[外電] 達爾努力成為地表最強的投手

看板Darvish作者 (Yu#11/Hammy#32)時間10年前 (2014/03/05 17:08), 編輯推噓7(700)
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http://ppt.cc/ANDJ USA Today:Yu Darvish strives to be baseball's best pitcher http://imgur.com/2BDwik0
TEMPE, Ariz. -- The camera crews and the huge news media throng have stopped chasing him around the Texas Rangers' spring-training complex. They no longer are televising his spring games back home to Japan, documenting details of his pitch selection during workouts, or asking how he enjoys American food. 攝影機組及大批媒體人員已經沒有在春訓期間追著達爾跑了, 也沒有一堆視訊急著傳回去給日本,詳細記錄他今天的表現、球種, 或是問他吃美國食物到底習不習慣阿? Yu Darvish, perhaps the most talented Japanese pitcher to ever reach Major League Baseball, suddenly finds himself as the other guy. The focus in baseball-crazed Japan these days is three time zones away in Tampa. That is where Masahiro Tanaka pitches. Playing for the New York Yankees. Earning $155 million. Followed by 100 Japanese credentialed reporters — five times the amount of Darvish's following. 達爾,可能是有史以來最有天份的日本投手,最近的生活瞬間就像跟其他選手一樣。 最近日本棒球的狂熱都專注在田中將大身上-洋基隊新簽下的身價155M投手, 身邊跟隨的媒體數量是達爾的5倍之多。 "Maybe that's one of the reasons I feel so relaxed this spring," Darvish told USA TODAY Sports through his interpreter. "I don't want the attention. I don't need the attention. I tell all of these Japanese media here to go to Florida to cover Tanaka." 達爾:「這可能是為什麼我覺得這次春訓非常放鬆的原因之一,我不喜歡被關注,而且我 也不需要,我都跟身邊的日本媒體記者說,去佛羅里達州追田中啦!」 It sounds like a cute notion, but come on, this is Yu Darvish, who not only is regularly featured on the cover of Japanese fashion magazines, but has emerged as one of the best pitchers on the planet. 這句話聽起來還真可愛,不過..喂!這是達比修耶!他不只是上上日本流行雜誌的封面而已, 而且也同時是這地表上最強的投手之一。 Anyone who spends time with Darvish realizes that he would never be satisfied with his runner-up finish in last year's Cy Young Award balloting. There's also no award for leading the major leagues in strikeouts — the 277 he had last season being the most since Randy Johnson in 2004. 如果有人也是花時間長期關注達爾就會發現,他是絕不會滿意他去年賽揚獎第二名的 成績,而且即便是自2004年Randy Johnson以來,拿到最多三振的277次的大聯盟三振王 這也根本不是什麼獎項。 Darvish wants to become the best pitcher in baseball, and in another three years, perhaps the richest, too. "That's what motivates him to be great," Rangers manager Ron Washington says. "That's why he's such a good pitcher." Darvish, who hit 95 mph on the radar gun in his first session of the spring and routinely hit 94 mph with his fastball Tuesday against the Los Angeles Angels, looks like a man who plans to dominate the American League. 達爾,他說想成為棒球界裡最強的投手,在未來三年之內是很有機會的。 總教練華盛頓說:「這就是他更有動力的原因,這也是為何他是如此棒的一位投手」 達爾在今年春訓第一場就雷達槍就測試到95mph速度,今日的天使之戰,也測到94mph速度。 He also acts like it, giving up a single and lineout to All-Star center fielder Mike Trout, and making sure everyone knew that he was saving his best st the season, throwing him nothing but fastballs. 今天他被天使隊的全明星Mike Trout打了一支一壘安打及lineout,而且也讓大家知道 他今天保留一些最棒的球種等季賽時候才要投,今天對Mike Trout全部投直球。 "I didn't want to show him anything else," said Darvish, who has given up four homers to Trout, the most by any opposing player. "My approach towards Trout is going to be a little bit different this year." 達爾:「我不想讓他看到其他的球種,我今年對他的投球策略將會有一些改變」。 Trout生涯對達爾也打了4支HR。 Considering his comfort level this year, everything is going to be different, perhaps requiring the Japanese horde to start making their way back to Texas. "I'm more relaxed because I know most of the people," Darvish said in perfect English to USA TODAY Sports, "and they know who I am." 考量到他今年對於大聯盟的適應放鬆的程度,一切將跟以往不同。 達爾:「我感到放鬆是因為我認識全部的人,而他們也知道我。」對於USA TODAY Sports 記者的問題,達爾用無可挑剔的英文直接回答他們。 Darvish started clapping his hands excitedly with interpreter Kenji Nimura, knowing that he not only understood the question but pulled it off in English. It's a far cry from his rookie season in 2012 when Rangers pitching coach Mike Maddux came to the mound and asked Darvish to use his inside move, trying to pick the runner off second base. The next thing Maddux knew, Darvish threw high and tight to the plate, and the runner was easily stealing third base. 