N Djokovic - Interview [2012 RG SF]

看板Djokovic作者 (BCJSHLRPJRAHDJCJLJRMKR)時間12年前 (2012/06/10 03:15), 編輯推噓8(800)
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June 08 2012 N. DJOKOVIC/R. Federer 6-3 7-5 6-3 Q. Was it a little difficult to keep your concentration at a level where you wanted today, considering the ebbs and flows of the match? 你今天狀態有點起伏,是因為比較難持續保持專注嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's always an effort and it's always a challenge, you know, to be focused and play, take the maximum amount of your abilities out of these matches. That is the ask, you know. That is something that you need to do if you want to be a winner at the end of matches against one of your biggest rivals. 在這種(高強度的)比賽中保持專注、發揮最佳狀態一直都是挑戰,這是一種必須條件, 如果你想要贏得你最大的對手,你必須要做到這些。 Q. The Australian Open final, what recollections do you have of that amazing final now, and what do you draw from that? And also wanted to ask you about the one shot which Rafa mentioned in his press conference, that easy backhand he missed in the final of the fifth set, if you have any recollections of that moment, if you know what I mean. 你現在對於今年澳網決賽的印象是什麼?你從那場比賽得到了什麼?另外,Nadal 在賽後 記者會有提到他當時在第五盤的一記反拍失誤,你有印象嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's definitely the most exciting match I ever had in my career, you know. The longest for sure. You know, considering the fact that it was a final, it was just incredible historic match to be part of. 那場比賽絕對是我的職業生涯中最刺激的一場比賽,也是耗時最長的。那可是決賽,可以 參與到這樣經典大戰感覺非常棒。 Obviously we both wanted to win and win the trophy, and in the end it had to be only one winner. But I thought we played an incredible match. And, yes, he did have his chances. Obviously that backhand that you mentioned, I think it was 3-2 or 4-2 up and 30-15. But that's what happens at this level: couple of points and couple of mistakes decide the winner. It's going to be quite different on Sunday because this is a different surface. It's different circumstances. 我們都很想贏得比賽,贏得冠軍,但是只能有一個贏家。我覺得我們打了一場不可思議的 比賽,他曾經有過機會,就像你剛剛提到的反拍,我記得是在局數 3-2 或是 4-2,比數 30-15 那時候。但是,這就是在高強度比賽會發生的事,幾分、幾個失誤就可以決定比賽 結果,不過星期天會很不一樣,因為這是不一樣的場地,不一樣的情況。 You know, he plays always his best here in Roland Garros, and so I expect to do that as well on Sunday. I know that I have to be consistently playing consistently well on very high level in order to win best-of-five against Nadal here. It's an ultimate challenge. But, you know, I believe that today was the best match of 2012 Roland Garros for me, so I've raised my game when I needed to. I played really well when it was the most important, so that's something that gives me confidence obviously before the finals. 他總是在法網發揮到最好,所以我會預期他星期日也是這樣。我知道我必須持續保持高水 準才能在五盤三勝的比賽贏過 Nadal。這是很艱鉅的挑戰,不過我今天已經打出了在本屆 法網最好的一場比賽,成功了提昇了狀態,我在關鍵時刻打得很好,這一點給了我信心。 Q. In the previous rounds you came out of some very difficult situations in this Roland Garros, and today especially in the second set again you have had a very tough second set. What happens in those moments? Like it’s as if you’ re becoming a master in crisis management. What happens? Your concentration is like getting to its peak? What happens? 你在前兩輪打得很艱辛,今天的第二盤也很艱難,可是你還是逆轉了,那時候到底發生了 什麼事?就像你瞬間變成了危機管理大師(XD),你的專注力突然到達頂點了嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it’s up and down. I think I would really want myself not to have the downs that I had in the beginning of the second set, you know, losing two times the serve. But I regrouped, you know, mentally, and I came back. That's really a positive, you know, especially when you come back from double break down. Against a player like Federer it is a success. You know, it is a great achievement. 