
看板Diary作者 (Unicorn)時間2月前 (2024/04/04 22:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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在人際互動的過程中,為了形成最佳結果,經常需要因應對方的特質而調整自己的言行舉 止,這其中免不了去我執、去習氣、去五毒,如果沒有「心」的認知和驅使,很難形成足 夠的動機。因此,「心」的狀態決定「意念」的取向而形成「意業」的善惡與否。難怪「 身口意」的帶動者是「意」;「身心靈」平衡的關鍵在於「心」,修行的重點在修心。 太陽盛德導師在一段音檔中曾說:修行修心,修智慧,才能長德性、積福報,這是經過一 連串的實修過程所轉化成長而來的。當德行增長,做人處事合於天理,加上運用超碼系統 的「心法潛修步驟一二三」的清調補程序,真的可以逐步與天地運作同軌而能同頻共振, 與天地契合的程度增高,修行次第提升,那源史本然的靈性自然彰顯。對以媛而言,這是 修行的目的,就從修心開始吧。 0 4/04「太陽靈驗轉運法」第19輪第47天 1. 非常感恩永順老人養護之家程主任的仁心,願意在沒有正常床位的狀況下,彈性調 整一位入住個案去「性別友善區域」,空出床位容納大哥。目前先以喘息過渡的21天作出 院安置準備,後續能否順利留院長住就看大哥的福份了。我們所有弟妹們都會祝福大哥。 2. 很早以前就想向長期照護機構的照顧者推薦超碼結緣書,先去提升照顧者自身的正 量氣場,不要受到病人個案的病氣影響。這次趁參訪之便,帶了結緣書和超碼叢書,送給 照護人員及入住個案和其家屬參考,相信可以起到正向提升的作用。 參東流 https://www.richestlife.com/music-downloads/looking-at-the-river-flowing-to-the-east/ 一生的庸碌有什麼 What is the meaning of the hustle and bustle in life? 再回首似換得一壺酒 Looking back, life is like a bottle of alcohol 又把我推走 任憑大海終無留 Drifting in the boundless ocean 這才暢飲感受 參東流 Later realizing that life cannot be reversed like the river flowing to the East will never return 亮麗的人生是什麼 What is a glorious life? 是不是 終生做 飲陳酒 Is it a rat race with more drinking? 終究等白頭 怨懟終結總還留 At the end, resentments left unsettled 難免百般感慨 參東流 Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return 我才懂得人生路由 I then realize what is life 看透什麼叫做足夠 And understand what is enough 夢醒間似懂 繁華又何求 Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life 瀟灑追夢領風騷参東流 Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return 參東流知否 猜透亦看透 The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize 享好過終究要懂參東流 To have a good life, we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return 亮麗的人生是什麼 What is a glorious life? 是不是 終生做 飲陳酒 Is it a rat race with more drinking? 終究等白頭 怨懟終結總還留 At the end, resentments left unsettled 難免百般感慨 參東流 Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return 我才懂得人生路由 I then realize what is life 看透什麼叫做足夠 And understand what is enough 夢醒間似懂 繁華又何求 Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life 瀟灑追夢領風騷参東流 Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return 參東流知否 猜透亦看透 The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize 享好過終究要懂參東流 To have a good life, we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return 勾畫思緒参東流 Clear my thoughts and cherish life because life is like a river flowing to the East and will never return 冬陽雖好又誰能留 The Winter Sun is so precious, but no one can hold on to it forever 在愛中共振,在感恩中連結。 打造精采生命,共創美好未來。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1712239684.A.F6E.html
文章代碼(AID): #1c3hH4zk (Diary)