達爾馬上跟他的翻譯擊掌,他不但聽懂問題,還順便用英文回答了。 這跟他2012年菜鳥球季實在差很多,當時遊騎兵投手教練Mike Maddux上投手丘要求達爾 在內野丟一下牽制,希望他牽制二壘想盜三壘的跑者,接下來Mike Maddux只知道達爾 對壘包丟了一顆又高又難接的球,結果跑者輕鬆盜向三壘。 "I said, 'What was that?'" Maddux said. "He told me that he thought the inside move was to throw it inside, and make the batter move. "This is a whole different dude now. He gets the program. The first year he got acclimated. The second year was easier. He's motivated, man." Maddux說,他當時對達爾說「那是怎樣啊?」,結果達爾回我,他以為inside move意思是 丟球過去,然後讓跑者離開壘包。 「他現在跟之前根本像是不同人了說...完全了解整個計畫。第一年他適應,第二年較容易 他真讓人感到期待阿,man~」 Part of that motivation may be the riches potentially awaiting him. Darvish realizes he had lousy timing when he left Japan after the 2011 season, two years before Major League Baseball changed the posting system with the Japanese professional leagues. Now major league teams are not required to pay exorbitant fees to their former teams instead of sending that money to the player. It is why Tanaka received a staggering seven-year, $155 million deal, with the Yankees paying only a $20 million posting fee. 或許一些有關$$跟大約可以成為達爾努力的動機也說不定, 達爾可能覺得在2011年就離開日本挑戰大聯盟真的是一個壞時機點, 現在大聯盟球隊不用再付那麼多的入札金給日本母隊。 這也是為什麼田中可以拿到155M大約的原因,洋基只付了20M的入札金。 The Rangers paid $107 million for Darvish, but he got $56 million of the it with his six-year deal. The other $51 million went to Nippon Ham Fighters, his Japanese club. Darvish is signed through 2017, but he has a clause in his contract that enables him to become a free agent after 2016. If he wins the Cy Young Award any time during the next three years, or twice finishes at least fourth in the Cy Young balloting, he can opt out a year early. 遊騎兵花了107M在達比修身上,但達爾只能拿到56M/6年。 如果能在2016年之前拿到賽揚獎一次+2~4名一次或賽揚獎第2名一次+2~4名二次, 就可提前在2016年跳脫合約。 Darvish hinted at the disparity during his initial press conference this spring, and when asked about Tanaka's contract, said jokingly, "He's overpaid." It may have been a joke, but it created almost an international incident, in which Darvish later had to apologize. If Darvish wanted to speak the truth, all he needed to say was, "Hey, look around, I'm underpaid." 達爾也在這個春天,在記者會暗示過他領的錢跟田中領的之差距。 他說「太貴了」,他或許只是開玩笑,但卻引起整個棒球界的震盪,之後還得為此道歉。 如果達爾想說實話的話,其實他只要說「Hey,看看我少領多少~」 Tanaka, friends with Darvish, said he laughed when he heard Darvish's remark. Certainly, he didn't take it seriously. He even poked fun at himself with all of the headlines over his $195,000 expenditure on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner on his flight from New York to Japan. "Honestly, I never thought the attention would be so much for that flight," Tanaka told USA TODAY Sports. "I really didn't know the plane was that big." 達爾的朋友-田中,他說他聽到達爾的評論之後笑了,並沒有當真,甚至還拿他花了 $195,000美金包機去紐約這件事情開自己的玩笑。 If Darvish has the season he envisions, he may be asking Tanaka for that Dreamliner reservation number. 如果達爾本季繼續威下去,他可能會跟田中問一下那個要預約包機電話是幾號。 "We're really good friends, and we exchange a lot of text messages," Darvish said. "I jokingly told him, 'You got too much.' It was all fun and jokes. "But we Asian pitchers have to do really well, keep our reputations high, and help each other out." 達爾:「我們是好朋友,而且也常傳簡訊給對方,我也開他玩笑跟他說"你真的領太多了你" 只是打趣的開玩笑罷了。我們亞洲投手必須做的就是投好成績、提高我們的評價, 並且互相幫忙。」 Yes, a little motivation — and lack of attention — can bring out the best, too. 是的,一點點的動機加上少一點的媒體注目,是幫助自己可以表現更好的! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/05 17:22, , 1F
03/05 17:22, 1F

03/05 19:39, , 2F
03/05 19:39, 2F

03/05 20:09, , 3F
推 達爾加油
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03/05 20:55, , 4F
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03/05 21:19, , 5F
推翻譯 達比加油!!!
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03/06 07:31, , 6F
達爾比較強 無庸置疑
03/06 07:31, 6F

03/09 01:03, , 7F
03/09 01:03, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1J5kcLj9 (Darvish)