[外電] 達比修是田中成功的模式

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http://ppt.cc/KFla 來自洋基的報導 NY Times:Rangers’Darvish a Model of Success for Tanaka http://imgur.com/6Zvj3PW
SURPRISE, Ariz. — Would you believe that the first batter Yu Darvish faced in live competition this spring was named Tanaka? He was a nonroster infielder, Kensuke Tanaka, and he did not inspire an intense winter bidding war. But as Darvish pitched the first inning of the Texas Rangers’ first intrasquad game on Monday, it was hard to miss the link. 你相信達比修今年春訓實戰的第一位打者叫做田中嗎? 他不是列在先發名單的內野手- 田中賢介,也沒引起冬季的搶人大戰,但這很難不聯想到一些東西。 Two times zones away, Masahiro Tanaka is the new sensation at Steinbrenner Field, after the Yankees signed him for seven years and $155 million, plus a $20 million posting fee to his Japanese team. If Tanaka performs as well as Darvish has, the Yankees would be overjoyed. 差2個時區的另一頭,跟洋基簽下了7年/155M(外加20M入札金)的田中將大目前正在 Steinbrenner Field春訓。如果田中的表現能跟達比修一樣,那洋基將會喜出望外。 “I’m not really looking for results,” Rangers Manager Ron Washington said before Darvish’s scoreless inning, “because I know he’s going to give you results.” 遊騎兵總教練華盛頓說:「我沒有真的要一個成績,因為我知道他自己會給你一個結果。」 The Yankees believe they know what Tanaka will do, but for now they can only hope his results will be this extraordinary. In two seasons with Texas, Darvish has 498 strikeouts in 401 innings while holding hitters to a .207 average. His earned run average is 3.34, despite a home ballpark that favors hitters. 洋基相信田中會做到,但此時此刻他們只能希望田中表現的不是平凡的成績。 達比修在遊騎兵的2年成績是401局之內498次三振,對手打擊率0.207,ERA 3.34 儘管他處在一個對於打者有利的球場。 Last season, Darvish was the runner-up to Max Scherzer for the American League Cy Young Award, with a 13-9 record that belied his brilliance; he lost four games by 1-0. He had 277 strikeouts, a total matched by only five pitchers in the last 25 years: Nolan Ryan, Randy Johnson, Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez and Curt Schilling. 去年,達比修也是賽揚獎競爭者之一,13-9的紀錄掩飾了他的真實表現, 輸了4場1-0的比賽,277次三振的紀錄在25年之間僅有5強投有這種表現:Nolan Ryan, Randy Johnson, Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez and Curt Schilling. “I don’t consider myself elite, either in Japan or America,” Darvish said through an interpreter. “I think Kuroda-san has better numbers and more experience, better results. And both Iwakuma and I have just started. What I’m trying to do is not lower the reputation that Japanese pitchers have. That’s what I’m trying to do, just keep the level of Japanese pitchers where it is right now, or higher.” 達爾說:「無論在日本還是美國,我都不認為我自己已達到頂尖的程度,我認為黑田桑比我 擁有更好的紀錄、經驗及成績,岩隈和我在這僅是剛起步階段而已,我必須努力 做的就是不要讓日本投手的名聲降低,那是我正努力要做的事,維持或提高日本 投手目前的表現及評價。」 Darvish referred to the Yankees’ Hiroki Kuroda, the dependable 39-year-old right-hander, and the Seattle Mariners’ Hisashi Iwakuma, who finished third in the A.L. Cy Young race last season. Darvish did not mention Tanaka. 達比修提到了洋基的黑田博樹,39歲可靠的右投及水手隊的岩隈久志,但沒提到田中將大。 Last week, Darvish said that the Yankees gave Tanaka “a little bit too much” money, and later issued a statement clarifying that he was joking. He dismissed a question on Monday about whether he would be watching Tanaka closely this season. 上週達比修說洋基給了田中"有點多"的$$,之後發表澄清僅是開玩笑的申明, 對於問到本季是否會關注田中的表現,他也不回答。 “Kuroda is a lot better-looking than Tanaka,” he said — again, jokingly. 「黑田比田中好太多了」他是這樣說 ~ 一樣,開玩笑的。 If Darvish seems unwilling to hype Tanaka, he has good reason. Compared with Tanaka’s contract, Darvish’s deal is a bargain at six years and $56 million. He signed before changes to the posting system and was limited to negotiating with the Rangers, who secured his rights for a $51.7 million fee. 如果達比修不願意去評價田中的表現,他的確有好理由,比較他們之間的合約, 達比修6年/56M的合約已成一個特價的合約。 General Manager Jon Daniels said the Rangers scouted 40 of Darvish’s starts in 2010 and 2011 and projected him to be a present and future ace for a team that had just won consecutive A.L. pennants. 遊騎兵的GM Jon Daniels曾說他們派球探在2010-2011年間看了達比修40場先發的比賽, 預測他將會是現在及未來可以讓球隊贏得美聯冠軍的ACE。 “He was 25 years old, 6-foot-5, power arsenal, smart, had a unique background — both his parents went to college in the States — and we felt like the transition would be easier,” Daniels said. “In short, a 25-year-old guy with a classic power repertoire we thought would pitch at the top of the rotation. When do you get an opportunity to get those guys? Never.” Jon Daniels說:「當時他25歲,6呎5吋高(196公分),強力投球型選手,又聰明, 擁有特別的家庭背景,爸媽在美國認識,我認為他適應會比較容易, 簡單來說,25歲典型有power的投手,我們認為他將會在輪值前段 你認為何時才能有這樣的機會可以簽下來? 沒有。」 The Yankees had a similar rationale for signing Tanaka, who also comes to the majors at 25. Both pitchers have a drop-and-drive delivery and throw splitters, though Tanaka will be challenged to command as many pitches as Darvish. 這次洋基也有相同的想法而簽下田中,他也是25歲挑戰大聯盟,兩人投球方式都是 drop-and-drive (投球跨步大近蹲運用後腳),也都會丟指叉球,田中沒有達比修那麼多 球種就是了。 According to Fangraphs, only two of the 81 pitchers who qualified for the E.R.A. title last season threw a lower percentage of fastballs than Darvish — Scott Feldman and the knuckleballer R. A. Dickey. Name a pitch, and Darvish probably uses it. 根據Fangraphs,在81位投手之中僅有2位投手直球的比例低於達比修— Scott Feldman 跟蝴蝶球投手R. A. Dickey。 “He throws them all for strikes, and you don’t know what he’s going to throw, ” Prince Fielder, the Rangers’ new first baseman, said. “He’s deceptive and has good arm action on all his pitches. Throws hard, locates really well — that ’s a tough combination to deal with.” 遊騎兵的新一壘手Prince Fielder說:「他所有球種都可以丟好球,你不知道他要丟什麼」 分不清他要丟的球種,他投球動作也很好,落點也是-是個難對付的組合。」 Darvish wore down at the end of last season, failing to reach six innings in any of his final three starts as he dealt with a back problem. He has no complete games in the majors — he was once lifted after losing a perfect game with two outs in the ninth inning — but he ranked ninth in pitches thrown last season. 去年季末達比修疲憊,最後3場比賽都沒投滿6局,因為背部的因素。 目前在大聯盟也還沒完投過,差一點完全比賽的那一場剩下1個出局數, 去年在投球局數排行上是排第9位。 That broke down to 17th in strikes thrown and third in balls, and Washington said the team would like Darvish to improve his fastball command. But, really, the Rangers are not complaining. 好球數排第11,壞球數排第3,華盛頓說希望達比修能加強他的直球command。 但我們知道遊騎兵真的不是在抱怨。 “He has a grasp of how to pitch, man,” Washington said. “I don’t think that ’s ever been a question.” 華盛頓說:「他知道怎樣投球阿,man..這根本不是個問題。」 Darvish improved his earned run average last season to 2.83, from 3.90 as a rookie. He said his biggest transition was learning to throw a slightly larger baseball, but he picked it up with repetition. 從菜鳥球季的ERA 3.9 進步到2.83,他說最大的改變是學會如何投一顆稍微大一點的棒球。 Culturally, Darvish said, he assimilated smoothly, which is what the Rangers expected. For Darvish’s first season, his interpreter was Joe Furukawa, a scout for the team who was born in Japan, raised in California and played and worked for Japanese teams. John Blake, the Rangers’ executive vice president for communications, had worked for the Boston Red Sox when Daisuke Matsuzaka arrived. And with his parents’ background, Darvish knew enough English to easily get by. 在文化融合上,達比修曾說他是慢慢的融入。第一年的新人球季,他的日文翻譯是 Joe Furukawa,是在日本出生加州長大的球探,曾在日本球隊工作過。 遊騎兵的執行副總裁John Blake也曾為紅襪效力過(當時松坂大輔在紅襪隊), 達比修的雙親背景也讓他有足夠的英文能力去適應。 “From Day 1, he could communicate with his teammates and management in English, ” Daniels said. “There are times we’ll talk and he wants to make it perfect, so he’ll go through the interpreter. But for being colloquial, and the clubhouse culture, he’s fine.” GM Daniels說:「第一天來,他就可以跟隊友還有工作人員用英語對談,幾次我們的交談 他想要更完美一點表達,他就會請翻譯幫忙,在口語跟球隊文化上, 他很OK。」 Tanaka, who knows much less English, faces different challenges, with different teammates in a different market. But as a pitcher, he seems to compare favorably with Darvish, who represents the best-case scenario for the Yankees’ more expensive purchase. 田中將大,我們知道他比較不擅英語,跟不同的隊友在不同聯盟面對不同的挑戰。 但身為一個投手,他免不了會被拿來跟達比修比較,因為達比修是洋基最希望田中能 轉化一樣成績的投手,儘管買的價錢比較貴了些。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 18:04, , 1F
推 不過差一點完全比賽那場是差一個出局數吧
02/26 18:04, 1F

02/26 20:03, , 2F
02/26 20:03, 2F

02/26 22:57, , 3F
02/26 22:57, 3F

02/27 00:08, , 4F
02/27 00:08, 4F

02/27 00:40, , 5F
02/27 00:40, 5F
※ 編輯: anijen 來自: (02/27 00:49)
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