
看板Djokovic作者 (sequera)時間11年前 (2013/06/27 00:39), 編輯推噓3(302)
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Novak Djokovic pre-Wimbledon Saturday 22 June 2013 Q. How would you describe the other half of the draw? 你如何形容你避開了Big3在籤表另一邊? Straight to the point (smiling). Well, you know, draw is something that you cannot affect. So I honestly wasn't thinking about it too much because it's a matter of luck and it's a matter of a coin toss, as well. It is what it is now. I mean, some people would say that I was, you know, lucky with the draw. But look, you know, it's Grand Slam, so I don't think that there is any easy way to the title, you know, or easy way to win, because the best players in the world are playing in this tournament, the most valuable, most prestigious tournament in the world. Everybody wants to play well, so I got to take it slowly and think only about my next opponent. 你的問題真是開門見山(笑).你要知道,籤表是你所不能控制的,我必須誠實地說, 對於籤表我並沒有想太多,因為籤表多多少少都會有運氣成分在. 有些人會認為我很幸運避開了Big3位於另一半部,但這是大滿貫賽事, 我不認為任何選手在晉級過程可以輕鬆地取得這座桂冠, 在這個傳統又極具聲望的大賽,集結各路好手,每個人都摩拳擦掌想表現到最好, 所以我必須慢慢來,把焦點放在我下一輪對手. Q. But when you look at the other half, what are your thoughts about the talent that is in that other half? 但是當你看到籤表的另一半部,對於有多少有天分的球員含括其內你有什麼看法? Well, I think it's going to be a great Monday for tennis (smiling). 呃,我想這將是美好的星期一網球饗宴(笑). Q. What for you is the biggest adjustment switching from clay to grass? What do you find hardest about that? How long does it usually take you to feel comfortable on the grass? Does that maybe get easier, or has it gotten easier for you over the years? 從紅土到草地,你要如何去做調整? 你覺得其中最困難的點是什麼? 你要花多長的時間才能習慣草地,找到自己舒服的打法? Well, you obviously take some time, and time to adjust in our sport is something that we are truly lacking. But the schedule is what it is for all of us. It's not the first time that I find myself in the situation where I don't have any warmup grass court tournaments and I play only a few exhibition matches before Wimbledon Grand Slam. So I've done it before and I've managed to go very far and even win the title few years ago. 在我們網球運動,賽程的擁擠已是不爭的事實, 我們也很難從賽事與賽事之間找出調整的時間,不過這已經不是我第一次面臨這種問題 在溫布頓之前不參加熱身賽,只打幾場表演賽暖身,這幾年下來我都是這樣去做準備 也讓我在2011年拿到冠軍. But, you know, as a professional tennis player, I would like to have a warmup tournament, definitely, to have time. But I did not have that particular time after Roland Garros. I felt like after everything that has happened on the clay court season, I need to prioritize and rest and recovery rather than just going for the matches on the grass, which is the fastest surface in our sport, the most special surface in all tennis. We get to play only few weeks on grass. It's why it's very unique experience for all of us. 但身為職業選手,我還是傾向在大賽前參加熱身賽,但在法網後我並沒有多餘的時間. 經過漫長的紅土賽季,我覺得是該優先讓自己的身體休息充電,而非馬上參加草地熱身賽 草地是最快速的場地,賽季也只持續短短幾個禮拜,對我們選手而言是很特殊的經驗. Of course, playing in this tournament is a huge privilege. But adapting from the slowest to the fastest surface in only a few days is really a short time, you know. But it's been like that for a while now. Hopefully in the future we can get that extra week. I think that would help a lot to all the players. 從最慢場地調整到最快場地,也只短短幾天時間,但這賽程已經行之有年 還是希望在未來能讓我們有多餘的時間去休息並調整,相信會幫助到很多選手 Q. Can you point to one thing? Is it the footwork? 你能指出不同點嗎?