Re: 政治能問嗎

看板CultureShock作者 (fmz ￾N￾  ￾  )時間17年前 (2007/01/22 02:05), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串14/14 (看更多)
※ 引述《lerudit (l'Erudit)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《iambeetle (beetle)》之銘言: : : I assume that you prefer me to reply you in English, so I would it. : : 我假設你想要我用英文回復你,我可以。 : : But I notice that there might be some people don't feel comfortable : : 但是我知道可能有一部分人不太適應讀一大篇英文, : : reading a whole brunch of English. : : Therefore I will make it into Chinese as well. : : 所以我也會把它翻譯稱中文, 這樣也比較清楚一點。 : : Just for the sake of clearness. : This is awfully terrible. : I write English here, because I haven't got Chinese system and there is nothing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : I can do for this. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 跟大家分享一下 如果有在國外念書的朋友 想在bbs輸入中文的話 (耶...在台灣卻不能打中文的 也可以參考一下拉..) 可以用以下的步驟 以下是如何在英文版的windows xp底下使用中文 1. 如何看的到中文網頁 進入 Control Panel => Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options =>Regional and language options => Languages => Instal files for east asian languages (這時候需要XP光碟 英文版的也可) ============================================================================== 2. 如何能看到中文的bbs文字 若單純以windows內建的telnet是無法看到的 必須使用bbs專用的軟體,如PCman, KKman等 ============================================================================== 3. 如何能在網頁裡輸入中文 安裝中文輸入法即可 例如許多人使用的微軟新注音 ============================================================================== 4. 如何能在bbs裡輸入中文 一樣進入 Control Panel => =>Regional and language options 將Language for none-unicode program改成Chinese(Taiwan) (不過我保險起見將相關的區域設定都改成台灣啦!) 大功告成 有一件需要注意的事情就是 kkman似乎無法照著這套步驟來在bbs上打中文 我是使用英文版的XP配Pcman軟體 目前快樂的打中文中 沒有不相容的情況產生 ****************************************************************************** 不花一毛錢 也不用等人家送中文系統過來 遠在國外 也可以使用 祝大家使用順利拉! : I don't expect any reply or message to me would be in English. : It is very obvious that I can read Chinese, so that I could reply your article. : Certainly, you can write your post in either English or Chinese, or whatever. : However, the current one is just awful --- it makes reading very difficult. : It is even better if you put all the English together and Chinese together, : so that I can just ignore either of them. : If you think you are doing something good for another, : do ask the people if this is really good, before you do anything. : If the people say no, do respect their decision. : Do NOT presume your single mind is always correct and just do it. : In fact, the Chinese government is making the same mistake to every one : of its neighbour. : I am sorry that I am not allowed to spend an afternoon to reply such non-sense : article. It is football season, so please pull your socks up. Thanks. : : ------------------------ : : At first, I was quite shock that how could you be so cocky and absolute. : : 剛開始,我很驚訝你為甚麼可以這麼自大和絕對化自己想法。 : : However, I read it again and I think I know the reason why. : : 但是我又讀了一邊以後,我覺得我知道為甚麼了。 : : You are either heavily brianwashed, or you knows basically nothing. : : 你要不然是完全被洗腦了,就是根本甚麼都不知道。 : : I am not gonna argure with you based on hisotry, since I have said that : : history is not accurate. : : 我不會跟你理論歷史,因為我已經說過歷史其實本來就不準確。 : : However, I would like to talk about it based on your logic. : : 但是我會將你的邏輯來討論。 : : It's very hard to clarfy it, i would say. : : 其實,我會說,歷史是很難被認證的。 : : Not only the history of P.R.China and Taiwan, but also the world history, : : has always been argued over decades. : : 不只是中國和台灣的歷史,就連世界歷史,這麼久以來一直被爭論著。 : : I was surprised that it seems so easy to solve to you. : : 我很驚訝你會覺得對於歷史問題這麼容易就可以解決。 : : Then what are those historians and professors doing for such a long time? : : slacking off? (lol) : : 如果是這樣,那麼這麼久以來,這麼多的歷史學家和教授都在做些甚麼? : : 偷懶嗎? (笑) : : Are you dissing Chinese people here? Where is your hatred from? : : 你現在是在針對中國百姓嗎?