[情報] Football star Szczur deal with Cubs

看板Cubs作者 (扎姆德)時間13年前 (2011/01/19 12:20), 編輯推噓6(6014)
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The Cubs could be on the verge of luring another two-sport college athlete to full-time duty as a baseball player. Outfielder Matt Szczur, the Cubs' fifth-round selection in the 2010 First-Year Player Draft and a wide receiver at Villanova University, has verbally agreed to a $1.5 million contract, according to Baseball America. The 21-year-old Szczur received a $100,000 signing bonus with the Cubs, which included permission to return to Villanova for his senior season. The contract also called for a $500,000 bonus if he committed to the Cubs in writing prior to the National Football League combine. Cubs officials were not available for comment on Tuesday night. After signing the day after the Draft in June, Szczur played for three of the Cubs' Minor League teams and began his professional career with a 21-game hitting streak. He spent most of the season with Class A Boise in the Northwest League. Szczur had shorter stints for the Arizona Rookie League team and the Class A Peoria Chiefs in the Midwest League. Overall, he played in 25 games and batted .347 with a .414 on-base percentage and a .465 slugging percentage. He hit 10 doubles, one triple, scored 24 runs and collected 10 RBIs. Four years ago, the Cubs lured pitcher Jeff Samardzjia from a potential NFL career, signing the former Notre Dame All-American wide receiver. 消息應該確定了,Matt Szczur已經承諾小熊隊所提出的1.5M簽約金,Jim Callis提到 Szczur擁有比Samardzija更優異的天賦,小熊大手筆付出絕對是值得的。如果Szczur 養出來那他將能取代Brett Jackson在中外野的位子。Jim Callis對他讚不絕口,有人 在twitter問他剛剛失去的李學周和Szczur誰比較棒?Jim Callis的回答是Szczur有更 好的打擊和速度。 Matt Szczur:BA的報告我有看歐! Best Athlete and Fastest Baserunner!!!! -- Do they still play the blues in Chicago When baseball season rolls around When the snow melts away Do the Cubbies still play In their ivy-covered burial ground -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

01/19 13:48, , 1F
Szczur <----這是德語嗎?
01/19 13:48, 1F

01/19 14:00, , 2F
之前的教訓還不夠喔? = = 不要又是一個沒有自知之明的人
01/19 14:00, 2F

01/19 15:08, , 3F
Szczur==>Si-Zur 這樣念 XD 自問自答
01/19 15:08, 3F

01/19 15:12, , 4F
剪刀 XD
01/19 15:12, 4F

01/19 15:13, , 5F
01/19 15:13, 5F

01/19 15:15, , 6F
http://ppt.cc/ap63 FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHT 好熱血XD
01/19 15:15, 6F

01/19 22:07, , 8F
01/19 22:07, 8F

01/20 08:16, , 9F
大Z又作老爹囉 大Z的老婆收養一個男嬰 恭喜大Z
01/20 08:16, 9F

01/20 08:18, , 10F
再來個壞消息 索爺的媽媽過世 老闆兄弟都飛到多明尼加去
01/20 08:18, 10F

01/20 08:19, , 11F
01/20 08:19, 11F

01/20 10:32, , 12F
官網上的消息是說 大Z準備領養一個小男孩
01/20 10:32, 12F

01/20 10:35, , 13F
01/20 10:35, 13F

01/20 10:36, , 14F
Sori上個星期他才帶他媽媽到狄斯耐樂園 媽媽很興奮
01/20 10:36, 14F

01/20 10:37, , 15F
那時候她人還好好的 很健康 QQ
01/20 10:37, 15F

01/20 11:16, , 16F
沒仔細看 只看標題已為他生了個男嬰XD 還是官網比較正確
01/20 11:16, 16F
大Z和他的老婆Ismary在參加瓜地馬拉的慈善活動時,決定收養這位18個月大的孤兒。 ※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (01/20 11:25)

01/20 13:39, , 17F
QQ Sori的媽媽 R.I.P.
01/20 13:39, 17F

01/21 08:14, , 18F
Sori的媽媽 R.I.P.
01/21 08:14, 18F
官網正式的消息出來囉! Matt Szczur是一個有第一輪後段順位實力的新秀,不多數球隊 擔心他老兄跑去打FOOTBALL選到空氣,所以直到第五輪才被小熊撿走。Matt Szczur在月 初和Jim Hendry共進晚餐,在此之後Szczur做出一個令球團振奮的選擇。 Jim Hendry:我們等他做出決定已經等了七個多月。他在小聯盟已經證明他是個有潛力值 得投資的優質新秀。他在職業比賽中將優異的天賦完全嶄露出來,事實上他 真的打得很棒,我們期待更多的磨練能使它成為一個成熟的棒球選手。 去年夏季Szczur開始從比賽中學習如何成為一個的外野手,那段時光他每天做就是打棒球 也了解到棒球細膩的地方。 Matt Szczur:小熊隊認為我能夠打好棒球成為一個好球員令 我受寵若驚。之後Szczur回到學校打美式足球並慢慢考慮未來的規劃,不過膝蓋的傷痛卻 使他錯失大部分的賽程,這多少也影響他在NFL的選秀行情。 今年冬天他仍在棒球和美足之間舉棋不定的時候。小熊GM Jim Hendry又出現了,他對Matt Szczur說球團期望他能在2014年成為瑞格里的中外野手,並提出新的簽約金(1.5M)。請他 認真考慮我們的誠意。最後Szczur在周二做出答覆:我選擇棒球! Matt Szczur:我很清楚我的決定代表著什麼意義。棒球和足球都是我最喜愛的球類,但是 當我選擇其一之後,也幾乎說明我放棄另一種運動。進入職業為了減少受傷 風險通常會禁止球員從事其他球類運動,我很難再走回頭路了。但是我認為 自己的決定是正確的! ※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (01/21 14:10)

01/22 15:23, , 19F
01/22 15:23, 19F

01/22 15:32, , 20F
小熊簽下Whitey Herzog的孫子John Urick
01/22 15:32, 20F
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