計了些很酷的東西,我等不及要讓大家看看了。 (高仕艷 譯) -- Glory is yours, Vengeance is mine. 光榮屬你,復仇屬我。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (10/05 21:46)

10/05 22:00, , 1F
10/05 22:00, 1F

10/05 22:16, , 2F
我也覺得很難懂...樂理太差...抱歉( 艸)
10/05 22:16, 2F

10/06 10:46, , 3F
10/06 10:46, 3F

10/06 10:46, , 4F
從原本MP主導riff, 到現在鼓變節拍器也差太多了
10/06 10:46, 4F

10/06 12:13, , 5F
樓上既然也叫Mike 想必很會打鼓
10/06 12:13, 5F

10/06 12:32, , 6F
比較這張和之前的專輯之後就可以比較懂了 (自以為)
10/06 12:32, 6F

10/06 23:40, , 7F
這張的鼓譜是JP寫的 代表要等下一張才會有MM的東西吧
10/06 23:40, 7F

10/07 02:18, , 8F
10/07 02:18, 8F

10/07 14:19, , 9F
10/07 14:19, 9F

10/08 05:01, , 10F
MM改的好像不多 只有小改
10/08 05:01, 10F

10/08 19:17, , 11F
10/08 19:17, 11F

10/09 04:46, , 12F
什麼意思 拿掉人聲的所有歌MP3?
10/09 04:46, 12F

10/10 13:30, , 13F
10/10 13:30, 13F

10/10 15:37, , 14F
10/10 15:37, 14F

10/14 00:10, , 15F
是MP3音源 還是CD音源? 如果只是MP3等級的 那也太小器
10/14 00:10, 15F

10/18 18:30, , 16F
10/18 18:30, 16F

10/21 15:45, , 17F
10/21 15:45, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1EZ5y_6o (DreamTheater)