[討論] 大谷宣布加入道奇

看板Dodgers作者 (逍遙山水憶秋年)時間4月前 (2023/12/10 04:13), 編輯推噓16(1604)
留言20則, 18人參與, 4月前最新討論串1/1
大谷IG shoheiohtani ‧ shoheiohtani的大頭貼照 shoheiohtani 8分鐘 To all the fans and everyone involved in the baseball world, I apologize for taking so long to come to a decision. I have decided to choose the Dodgers as my next team. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved with the Angels organization and the fans who have supported me over the past six years, as well as to everyone involved with each team that was part of this negotiation process. Especially to the Angels fans who supported me through all the ups and downs, your guys’ support and cheer meant the world to me. The six years I spent with the Angels will remain etched in my heart forever. And to all Dodgers fans, I pledge to always do what’s best for the team and always continue to give it my all to be the best version of myself. Until the last day of my playing career, I want to continue to strive forward not only for the Dodgers but for the baseball world. There are some things that cannot be conveyed in writing, so I would like to talk more about this again at a later press conference. Thank you very much https://www.instagram.com/p/C0pR_vyvLpR/ 恭喜 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Dodgers/M.1702152820.A.9BB.html

12/10 04:23, 4月前 , 1F
12/10 04:23, 1F

12/10 04:23, 4月前 , 2F
12/10 04:23, 2F

12/10 04:25, 4月前 , 3F
12/10 04:25, 3F

12/10 04:35, 4月前 , 4F
12/10 04:35, 4F

12/10 04:42, 4月前 , 5F
12/10 04:42, 5F

12/10 04:44, 4月前 , 6F
12/10 04:44, 6F

12/10 05:38, 4月前 , 7F
12/10 05:38, 7F

12/10 05:49, 4月前 , 8F
12/10 05:49, 8F

12/10 06:05, 4月前 , 9F
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12/10 06:15, 4月前 , 10F
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12/10 06:15, 4月前 , 11F
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12/10 06:46, 4月前 , 12F
讚讚讚讚讚 辛普森預言又中了
12/10 06:46, 12F

12/10 07:34, 4月前 , 13F
超爽 看到直接從床上跳起來 都醒了
12/10 07:34, 13F

12/10 08:00, 4月前 , 14F
12/10 08:00, 14F

12/10 08:04, 4月前 , 15F
12/10 08:04, 15F

12/10 08:10, 4月前 , 16F
會不會大谷的狗其實叫dodger dog
12/10 08:10, 16F

12/10 08:18, 4月前 , 17F
12/10 08:18, 17F

12/10 08:39, 4月前 , 18F
12/10 08:39, 18F

12/10 10:20, 4月前 , 19F
12/10 10:20, 19F

12/10 10:21, 4月前 , 20F
12/10 10:21, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1bTCfqcx (Dodgers)