這就是比賽裡的起起伏伏,但是,在第二盤的一開始就丟了兩個發球局不是我希望出現的 情況。不過我重新組織,心理上恢復過來了,這真的很重要,尤其當你已經被破了兩個發 球局但能夠追回來,對手還是 Federer,這是巨大的成就。 But look, you know, I cannot allow myself to have that many ups and downs, especially the next match. You know, I know, I am aware of the intensity that I needed to play today and on Sunday, as well. I'm not for the first time in that position. I have let's say the experience playing semifinals and finals against these two guys so many times in the last five years. But never against Nadal in the finals here in Roland Garros, so it's going to be a challenge. Both of us want this title. We'll see who will prevail. 但是,我不能再出現不穩定的情況,尤其是下一場比賽。我很清楚今天和星期天的比賽我 必須打得很好。這也不是我第一次遇到這樣的情況了,過去五年我有很多在準決賽和決賽 遭遇費納的經驗,不過法網決賽對決 Nadal 是第一次,所以絕對會是挑戰,我們都很想 奪冠,看看誰會勝出吧。 Q. Can we have an answer in French for French radios, please? (In French.) 我們可以用法文來回答一題嗎,給法國的聽眾們? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I understand. 好。 Q. (In French.) This is your most important match in your career. What is your mindset? How did you feel? (法文)這是你的職業生涯中最重要的一場比賽,你現在的心理狀態如何?感覺怎麼樣? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: (In French) Well, I'm happy with my game today. I think that today this was a very important moment for me. I played even better. It's very important before I play against Nadal. It's the first time I'm going to be with him in the finals here in Paris. I hope I’m going to play a good match again, and that the level I'll play will be high. That's the best can I do at this moment. 我對今天的比賽很滿意,因為我打得更好了,在對決 Nadal 之前狀態把提昇起來很重要, 這是我第一次在法網決賽跟他的對決,我希望我可以再打一場好比賽,有很好的狀態。這 是我現在可以做的。 Q. (In English.) The last three times you played Nadal in the Grand Slam final you came in with a winning streak against him, and this time it's different. Do you feel like even though it's on clay that the dynamic between you two has changed? And how? (英文)過去三個大滿貫決賽,你都是帶著對他的連勝踏進球場,但是這次不一樣了,你 們在紅土上的對戰氣勢轉變了,這是不是讓你覺得更困難? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he won the last two encounters we had on clay in finals in Monte-Carlo and Rome. Everything counts. I did have a little strange circumstances in Monte-Carlo But look, you know, I’m not looking for excuse. He was a better player. 最近兩次的對戰都是他獲勝,蒙地卡羅和羅馬的決賽,我在蒙地卡羅的確有點小狀況,但 是,我不想找藉口,勝利就是勝利,他那時候就是打得比較好。 You know, things change at this level, as I said. You know, I didn't expect to win every match till the end of our careers against him, even though I won what, six, seven in a row? 但是,在高強度的比賽什麼都有可能轉變,就算我之前對他六連勝、七連勝,我也沒有預 期過我會一直贏下去。 But I won against him on clay last year two times back to back in eight days, and that's something that is back of my mind. That's something that can give me confidence, you know, I can think of when I step on the court with him on Sunday. But obviously it is different because now it's bests-of-five. He has lost what, two matches in his career here? So that's -- or one? (laughter) That says enough, I mean, about his quality on this court. I lost to him I think here I think maybe three times. I haven't won a set against him in this court. You know, all the facts are on his side. 去年我在八天內在紅土上贏了他兩次,算是一點心理上的後盾,一點信心,當我星期天踏 上場之後可以想的事情。不過,這是五盤三勝所以當然不一樣,他在法網只輸過兩場比賽 ——喔,一場嗎?(大笑)這就說明了他有多擅長紅土,我在這裡輸給他三次,一盤都沒 拿到,所有事實都說明優勢在他那裡。 But, look, you know, I feel different nowadays. I believe I'm at the peak of my career. I'm playing the best tennis of my life in last year and a half, and I should use that, you know. I should use that as a confidence boostance [sic] and try to get my hands on title. Why not? I have won against a great player today. First time I find myself on Sunday in Paris. Let's see what I can do. 