是腳步問題嗎? Yes. I think the footwork is the hardest thing, you know. Takes a bit of time to adjust because ball bounces very high on clay. You slide a lot. You play long rallies. Grass court nowadays is slower comparing to grass court maybe 15, 20 years ago when we had serve-and-volley players. Today it's slower and it's more suitable to the baseliners. But, on the other hand, it's still the fastest surface out of all that we have in our sport, and it requires a certain adjustment in the movement, in the footsteps,in the adjustment to the ball. So for that, it takes time. 對,腳步移位占很重要的因素.在紅土,球彈跳高,每一球來回次數多,常滑步處理球; 在草地上,雖然比起15,20年前多數發球上網型選手,現在的場速是慢了些, 適合底線型選手發揮,但總括來講,草地還是所有比賽場地最快速的, 腳步移位絕對需要作出調整,所以需要時間適應. Q. You've talked before about getting into the right mental state before a tournament. What have you done to get back into the right mental state after the French Open? 你之前談過在大賽前的心態調整,在你法網奪冠失利後,要如何用正確的心態去面對? Well, just taking few days off really and trying to recharge my batteries physically and mentally - and emotionally also, because I put a lot of energy and effort into winning French Open. It didn't happen, but I thought I had a great tournament. I gave my best. It was a thrilling match to be a part of with Nadal in semifinals. But, as I said, you know, I needed that few days just to, you know, relax, let the stress go and everything that I've been through. You know, kind of get another motivation to prepare well for this tournament. 就是休息,不管是生理上的,心理上的,還有情緒上的... 因為我投入很多精力瞄準我第一座法網,雖然沒有成真,但我想我也表現不錯了, 我拿出最好的球技在那場準決賽上. 所以我需要把壓力釋放,讓身心都充電完後再次投入溫布頓. Q. Speaking of that actual match against Rafa, do you go back and look at it with your team and talk about X's and O's or you leave it as it is and move on? 談談法網和Nadal那場準決賽,你還有試著去回想那場比賽嗎, 還有跟你的團隊聊起那場比賽嗎,還是你就不去想然後繼續前進? Yeah, of course we spoke about the match. It was, as I said, a fantastic match to be part of. Very few points decided the winner. I thought I was close to victory after being down two sets to one. He was serving for match few times, and I managed to come back and fight my way through and get to the fifth. From that moment on, it was, you know, one or two points that will decide. Unfortunately, you know, I lost that match. But I have to be proud, you know, of my efforts there and try to look at it from the positive side. There is always another year. I will definitely go back to Paris every year wanting more and more to win the title. 當然,我們有談到那場比賽,那是一場很棒的比賽,些微的分數就能決定比賽結果. 我想我曾經很接近勝利,在他要發球拿下比賽時,我總能扳回頹勢,奮力進入第五盤, 一兩球之差就能影響結局.但很不幸的,我輸了,但我為我自己感到驕傲, 畢竟我努力過了,凡事要往正面去想,明年還有機會. 往後的每一年我都會盡我最大力量嘗試贏得我想要的法網金盃. Q. As you're playing on grass, how much does the way you return change and how much does grass help players who don't serve that well? 在草地上打球,你對於回發球有什麼策略性調整? 而對於那些發球不是很好的選手,草地對於他們而言會有什麼程度上的幫助? Well, serve I think on the grass is essential, you know. Probably the crucial element of the game of a player here more than maybe any other surface. You need to try to have as many free points as you can on your first serves. But, of course, it's not that easy, because today I think there is a lot of good returners of the game. And, as I said, grass itself is slower than it used to be. It's more suitable to the returners and baseline players. But, you know, the game is so demanding nowadays, so complete, that you need to have the variety of shots in your game. You cannot just rely on one shot, on one serve. You need to really be 100% prepared in every aspect, every side of your game, in order to prevail and win the tournament. 