你對中國普通百姓的憎恨是怎麼來的? : : What is wrong with bargaining? That is a part of culture. : : 講價有甚麼不好的?這甚至是文化的一部分。 : : And your stereotype is very bad. There are clean and beatiful cities in China. : : 你對中國的印象真的很差,雖然我不知道是哪裡來的。 : : 中國也有很多漂亮而且干凈的城市。 : : If you want to talk about politics, don't blame people. : : 如果你是要講政府和政治,那就不要把怪罪到百姓人民身上。 : : Regarding to what you said above, : : 對於你上面所說的, : : I think you have made a big mistake here. : : 我覺得你犯了一個大錯誤。 : : The fact that History can be interpreted doesn't mean that history : : can be interpreted correctly. : : 歷史可以被理解這事實並不代錶歷史一定可以被 正確 理解。 : : The history itself is ambiguous, if you force to interprete it one-way only, : : there must be bias inyour interpretation. : : 歷史本來就是很多面化和很模糊(不好意思我真的不知道怎麼翻譯ambiguous) : : ,如果你硬是要單一化的理解歷史,那你的理解一定會有偏見。 : : And I don't understand that you said you would talk about "considerations", : : "evidance" and "research", because you have not. : : 我不明白你為甚麼說你會講"considerations", "evidance" 和 "research", : : 因為很明顯你並沒有。 : : And if you have done your research, I am sure that you won't get so cocky : : anymore. Because there are a lot of sides and bias in the source. : : It overwhelms you. : : 如果你有做研究的話,那我敢保證你不會再這麼自大。 因為當你在找資料的時候, : : 你會發現有很多不同的版本和偏見,立場。 你根本不能應付過來。 : : First of all, I don't like your words "invade" and "attacks", : : 首先,我很不喜歡你的字眼“侵略”和“攻擊”, : : because we have not invaded or attacked Taiwan. : : 因為我們並沒有“侵略”或“攻擊”台灣。 : : The fact is we even suggest peace. Also, at least until now, : : we haven't started a war. : : 我們甚至提倡和平,並且到現在為之,我們並沒有發起戰爭。 : : But I would like to ask you one question. : : 但是我想問你一個問題, : : Althought Taiwan has bought weapons from the US, do you think those weapon : : can protect you? Are they even competitive? : : 就算台灣有跟美國買武器,你覺得它們真的有用嗎?真的能招架得住? : : The US sells you weapons for money. : : As long as they gets money, they are happy doing it. : : 美國是為了賺錢才賣給你武器。 只要它們能轉到錢,它們就開心了。 : : I don't think your example helps you. : : 我並不覺得你得例子有任何用處。 : : It makes non-sense. : : 這個例子根本就不是在說同樣的東西, 事實上,這例子我根本不能理解。 : : Do we call "my dearest" to every girl? No, we don't. : : 我們真的都叫女生“my dearest”嗎?根本不是。 : : By the way, I have a name for you to call. No need to call me "Mr. Chinese" : : 順便說一下,我有名字,你不用一直叫我“Mr. Chinese”. : : Chinese people supports the government when it is doing the right thing. : : 中國人民在中國政府做正確的事情的時候,就支持中國政府。 : : Till now, for the most of the part, Chinese government is helping the : : 到現在為之,中國政府的確在幫助中國發展,所以我們支持。 : : country to develop. Therefore we support it. : : Over 85% of people support the current goverment in China. : : 超過百分之85的人民支持自己的政府。 : : Chinese government fulfills Chinese people's demand. : : 中國政府的確實現了很多中國人民的目標。 : : What about your government? : : If you are so happy about your government, answer the question. : : 如果你是這麼支持自己的政府,那你告訴我, : : What is the percentage that people support the curent govenment? : : 台灣現任政府民意指數多少? : : After all, I am not saying Chinese government always do the right thing. : : 但是,說到底,我並不是在說中國政府一直都是很正確的。 : : There are evil sides of the government too. Just like any other government. : : 中國政府也有做一些不好的事情,就像所有國家的政府一樣。 : : But I have a piece of advice for you. : : 但是我想要給你一個建議, : : Put down your pride. Stop being so cocky, you will learn more. : : 收起你的驕傲和自大心。 要是你謙虛一點,你可以學到更多東西。 -- California DCview Flickr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: FMZ 來自: (01/22 02:16)

01/22 08:30, , 1F
推一個 我就是因為他教我 我才能打中文 :)
01/22 08:30, 1F

01/22 11:12, , 2F
Thank you
01/22 11:12, 2F

01/22 21:28, , 3F
01/22 21:28, 3F

01/23 11:19, , 4F
學校電腦的話 大部分是連"看"都不行
01/23 11:19, 4F

01/23 11:19, , 5F
不過 要看讓不讓灌 我學校有幾台就有給灌的
01/23 11:19, 5F
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