[問題] 心臟超音波報告

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之前因為心悸或者是說心跳過快就醫 做了超音波心臟圖/杜卜勒氏彩色心臟血流圖 病理報告如下: DOPPLER & ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC REPORT: IVS: 8 mm; LVEDD: 40 mm;LVESD: 26 mm;PW: 6 mm;EF by M-mode: 65 % EF by Simspon: _ %;Ao: 24 mm;LA: 30 mm;RV: _ mm;TAPSE: _ mm 1.Heart size: dilatation of : nil thickening of : nil cardiomyopathy: nil 2.Pericardial effusion: nil tamponade: nil 3.LV performance: adequate 4.Valvular lesions: MVP: nil MS : nil ,2D valve area: _ cm2, Doppler valve area: _ cm2,max.mitral velocity: _ m/s, max.gradient: _ mmHg,mean gradient: _ mmHg,HR: _ bpm. MR : nil ,due to * AS : nil,max.aortic velocity: 1.10 m/s, max. pressure gradient: 4.85 mmHg,LVOT velocity: _ m/s, max. LVOT pressure gradient: _ mmHg,LVOT(A): _ cm2, AV(A): _ cm2 by Doppler,AV(A): _ cm2 by 2D. AR : nil,pressure half-time: _ ms, TS : nil TR : nil,Vmax: _ m/s;max.gradient: _ mmHg. PS : nil,max.velocity: 0.78 m/s,max. pressure gradient: 2.43 mmHg PR : nil. 5.Asynergy: nil 6.Common congenital lesions: nil,Contrast study:not done PFO: nil ASD: nil VSD: nil PDA: nil TOF: nil 7.Others: transmitral E/A 1.67. E/e’’ 5.73 _ Impression: _ adequate LV systolic function with normal wall motion 當時是因為壓力大加上那天喝完咖啡覺得心跳很快加上我有點焦慮症, 檢查回診後醫生沒說有什麼問題, 但是我這幾天查看健康存摺發現醫生次診斷寫了一個「非風濕性其他二尖瓣疾患」, 請問從病理報告中可以看出什麼嗎? 另外請問我的攜帶式心電圖檢查報告有什麼異常嗎? HOLTER REPORT: UnderLying sinus rhythm with the mean rate was 88 bpm, 0 VPC, 4 APC, no PAF or AT, no long pause 謝謝! ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Doctor-Info/M.1649858621.A.586.html
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