[問題] Saviour Machine的歌詞在說什麼??

看板DavidBowie作者 (still waiting...)時間15年前 (2009/06/10 07:13), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
有人可以解釋一下這首歌是在講什麼嗎?? 我看不太懂他的歌詞想要表達什麼...... 謝謝~~ Lyrics: President Joe once had a dream The world held his hand, gave their pledge So he told them his scheme for a Saviour Machine They called it the Prayer, its answer was law Its logic stopped war, gave them food How they adored till it cried in its boredom 'Please don't believe in me, please disagree with me Life is too easy, a plague seems quite feasible now or maybe a war, or I may kill you all Don't let me stay, don't let me stay My logic says burn so send me away Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen You can't stake your lives on a Saviour Machine I need you flying, and I'll show that dying Is living beyond reason, sacred dimension of time I perceive every sign, I can steal every mind Don't let me stay, don't let me stay My logic says burn so send me away Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen You can't stake your lives on a Saviour Machine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/11 23:12, , 1F
DB常說 他作品的意思在於"你" 而不是他(DB本人)所以你自己
06/11 23:12, 1F

06/11 23:13, , 2F
06/11 23:13, 2F

06/11 23:14, , 3F
06/11 23:14, 3F

06/11 23:15, , 4F
我覺得 這首歌應該跟那些概念有關~
06/11 23:15, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1ABkoGe6 (DavidBowie)