我想在草地上,發球絕對是最重要的武器之一,相對於其他場地,發球是很關鍵性的角色. 你可以靠發球快速取分,但是也沒那麼容易,畢竟現在有太多回發球好手, 而且就像我之前說的,草地比起以前已經慢很多了,越來越適合底線型選手及回發高手. 但現在網壇競爭激烈,並不能只靠單一球路就取勝,你必須變得更全面, 必須在各方面都準備充分,才能贏下這項賽事. Q. As the game has gotten more physical on the baseline, do you feel like the surfaces are playing the same? Is there still a real distinction between the three major surfaces to you? 現在網球大都停留在底線作戰,你會不會認為現在場地的異質性越來越小? 你覺得溫布頓相較於其他三大滿貫還有明顯的區別嗎? Uhm, well, I think that even though there is certain similarities between, let's say, hard courts, US Open and Australian Open. There is, again, in my eyes, a significant difference because of the conditions in which we play and the environment and surrounding. You know, the balls are different. So it all affects the player, you know. It affects the game itself. Wherever you go, you have to kind of take a few days and adjust to those conditions. 我想,縱然現在差異越來越小,例如在硬地的美網和澳網, 但就我看,還是有差別的,例如環境的影響,天氣變化等等,比賽用球也要列入考量, 綜括所有因素,這些都會影響選手的表現,所以比賽方法也須跟著去應變調整. Q. Can you share your thoughts on playing Florian Mayer in your first round? 能談一下你的第一輪對手Mayer嗎? Played him quarters in Wimbledon last year, so I know what to expect. He's a tricky player. He has a bit unorthodox game. He can be very dangerous on this surface. He loves playing on grass. If you look at his career, he's made his best results, I think, on grass. Strong backhand. He's tall. He can serve well. He can move around the court well. I think it's a difficult opponent for the first round. I'm ready. Every day I'm getting better on the court. I'm proceeding with my program, with my team, and hopefully I can be ready for that match. 去年在八強跟他交手過,所以我多少能知道他的球路,他是個蠻多變化的選手, 他的打法有點非正統性,他在草地是個危險的對手,也取得過不錯的成績. 他有強力反拍,他很高,發球也不錯,移位也不差,我想以第一輪對手來說是蠻棘手的. 但我準備好了,我有我的作戰計畫,希望我能表現得好. Q. The French Open is a big target for you to complete. 法網金盃是你完成全滿貫最重要的目標. To what extent does that help you relate to the demands on Andy Murray, and how much extra pressure do you think it is for him than the other members of the big four, the only player that has to play a Grand Slam on home soil? 就這關聯性,溫布頓對於Murray來講也是一種甜蜜的負擔. 在Big4之中,就屬他有地主壓力,你認為他的壓力是否比起你們三個來的更沉重些? Yeah, I guess that adds a little bit of extra pressure to him because he has got huge expectations from his country, from Wimbledon in general, because they're waiting for, you know, the local winner for many years. But he's gotten much better since last year this time because he has played Wimbledon finals. He came back and won a gold medal. He won US Open. He's got already a few big titles under his belt, and he knows definitely what it takes to play on a big stage. I think he handles pressure really well. But everybody feels pressure. You know, pressure is part of what we do, part of professional sport. It's a challenge, but it's also privilege because, you know, having pressure means that you're doing something that is important, that is very valuable. You have to learn how to deal with it, you know, and accept it. 是的,我相信國家賦予他很高的期望,尤其是溫布頓,因為他們等地主冠軍很久了. 