[翻譯] Prospect Profile #50: Kevin Eichhorn

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原文網址:http://tigers.scout.com/2/1134591.html Tigers Prospect Profile #50: Kevin Eichhorn TigsTown gets the prospect profiles kicked off with the individual that just barely made it into the top 50; righty Kevin Eichhorn. The right-hander was acquired prior to the 2010 season in the Armando Galarraga trade, and had a strong debut season in the Tigers organization. 西元2012/老虎農場50大新秀封神榜,現在開始倒數!! 首先是剛剛好搭上末班車的Kevin Eichhorn,這位一年前用Gala從小蛇換來的右投手, 在第一季表現令人印象深刻 Kevin Eichhorn http://zzb.bz/4rYeo Position: Right-handed Pitcher Height: 6-0 Weight: 175 Born: 2/6/1990 Bats: Right Throws: Right Background Eichhorn was the third round pick of the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2008 and came to the Tigers as the headline piece in exchange for right-hander Armando Galarraga prior to the 2011 season. 2008年第3輪被小蛇選去,去年Gala交易的主菜。(配菜是Ryan Robowski) Prior to last season, Eichhorn had spent just two starts above rookie ball in his three seasons as a professional. He had middling levels of success pitching for Missoula and struggled in his two starts in short-season A and high-A ball. 在小蛇三季時間,Eichhorn只在菜鳥等級之外的聯盟投過兩場,而且表現得很掙扎 (主要是因為受傷) The Tigers pushed Eichhorn to the Midwest League for his first full season and he was at least solid throughout the summer. In 25 starts for West Michigan Eichhorn hurled two complete games and finished with an 11-5 record. His eleven wins tied him for sixth in the league. In support of his 11-5 record Eichhorn posted a 3.61 ERA with 148 hits allowed in 152 innings. He walked just 33 batters and struck out 109. 來到老虎第一年,球團不改冒險犯難本色,直接把他推上1A接受挑戰,整季25場先發, 2場完投,戰績11勝5敗,勝場數聯盟第6 外加防禦率3.61,152局被擊出148支安打,109次三振不多,但也只投出33次保送 Scouting Report Eichhorn lacks the classic body that many scouts and organizations prefer in right-handers, standing only 6-foot tall and lacking significant strength. He has good arm speed and drives well with his lower half, but still only generates average velocity sitting at 89-91 mph. Throughout a start his velocity will fluctuate from 87 at its low point and peak at 94 mph on occasion. His fastball can lack angle at times leaving it more hittable than you would like. Eichhorn不是球團一直以來偏好的類型,他只有6呎而且不是筋肉人。他有良好的揮臂 速度跟有效利用下盤力量,就算如此,球速還是只能維持在89-91MPH,'狀況差的時候 只有87MPH/偶爾可以飆到94MPH,不過因為太矮 (長不高又不是他願意的…)讓他的快 速球比較容易被狙擊 Eichhorn features a curveball and change-up to round out his arsenal. His curveball has gotten firmer over the last two years which has given it more bite and made it a more reliable second pitch. He has good feel for his change-up but doesn't always set it up well. His change-up has some minor arm-side movement and good sink but he must work to keep the pitch down more consistently. Eichhorn主要有兩個變化球種, 曲球:在這兩年練得頗有心情,可以在關鍵時刻使用 變速球:不是這麼穩定,帶有點下沉尾勁,還需要學會將球控制在低角度好球帶 With a father (Mark Eichhorn) that pitched many years in the big leagues, Kevin has an excellent overall feel for his craft. He has an idea of pitch sequence but falls in love with his fastball and his ability to locate it a bit too much at times. 有個在大聯盟打滾多年的老爸,小Kevin知道該如何當個好投手,跟何種場面該如何應付, 不過有時,他太相信那威利普普的快速球了 Eichhorn's overall ceiling stands as a back of the rotation starter that could be an up-and-down type of guy. He doesn't profile well in a bullpen role without an out pitch he can rely on and his only chance for big league success is as a starter. Eichhorn最好就是當個5號投手,缺乏致勝球種又不夠overpoerwing,很難在牛棚混,基 本上他要在大聯盟混也不是件容易的事。 Performance http://zzb.bz/4rYeo Level Team W-L ERA G GS SV SO BB IP WHIP A West Mich. 11-5 3.61 25 25 0 109 33 152.0 1.19 Health Record Eichhorn's workload doubled in 2011 and he handled that increase very well. His arm action is clean and his mechanics work well and that could bode well for his long term health. 11球季激增的工作量對Eichhorn看來不成負擔,他有乾淨的投球機制,應該能降低傷痛 找上他的機率。 The Future Eichhorn showed more than enough during the 2011 season to earn a promotion to High-A Lakeland in 2012. He should be a stalwart in the Flying Tigers rotation and may have a chance to see Erie for a cameo at the end of the season. If he progresses well he may be in line for a big league opportunity by the beginning of the 2014 season, though he may reach that level with little fanfare.. With little margin for error it could take him some time to settle in to a big league role and he will have to pitch well at every opportunity to continue getting chances. 一切順利的話,新球季Eichhorn將在A+起步,表現好季末有機會上2A,2014正式向大聯 盟叩關,在最高殿堂他將沒有失投的空間,任何一點小小的機會他都必須好好把握才行 (年輕人~~現實是很殘酷低~~) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/14 15:46, , 1F
加油啊 快打我的臉XDDDD
02/14 15:46, 1F

02/14 17:55, , 2F
02/14 17:55, 2F
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