但是我現在感覺不一樣了,我正處於生涯的高峰,過去的一年半是我打得最好的時候,我 應該要利用這些經驗作為信心來源,試著去奪冠。我今天已經擊敗了一位偉大的球員,第 一次晉級法網決賽,星期天看看我可以打得如何。 Q. Roger Federer said that Rafa was clearly the favorite for the final. Do you agree? Federer 說 Nadal 很顯然的是最被看好的,你同意嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I just mentioned all the facts, so you can say that he’ s a favorite, definitely. 就像我剛剛說的那些,所以你當然可以說他是最被看好的。 It’s a final, so, again, I think it's unpredictable what's going to happen because we are top two players, and we have played so many times last year and a half in so many finals. He is a favorite because of all the facts that we just mentioned. But I believe in myself. I think I have a chance. 這是決賽,會發生什麼事其實很難說,我們都是頂尖的球員,過去一年半也對決過很多次 。因為所有數據都是他佔優,所以他是最被看好的,但我相信我自己,我有機會。 Q. What's the difference between, say, controlling a match and points on grass and hard courts against Rafa than it would be on clay, which you've done a very good job with obviously on the other surfaces? 你在硬地和草地上對 Nadal 都打得很好,你覺得在紅土上的差別在哪裡? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, because here you get an extra ball back. It’s a slower conditions, which obviously suits him better. The ball bounces a bit higher for his topspin that he plays, you know, on this surface. It works at his advantage. 這裡球速比較慢,比較適合他,他的上炫球彈得也比較高,在紅土上他比較佔優勢。 But between, you know, I think the conditions on the center court here in Roland Garros maybe comparing to other clay court events that we have, like Monte-Carlo or maybe Rome, I think they are a little bit faster. So that can maybe work in my favor. But you can always expect him to play on a very high level, you know. He doesn't have much flaws in his game on this surface, so I need to step on the court believing I can win. 不過我覺得這裡的中央球場比其他紅土場快一點,這對我比較有利,但是永遠要期待他 會打得非常好,因為在這裡他總是失誤很少,所以我踏上球場的時候必須相信我會贏。 I mean, that’s the only way really I am aware of the differences in the surface. But I’ll try to make to have a right mindset and believe. 這是我唯一注意到的場地差異,我會做好一切心理準備然後相信我自己。 Q. I don’t want to insist so much on Rafa being the favorite and so on, but I would like you to give us a number, like the final is 50/50, 60% for him… 我不想太強調 Nadal 有多被看好,但是我想請你給一個數字,決賽會是五五波嗎,還是 他六你四? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I have to disappoint you. I'm really not good with numbers. I'm not good with percentages. (Smiling.) 我要讓你失望了,我對數字真的不是很在行,百分比也是。(微笑) Q. Can you just talk about the historical importance of this match? I mean, for both of you there is a lot on the line. 你可以談談這場比賽的歷史意義嗎?你們兩個都有紀錄要達成。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, there’s a lot on the line. It always is when you’re playing finals of a Grand Slam. Obviously, you know, considering the matches that we played against each other in last 15 months, you know, we expect another emotional match, another big challenge for both of us, fighting for one of the four biggest titles in our sport. So there’s always that on the line. And of course the other side, for me personally, is that I have this golden opportunity to, you know, make history. This motivates me, you know. It really inspires me. 的確有很多紀錄,當你在打大滿貫的時候總是有很多紀錄。從過去十五個月以來我們兩個 的比賽來看,決賽會很熱烈,對我們來說是另一個巨大的挑戰,所以永遠都有紀錄可以寫 ,不過從另一方面來說,我有絕佳的機會可以創造歷史,這是我的動力,很能夠激勵我。 You know, I’m really grateful to be in this position, obviously. And look, you know, I’ll try to prepare for that match and get my hands on that trophy if I can. 