但我想他已經學會釋放這些壓力,像去年他闖入決賽,也拿下奧運金牌, 接下來他拿下美網成就生涯第一座大滿貫,證明他能夠在大比賽重要場合處理得很好. 每個人都會面臨壓力,這是所有職業選手必經的考驗,但這也是一種殊榮, 因為你有這些壓力,代表你正在做一件重要的事,有意義的事, 要學習如何處理這些壓力,並接受它. Q. The 4-3 deuce point in the fifth set against Rafa in Paris... 在法網四強對Nadal,第五盤,4-3 deuce,那一分... Thanks for reminding of that. I hoped you would not bring that up (smiling). 謝謝你提醒我那一球,但我希望你不要繼續在傷口上灑鹽了(苦笑). Q. Have you looked at it? What are your thoughts looking back at it? 你有看重播嗎? 再回去看這球你有什麼想法? To be honest with you, I looked at it the same night and I haven't looked at it since (laughter). Well, it is what it is. I can't go back now. I tried just to turn the new page metaphorically in my head, just move on and think about what's coming next. Because, you know, if I start questioning myself, coming up with the 'what if' questions, you know, there would not be an end to that, you know, to that kind of bad feeling after that match. But, look, I lost the match. Maybe that was one of the most important points that I ever had on Roland Garros. It was unfortunate really. I haven't paid attention on the net. I ran into it. I guess the rules are rules. The chair umpire made that decision. I haven't seen where the ball bounced. My argument was that the ball bounced out of dimensions of the court, but doesn't matter. I lost the match. Now I have to move on. 我可以誠實告訴你,我有在當晚重看,但我並沒有看過以前有發生過這樣情況(笑) 過去就過去了,事實也沒辦法改變,我腦子不會再去想了,我只想著下一步是什麼. 因為如果你一直質疑自己,"如果當時怎樣怎樣"這類的無限迴圈問題,是不會有答案的, 然後壞情緒也會如影隨形跟著你. 事實是我輸了那場比賽,這也許是我在法網以來經歷過最關鍵的一分,是很不幸沒錯. 當時我並沒有把注意力放在網子上,我衝過去了,但規則就是規則,裁判認定是那樣. 我沒看到球彈跳到哪兒,我爭執的點在於我認為球已經被我打出場外我才碰到, 但那也沒關係了,我輸了是事實,我必須往前看. Q. Seeing you play at Stoke Park this week, you're a natural entertainer on court. Is that something you feel over the years you've had to hold back in your personality to actually perform better in serious competition? 這周看你在表演賽玩得很開心,在場上你是一個天生的娛樂家(無誤)XD 這幾年你是否試著壓抑著自己(愛搞笑)的個性,在嚴肅的賽事中表現得更好呢? Well, thank you, first of all (smiling). I have tried all my life to be who I am. That's one of my mottos really, not pretending to be somebody else. I think that kind of character and strong position, I guess, got me to where I am. You know, I did hold back a little bit, because I think sometimes there is no time to really, you know, entertain that much. But I still feel that I am enjoying what I am doing, and I try to have fun wherever I go and as much as I can. Maybe tennis lacks that little bit of enthusiastic part of it, you know, entertainment, fun. But, you know, it's the sport that has respected its tradition and integrity for a long time. So hopefully in this modern time, we can evolve, we can do other things that are, let's say, suitable to the area where we are living. 首先,謝謝你的稱讚(笑). 我一生中都嘗試著做我自己,那是我的座右銘,不偽裝成別人.(是嗎?你不是很愛模仿..) 我的確有克制自己,因為我覺得很多時候是不需要那樣做的,但我還是很樂在其中, 不管到哪裡我都盡可能(發揮搞笑天分)找尋樂趣. 也許網球運動的確是嚴肅了點,缺乏熱情,娛樂性,但網球是一項備受尊崇的運動, 網球其傳統性延續至今好長一段時間了. 所以希望在現代,我們能發展出不一樣的面向,視不同地區發展出適合的樣貌. (那就靠你當娛樂大使囉~XD) FastScripts by ASAP Sports -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/27 01:24, , 1F
扯了= = 我要擔心Nole了..希望明天不要受傷
06/27 01:24, 1F

06/27 01:26, , 2F
感謝翻譯:) 對了官網是不是沒有賽訪啊...請問原PO是去哪找
06/27 01:26, 2F

06/27 01:26, , 3F
06/27 01:26, 3F

06/27 01:36, , 4F
06/27 01:36, 4F

06/27 23:49, , 5F
哈 Nole還真會講話
06/27 23:49, 5F
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