[情報] Diamondbacks bringing up Wily Mo Pena?

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Diamondbacks bringing up Wily Mo Pena? By Mark J. Miller Outfielder Wily Mo Pena hasn't been in the big leagues since 2008 when he batted .205 with two homers and 10 RBIs in 64 games for the Washington Nationals. 外野手Wily Mo Pena在2008年在國民隊出賽64場,繳出打擊率0.205、2發全壘打、 10打點,自此之後便無法上大聯盟。 Now he's in the Arizona Diamondbacks' system. He is batting .356 with 21 homers and 62 RBIs for the team's Triple-A affiliate, the Reno Aces, and the Boston Globe reports that the team is considering bringing him up to DH in interleague games. The 29-year-old has played in the bigs for three organizations: the Cincinnati Reds, the Boston Red Sox and the Nats. 現在他人在響尾蛇的農場系統打拼,目前在3A的Reno Aces有亮眼表現,打擊率0.356 、21發全壘打、62分打點。據Boston Globe報導,球隊考慮讓他上來打DH的位置。 這位29歲的選手曾經在3支大聯盟球隊打過球,包含紅人、紅襪以及國民。 http://tinyurl.com/3znkcku -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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