[情報] Braves trade Rodrigo Lopez to Cubs

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Braves trade Rodrigo Lopez to Cubs ATLANTA (AP)—The Atlanta Braves have traded veteran right-hander Rodrigo Lopez to the Chicago Cubs in a deal for minor league left-hander Ryan Buchter. Buchter, 24, will be assigned to the Braves’ high Class A team in Lynchburg, Va. He was a combined 4-0 with one save and a 3.38 ERA for the Cubs’ Class A Daytona and AA Tennessee teams this season. 勇士把老將右投手Rodrigo Lopez拿去交易小熊隊的小聯盟左投手 Ryan Buchter。 Buchter,24歲,將會與勇士的高階一A球隊簽約, 本季他在小熊高階1A及2A的合併成績是4勝0敗,1救援,ERA 3.38。 The 36-year-old Lopez signed a minor league deal with Atlanta in the offseason. He was 6-1 with a 2.59 ERA in nine games for Triple-A Gwinnett. Lopez is 75-82 in nine seasons in the major leagues, including a 7-16 record and 5.00 ERA with Arizona last season. 36歲的Lopez在之前休季期間與勇士簽了小聯盟約。 今年在3A的Gwinnett球隊,一共9場出賽6勝1敗,ERA 2.59。 Lopez在大聯盟九個球季,生涯成績75勝-82敗, 包含上季在響尾蛇隊7勝16敗,ERA 5.00 http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-braves-cubstrade -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 15:33, , 1F
05/27 15:33, 1F
※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (05/27 17:56)
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