[新聞] Nole和Uniqlo簽下五年約

看板Djokovic作者 (BCJSHLRPJRAHDJCJLJRMKR)時間12年前 (2012/05/23 23:46), 編輯推噓36(36024)
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UNIQLO Appoints Novak Djokovic as Global Brand Ambassador Nole 成為 Uniqlo 全球品牌大使 http://www.uniqlo.com/us/corp/pressrelease/2012/05/uniqlo_appoints_novak_djokovic.html 縮網址 http://ppt.cc/sJPV May 23, 2012, Paris, France - UNIQLO today announces that it has appointed Novak Djokovic, the world's top-ranked male professional tennis player, as its global brand ambassador. The five-year partnership, which takes effect from today, will see Djokovic promoting the UNIQLO brand and UNIQLO clothing worldwide. The partnership will also include collaboration on future product lines, as well as co-developing the ultimate UNIQLO functional wear. Nole 在今天正式和 Uniqlo 簽下五年約,並且成為該品牌的全球代言人,Nole 會參與球 衣的設計。 A preview of the collaboration's first results will be seen at this year's Roland-Garros French Open Tennis Tournament that starts on May 27, where Djokovic will debut his newly designed UNIQLO match wear to spectators in Paris and to a worldwide TV audience. Nole 將會在法網穿上第一套 Uniqlo 為他設計的球衣亮相。 Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President & CEO of leading global Japanese retailer Fast Retailing, commented on today’s announcement saying, “We are extremely pleased to have Novak Djokovic become UNIQLO's global brand ambassador. We will use the most innovative fabrics and technologies to develop match wear that can contribute to the performance of a globally recognized and respected sports person like Novak. At the same time, UNIQLO will incorporate latest fabrics and technologies to co-develop with him the ultimate functional apparel that can be worn, and enjoyed, by people all over the world.” Yanai added, “UNIQLO and Novak share a common, mutual desire to improve people's lives and contribute to society. In addition to creating truly great clothing with new and unique value, Fast Retailing takes to heart our mission to enrich people’s lives through unique corporate activities and to grow our company in unity with society. We look forward to collaborating with Novak on a number of corporate social responsibility programs around the world.” Uniqlo 的 CEO Tadashi Yanai 表示他們非常高興可以擁有 Nole 這樣的全球品牌大使。 因為 Nole 是世界知名的運動員,他們將會使用最創新的布料與科技來設計球衣,Nole 也將會參與設計。 Novak Djokovic, commenting on today’s announcement said, “I am honored, and also very excited, to have been appointed as the UNIQLO global brand ambassador. UNIQLO is a cool brand with strong roots in Japan, a country whose culture and way of life I respect. I have a personal philosophy which I call ‘Be Unique,’ and this is based on my strong passion, drive and eagerness to keep improving myself. I am passionate about being the best possible tennis player, as well as the best possible person, and I have a continuous desire to help people, especially children, who have been less fortunate than I.” Nole 則說他非常榮幸,也非常開心可以擔任 Uniqlo 的品牌大使 (後面就是官腔不翻了XD) Djokovic added, “I feel a natural connection with UNIQLO. To me, UNIQLO is not fast fashion, and it's not sports wear. UNIQLO is the ultimate functional wear, which is exactly what I need as both a sports person and an individual who leads a very active life. I look forward to collaborating with UNIQLO in the development of new products and to getting to know the global UNIQLO family better.” 「我感受到我和 Uniqlo 之間非常自然的連結,」(我好想吐嘈他XD)「Uniqlo 不是時尚 品牌,也不是運動品牌,但它非常具有實用性,這正是我作為球員以及在場外都需要的, 我很期待和 Uniqlo 的合作。 In launching the new partnership between UNIQLO and Novak Djokovic today, UNIQLO confirms that as its first corporate social responsibility activity it will manufacture a custom-designed charity UT (UNIQLO T-shirt) to sell at a select number of UNIQLO stores and online. Proceeds from the sale of this UT will be donated to the Novak Djokovic Foundation to support children’s programs. Details regarding the design of the UT, as well as timing and location of sale will be announced in due course. Uniqlo 也同時宣佈會設計一系列的 T-shirt,會在特定的實體商店以及網路上販賣,所得 將會捐贈至 Nole 的兒童基金會。 這裡有照片 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1607975166?pn=4 也許以後在台灣就可以買到小囧的球衣? 所以 ST 的這款新球衣再也不會出現了XDDDD ---- 我有看到另外一個消息是,他們簽的是非買斷合約,也就是 Nole 可以在五年內的任何 時候終止合約,但是這個我不確定 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: crystal1115 來自: (05/23 23:47)

