Fw: [討論] 加入聯合國的國名

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※ [本文轉錄自 IA 看板 #1EtJ9l9N ] 作者: georgent () 站內: politics 標題: [討論] 加入聯合國的國名 時間: Tue Dec 6 04:55:37 2011 加入聯合國的國名 The Name for The Entrance to The U.N. 臺灣人民長期被蔣介石帶過來的老賊及其遺毒(A集團)恐嚇獨立等於戰爭, Taiwanese folks have been threaten with that independence equals wars for a long time by old thieives with Chiang Kai-Shek and their evil leagcy as group A. 事實上戰爭到21世紀的型態一直在改變, In fact, the pattern of war still has been changing until 21st century. 破壞的對象也從人民百姓轉移到重要的軍事或相關設施、資源, The targets of destruction also shift from people to important military or relative infrastructure and resources. 唯獨A集團對權力、利益、優越感的眷戀始終不變, Only is group A sentimental to power, benefits, and the sense of superiority. 表面上臺灣獨立會導致戰爭, Apparently, the independence of Taiwan causes wars. 其包藏的不過是A集團為了鞏固權力、利益、優越感所使出的渾身解數, Packed within are group A's tricks for consolidating power, benefits, and the sense of superiority. 知道衝突在那裡卻放著不管或讓它惡化, Aware of where the conflict is but leaving it behind or worse, 甚至上綱至戰爭層面, even raise it up to the extent of war. 簡單講要A集團放棄提過的好處必須犧牲各層面多數有能力捍衛臺灣的人(B集團), In brief, to make them give up those good points must sacrafise majority, as group B, able to defend Taiwan in many aspects. B集團會壓縮A集團的野心,A集團當然芒刺在背, Group B will compress group A's ambition like hard thorns on back of course. 只能靠權力、利益、優越感排除障礙, The only things group A could do is to move the obsticles with those good points. 沒有權力、利益、優越感A集團只是會叫的野獸, Without those good points group A is just a yelling monster. 如果得逞,接著再恐嚇活下來、沒有能力的人戰爭有多可怕, If group A wins, it can terrify those left without capability the horror of wars. 絕大多數臺灣人民早已恐懼甚至聞之卻步, A large number of most people in Taiwan already feared and even stepped aside. 這種恐嚇有可能會經過轉型深入各個層面, This putting fear of God into somebody could transfer to many levels in depth. 但是少數勇敢的人從未經歷體會過, However, few brave persons never go through like this. A集團的成員們不見得居官位或黨職, The individuals of group A don't have to be in official or party positions. 只要能搖控,任何職位均可, As long as group A can remotely controls, any position will be fine. 從相反的角度看,這是再好不過的偽裝,而且不分海峽兩岸。 At the inversed angle, this is the best camouflage across Taiwanese Strait. 為了脫離中國悲情的政治輪迴甚至維護兩岸無辜人民的安全福址, To get rid of the sad Chinese political karma and even protect innocent people, across Taiwanese Strait, 讓戰爭中的難民不至流離失所,臺灣的國際地位必須確定, not to be homeless refugees, the international status of Taiwan has to be ensured. 也為了確保臺灣不再過度利用、甚至模糊、消耗美國, Also to make sure Taiwan not to overuse, even blur and exhaust the U.S.A., 仍然不能停止繼承正名、制憲的腳步加入聯合國, I think we need to keep name correction and constitution formulation to join the U.N.. 這也許是蔣介石戰敗來臺灣無心思索的盲點, This might be the blind zone for upset Chiang Kai-Shek to figure out. 僅此小弟提供臺灣能多一個名字可以加入聯合國,臺華民國, Above all, I offer Taiwan another name for the U.N., Chinese Republic of Taiwan (CRT). 為免禍延子孫、央及無辜,我的立場是情、理、法必須根除。 Ultimately, avoiding consequent pity and innocent involvement, my standpoint is emotional, moral, and constitutional termination. ※ 編輯: georgent 來自: (12/06 05:18) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: georgent (, 時間: 12/06/2011 05:23:18
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