[閒聊] 4個月前的Diablo4爆料

看板DIABLO作者 (Forza Milan)時間4年前 (2019/11/05 15:22), 4年前編輯推噓24(24010)
留言34則, 29人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
四個月前Reddit上就有人爆料今年Blizzcon上公佈Diablo4 裡面提供了不少資訊 現在回頭看來內容是非常準確的 大家可以參考一下 https://reurl.cc/pDvq8Z 以下截取幾點四個月錢的爆料但Blizzcon沒有釋出的訊息 1. Diablo II Remake/Remaster was planned, but they later realized that it would be much better to give the franchise a complete reset and put majority of the fans requests into 1 giant package. 原本有計劃做D2 remake但後來覺得把粉絲的訴求們結合起來做一個全新的遊戲(D4)更好 (所以看來是不會有D2 remake了...) 2. You can trade items in the game with other players such as gold, basic crafting materials (special crafting materials are soulbound and cannot be sold) and any kind of loot ranging from grey quality and all the way up to rare yellows. Blizzard is not sure yet what to do with Legendary items/weapons yet and if they should be tradeable or not as far as the game's economy goes due to competitive fairness and end-game systems that have a lot of functionalities with the legendary loot. 在遊戲裡可比交易錢, 基本製作原料(特殊原料帳綁)以及從灰到黃的裝備 至於橘裝則尚未決定 3. Paladin, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Amazon and Druid are planned for launch with more coming later. Blizzard wants people to feel like this is Diablo II all over again but in a completely new era of the franchise. Blizzard were also debating whether to include the Druid or Necromancer class at launch of Diablo IV. Blizzard decided put the Druid for launch of Diablo IV and Necromancer for later, since the Necromancer was released already for Diablo III. D4有聖騎. 野蠻人. 法師. 亞馬遜及德魯伊可選(與Blizzcon提到的5職業相符) 暴雪想要玩家有在遊戲體驗上有D2的感覺但以全新的方式呈現 初期還在猶豫德魯伊或死靈法師, 但後來捨棄了死靈因為D3有了 4. Blizzard is well aware of games such as Path of Exile, Grim Dawn and Wolcen and their current skill systems. As a matter of fact, they have a whole special team dedicated to playing those games extensively for research and game development purposes. Blizzard are creating something new unique of their own for Diablo IV as far as character progression goes and yes stat allocations are back as well. 暴雪非常瞭解POE, Grim Dawn以及Wolcen這幾款競爭對手. 實際上有一整個團隊專門在玩/研究這些遊戲以為開發用途 他們想要做一款獨特的遊戲 (也提到D2的升級屬性點回歸) 5. Diablo IV will be the new era for Diablo and will be a game as a service. New free content patches will come out that will add quality of life changes, new additions, items and so on. Paid expansions are also possible, but right now its still undecided and Blizzard won't know until the game is launched and until they see if its successful or not. They do not want to announce anything that's regarding to paid content until they are 100% sure of their plans and what they will be adding next post-launch. D4一樣是買斷制, 持續會有更新內容釋出. 但付費DLC或資料片也是有可能的(等遊戲release後是否成功再決定) 6. Right now the goal is to get the game ready playable demo for Blizzcon's 2019 and of course all the marketing material as well. After that, it will be preparing for the beta in 2020 and then the release. 目前的目標是完成2019 Blizzcon的Demo以及其他行銷的元素, 再來就是準備2020的Beta以及之後的遊戲發售 7. Release is being debated between late 2020 or early 2021 depending on how things go, but as of now it seems early 2021 is more likely. Will be coming to PC PlayStation 5 and Project Scarlett. 會根據開發狀態決定遊戲在2020後期或2021前期發售. 目前看起來2021前期較有可能. 遊戲平台會有PC, PS5以及Project Scarlett(XBOX新主機) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1572938520.A.3C4.html ※ 編輯: onlySN ( 臺灣), 11/05/2019 15:24:39

11/05 15:26, 4年前 , 1F
11/05 15:26, 1F
※ 編輯: onlySN ( 臺灣), 11/05/2019 15:31:49

11/05 15:58, 4年前 , 2F
PoE還是屌打啊 太好玩了 花錢就能爽打
11/05 15:58, 2F

11/05 16:05, 4年前 , 3F
11/05 16:05, 3F

11/05 16:05, 4年前 , 4F
聖騎 雅馬遜~讚讚
11/05 16:05, 4F

11/05 16:07, 4年前 , 5F
樓上急什麼 大家急D3結果產出垃圾 如果不高品質我
11/05 16:07, 5F

11/05 16:07, 4年前 , 6F
11/05 16:07, 6F

11/05 16:09, 4年前 , 7F
D3研發的時間很長吧 也不是趕出來的作品
11/05 16:09, 7F

11/05 16:11, 4年前 , 8F
D3是因為砍過再來 時間才那麼長吧
11/05 16:11, 8F

11/05 16:23, 4年前 , 9F
有一傳聞D3原本很歌德血腥被砍 才有現在的D3
11/05 16:23, 9F

11/05 16:24, 4年前 , 10F
不過也只有一些圖 D3爛的地方不知道有無傳承
11/05 16:24, 10F

11/05 18:01, 4年前 , 11F
反正D3都等10年了 D4等個幾年也沒差
11/05 18:01, 11F

11/05 18:01, 4年前 , 12F
11/05 18:01, 12F

11/05 19:37, 4年前 , 13F
真難以相信 以前那麼期待D3 現在D4幾乎無感
11/05 19:37, 13F

11/05 21:17, 4年前 , 14F
對D4無感+1 這一切都要感謝D3
11/05 21:17, 14F

11/05 21:59, 4年前 , 15F
為了要配合家機跟D3一樣搞六技能 我是不看好遊戲性
11/05 21:59, 15F

11/05 22:00, 4年前 , 16F
反正不期不待 不受傷害 觀望先
11/05 22:00, 16F

11/05 23:26, 4年前 , 17F
D3蠻好玩的阿 期待D4
11/05 23:26, 17F

11/06 00:14, 4年前 , 18F
11/06 00:14, 18F

11/06 10:50, 4年前 , 19F
11/06 10:50, 19F

11/06 10:55, 4年前 , 20F
11/06 10:55, 20F

11/06 12:25, 4年前 , 21F
11/06 12:25, 21F

11/06 12:32, 4年前 , 22F
以前玩標馬牧牛也是樂趣啊 沒符文
11/06 12:32, 22F

11/06 13:37, 4年前 , 23F
我寧可有DLC 重點是好好做
11/06 13:37, 23F

11/06 13:37, 4年前 , 24F
11/06 13:37, 24F

11/06 16:37, 4年前 , 25F
放棄死靈因為d3有了?野蠻人不是也有嗎 這什麼邏輯
11/06 16:37, 25F

11/07 00:52, 4年前 , 26F
11/07 00:52, 26F

11/07 09:52, 4年前 , 27F
11/07 09:52, 27F

11/07 09:53, 4年前 , 28F
11/07 09:53, 28F

11/07 16:14, 4年前 , 29F
死靈法師.... 還有刺客呢?
11/07 16:14, 29F

11/08 02:53, 4年前 , 30F
11/08 02:53, 30F

11/09 18:52, 4年前 , 31F
原文是later...並不是不出死靈了 只是晚點
11/09 18:52, 31F

11/10 07:24, 4年前 , 32F
看完只覺得 不如做D2重製版 D4完全不期待= =
11/10 07:24, 32F

11/12 02:05, 4年前 , 33F
11/12 02:05, 33F

11/12 19:02, 4年前 , 34F
11/12 19:02, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1TmICOF4 (DIABLO)