05/23 23:50, , 1F
05/23 23:50, 1F

05/23 23:54, , 2F
05/23 23:54, 2F

05/23 23:57, , 3F
官網也迅速放上Uniqlo XD
05/23 23:57, 3F

05/24 00:02, , 4F
05/24 00:02, 4F

05/24 00:03, , 5F
會不會表演賽找錦織圭XD 然後以後都去打東京站
05/24 00:03, 5F

05/24 00:03, , 6F
但官網沒有新聞稿 我剛剛找了一下才找到Uniqlo官方的
05/24 00:03, 6F

05/24 00:03, , 7F
05/24 00:03, 7F

05/24 00:04, , 8F
05/24 00:04, 8F

05/24 00:04, , 9F
表演賽是經紀公司的業務吧 好像跟球衣贊助商沒有關係
05/24 00:04, 9F

05/24 00:05, , 10F
對岸的球迷也超傻眼 而且一片哀號 開始懷念ST XDDD
05/24 00:05, 10F

05/24 00:06, , 11F
哈哈 我亂說的XD 但真的很難想像他穿這麼亞洲的牌子
05/24 00:06, 11F

05/24 00:06, , 12F
05/24 00:06, 12F

05/24 00:07, , 13F
05/24 00:07, 13F

05/24 00:07, , 14F
05/24 00:07, 14F

05/24 00:07, , 15F
我也開玩笑的XD Uniqlo跟他白癡搞笑球王的風格超不搭
05/24 00:07, 15F

05/24 00:08, , 16F
是不會難看 但就是感覺很奇怪
05/24 00:08, 16F

05/24 00:09, , 17F
所以ST才有搞笑白痴球王的感覺嗎 設計者要哭了XDDD
05/24 00:09, 17F

05/24 00:12, , 18F
不過這樣對於推廣白癡球王是不錯的選擇 以後他的能見度會
05/24 00:12, 18F

05/24 00:13, , 19F
提升一些吧 希望台灣也能引進 店頭甚至有他的照片
05/24 00:13, 19F

05/24 00:13, , 20F
05/24 00:13, 20F

05/24 00:13, , 21F
05/24 00:13, 21F

05/24 00:14, , 22F
05/24 00:14, 22F

05/24 00:14, , 23F
每次跟同學去逛 都要指一下 說ㄟㄟㄟ很可愛吧XDDD
05/24 00:14, 23F

05/24 00:14, , 24F
算是擴展亞洲市場吧 希望會引進他的球衣
05/24 00:14, 24F

05/24 00:15, , 25F
至少我希望我們同棟的4F可以看得到 我就可以衝上去買XD
05/24 00:15, 25F

05/24 00:15, , 26F
05/24 00:15, 26F

05/24 00:16, , 27F
05/24 00:16, 27F

05/24 00:17, , 28F
ST也不適合他 感覺太正經 他穿Addidas還不賴阿
05/24 00:17, 28F

05/24 00:18, , 29F
哈哈 今天還去買他們的皮帶 因為周五蓬勃的晚宴差一條皮帶
05/24 00:18, 29F

05/24 00:18, , 30F
因為我們家沒有適合的 但我只會買牛仔褲 襪子 皮帶 其他就..
05/24 00:18, 30F

05/24 00:19, , 31F
哈哈哈 4F這暗示這麼明顯XDD
05/24 00:19, 31F

05/24 00:21, , 32F
我覺得ST很好耶 潮難! 但最後一套下台惡搞
05/24 00:21, 32F

05/24 00:23, , 33F
05/24 00:23, 33F

05/24 00:25, , 34F
喔對小囧又帶Jelena去參加坎城影展了 領結很有趣XD
05/24 00:25, 34F

05/24 00:46, , 35F
UNIQLO球衣也算不便宜 衣跟褲應該都要4000yen吧~
05/24 00:46, 35F

05/24 01:04, , 36F
好吧 Nole可能會改變我對Uniqlo的印象ˊˋ
05/24 01:04, 36F

05/24 01:10, , 37F
不愛UNI 不~~~~~~~~~~
05/24 01:10, 37F

05/24 01:18, , 38F
我覺得Uniqlo可以買很基本的品項 UT就免了 到處撞沒意思XD
05/24 01:18, 38F

05/24 02:08, , 39F
05/24 02:08, 39F

05/24 02:46, , 40F
唯一好處是在台灣路上也能看到 +1
05/24 02:46, 40F

05/24 03:00, , 41F
05/24 03:00, 41F

05/24 03:37, , 42F
好處是好買 XDDD
05/24 03:37, 42F

05/24 04:45, , 43F
05/24 04:45, 43F

05/24 08:53, , 44F
05/24 08:53, 44F

05/24 09:51, , 45F
05/24 09:51, 45F

05/24 09:52, , 46F
05/24 09:52, 46F

05/24 09:57, , 47F
當個Captain好了啦 http://0rz.tw/xaWBt
05/24 09:57, 47F

05/24 13:13, , 48F
05/24 13:13, 48F

05/24 13:39, , 49F
05/24 13:39, 49F

05/24 13:43, , 50F
05/24 13:43, 50F

05/24 14:03, , 51F
05/24 14:03, 51F

05/24 14:18, , 52F
美國隊長很弱~~~+1 這樣表演賽可以叫UNI讚助了 哈哈
05/24 14:18, 52F

05/24 17:04, , 53F
美國隊長是leader耶 小囧完全沒有精神領袖的樣子XD
05/24 17:04, 53F

05/24 17:44, , 54F
05/24 17:44, 54F

05/24 21:11, , 55F
小冏走的是Loki的style XDDD
05/24 21:11, 55F

05/24 21:38, , 56F
的確 我想看他被小威抓起來在地上摔來摔去XDDDD
05/24 21:38, 56F

05/24 22:31, , 57F
05/24 22:31, 57F

05/25 00:20, , 58F
05/25 00:20, 58F

05/25 00:40, , 59F
05/25 00:40, 59F

05/25 03:33, , 60F
05/25 03:33, 60F
文章代碼(AID): #1FlGP9SW (Djokovic)