[新聞] 韓國一名20多歲男性因加密貨幣虧損而自殺

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新聞來源連結: https://bit.ly/3jYnPHC 新聞本文: Police: Suicide Linked to USD 180,000 Crypto Losses By Tim Alper April 29, 2021 警方 : 這起自殺案件與18萬美金(約折合新台幣504萬)的加密貨幣投資損失有關 A South Korean man aged in his twenties has committed suicide – and police claim that a crypto investment gone wrong likely drove him to take his own life. 一名南韓的20多歲男子被確定自殺身亡,警方表示這起事件可能因加密貨幣投資失利導致 Police in Gangneung, Gangwon Province, said the man was found dead in the area on the afternoon of April 24. No suicide note was discovered, but officers told the media that crypto investment was thought to have driven the man to take his own life – although their investigation is still ongoing. 根據江原道江陵市的警方稱,該男子在4月24日下午被發現陳屍在該區域,附近沒有發現 遺書,但警方告訴媒體,導致該男子自殺的原因很有可能是加密貨幣投資,儘管他們的 調查仍在進行中。 Per Hanguk Kyungjae and Money S, the man had told his parents that he had been “mentally distressed” by an investment “failure” involving at least one unnamed cryptoasset. The police claim that the man incurred losses of over USD 180,000 in a crypto investment. 根據 Hanguk Kyungjae 和 Money S 的報導,該名男子生前告訴了他的父母,他因投資了 幾個未知的加密貨幣資產失敗而使得他承受了精神上的痛苦。 警方稱,該男子在一項加密投資中虧損了超過180,000美元。 A large number of tokens have been delisted from South Korea’s biggest trading platforms in recent months as crypto exchanges begin to show evidence of “self-regulation” – with deposit caps also imposed. "Korean traders seem to be active at all hours of the day, indicating that trading may be an all-consuming activity for many of them," according to a recent report. However, for many, the news will be an unwelcome reminder of the start of the crypto winter in 2018, when dropping crypto prices and the decline of the initial coin offering (ICO) movement sent South Korean investors into a funk, with a number of crypto-related suicides reported. Most of the cases reported back in 2018, worryingly, were also young men in their twenties. 近幾個月來,隨著加密貨幣交易所開始自我監管的跡象,大量的代幣已從韓國幾個主流的 交易平台一一下架,此外這些平台還規定了每位用戶存款上限。 根據最近的一份報告,位於韓國的加密貨幣交易用戶近期都很活躍,然而,對於許多人來 說,這個(交易所自我監管)的消息將會使得加密貨幣的價格大跌。 在 2018 年,加密貨幣行情迎來了第一個冬季,許多的位於韓國的ICO投資者都陷入恐慌, 並且當時在韓國也出現許多與加密貨幣相關的自殺事件。 令人擔憂的是,2018 年的大多數案例也幾乎都是 20 多歲的年輕人。 The so-called “2030” demographic – South Korean people in their twenties and thirties – has embraced crypto like never before in the recent bull market, and the majority of investors are thought to be male. This is the group that has been most incensed by recent talk from government and regulators about further regulating the crypto industry – with many complaining in online forums that crypto has become their only money-making option. Many claim that with the stock market sluggish, real estate prices spiraling, and youth unemployment on the rise, crypto represents their only escape. 在南韓,有個稱呼叫做 "20至30歲的人口",意思指20多歲至30多歲的韓國人(大多為 男性),在近期的加密貨幣牛市中踴躍的交易這些產品。 這也是最近政府和監管機構提出要求進一步監管加密行業的政策中,最感到憤怒的群體 有許多人在網路上抱怨加密貨幣已成為他們唯一的賺錢方法與選擇,隨著股市低迷、房地 產價格大幅飆升以及青年的失業率上升,加密貨幣是他們這輩子中唯一能夠翻身的機會。 The government and regulators, meanwhile, appear to have worked themselves into a tangle with their own approach to regulating the sector. 與此同時,政府和監管機構目前也尚未正式定出詳細的監管方針。 Police advised people suffering from investment-related stress to call a dedicated helpline. 警方建議,如果面對投資相關壓力的人們,可以撥打防自殺幫助熱線以獲得幫助。 評論: 說真的從韓國當地交易所到先前貪婪恐慌指數跌到20幾的時候 還有著一定量的泡菜溢價 就可以得知韓國當地對於加密貨幣交易這件事情一直都是相當熱絡的 尤其是在今年史無前例的牛市的情況 但這也使得南韓的社會上出現了一些這方面(投資失利)的問題 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1629045871.A.8C4.html ※ 編輯: qxxrbull ( 臺灣), 08/16/2021 00:50:13

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這種新聞不用看id 就知道是你發的
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其實是好心提醒你各位不要all in槓桿不要開大
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原po的用意好善良 推推 真的別開合約
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槓桿開太兇齁ㄎ ㄎ
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怎麼這幾天一堆自殺新聞 看了內文都是幾個月前發生的
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