我真的感激我可以到達這裡,我會盡我所能去準備比賽,盡我所能去奪冠。 Q. Can I ask you how much your grandfather is still in your thoughts? If you don’t mind me asking. How much of a motivation and inspiration kind of his memory is during this run? 如果你不介意,我可以請問你還時常想著祖父嗎?祖父的記憶對你來說是怎麼樣的動力? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, he’s always in my thoughts, you know, in a very positive way. You know, I overcome the sadness that I had, you know, in that period during Monte-Carlo tournament and afterwards. Life goes on, and remember good moments. Yeah, it was nice to see most of my family today there, even my cousins from Geneva. They all came. It was really nice to have my box full with the closest ones. 他會永遠在我心裡,以一種很積極很正面的方式。我成功了走過哀傷的情緒,生活要繼續 ,記得那些好的回憶。看到我的家人今天都在現場感覺很好,日內瓦的親戚也來了,包廂 裡都是我最親近的人,這感覺很棒。 Q. Just go back to the motivation. You were talking about being motivated to make history. When Roger was beating you in finals and Rafa was beating you in semifinals, did you ever think, One day I could actually eclipse them and do something that they haven’t done, which hasn’t been done in our sport? 你剛剛提到可以創造歷史很有動力,但是,在過去,當 Federer 和 Nadal 不斷地在決賽 和準決賽擊敗你,你曾經想過有一天你可以做到他們無法做到的事嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It’s very hard to find anything they haven’t done and achieved, you know, both of these guys. But if there is one thing they haven’ t done and I can do, I would be very happy. But I’m not thinking about that, you know. It’s not about really, you know, okay, prestige or whatever, being better than one person. I’m thinking about myself, my career, and just trying to win every match that I play on. And obviously I had a lot of doubts, you know, in last couple of years if I can really overcome the big challenge of the two strongest players in our sport, most dominant players in our sport. 要找到他們還沒做過的事很難,但如果有一件事是我可以達到而他們還沒做到的,我會很 開心。過去我當然有過很多懷疑,質疑我自己是否可以克服這兩位最頑強的對手,但我現 在不是在想這個,跟「比別人更好」沒有關係,我在意的是我自己,我的職業生涯,試著 去贏得每一場比賽。 I’ve matured, you know. I got stronger over the years. You know, it’s because of them, as well, you know. They made me a better player. This is I think the beauty of today’s tennis in this moment, is that we make each other better players and better persons on and off the court. So it’s, you know, it’s nice to see that. 我更成熟了,這幾年來我更強壯,這也是因為他們兩個,他們讓我變成一個更好的球員, 這就是網球這項運動的美麗之處︰我們讓彼此成為更好的球員、更好的人,這是很棒的。 Q. When you prepare for a very important match, either with your entourage or yourself, do you sometimes watch videos of another match you’ve done with this player and analyze the situation and say, I should have done this or I should have done that? Do you sometimes use video? 當你在準備很重要的比賽,你自己,或者和你的團隊一起,你們會看之前和這位對手比賽 的錄影然後分析策略嗎?比如說,我應該這樣打,或者我不應該這樣打? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, sure. We do have a different ways of preparation. That's one of the ways to prepare the strategy, yeah. 會啊,我們有很多種準備的方式,看比賽錄影是其中一種。 Q. Do you intend to do this for the final? 那決賽你會這樣做嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I will keep my own routine, yes. Yes. 我會做我平常該做的。 ---- 實在很長,應該錯誤一堆吧(汗) 小囧決賽加油! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/10 05:48, , 1F
06/10 05:48, 1F

06/10 06:41, , 2F
Djo請循莎娃模式 完成男女單同時完成生涯大滿貫的紀錄!
06/10 06:41, 2F

06/10 08:34, , 3F
06/10 08:34, 3F

06/10 09:54, , 4F
06/10 09:54, 4F

06/10 12:20, , 5F
他看起來很有把握 希望今晚拿照他說的表現不要搞笑
06/10 12:20, 5F

06/10 13:16, , 6F
感謝翻譯:) 希望能打出他今年法網最好的一場比賽!
06/10 13:16, 6F

06/10 13:22, , 7F
06/10 13:22, 7F

06/10 18:17, , 8F
06/10 18:17, 8F
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