[轉錄]Re: [新聞] 對抗諾獎 中國準備頒發孔子ꤠ…

看板CrossStrait作者 (古今多少事)時間13年前 (2010/12/08 11:46), 編輯推噓14(14014)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1C_jLPqo ] 作者: nihaoptt (nihaoptt) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [新聞] 對抗諾獎 中國準備頒發孔子和平獎 時間: Wed Dec 8 08:46:12 2010 連戰獲得2010年孔子和平獎 2010年12月5日,孔子和平獎評委會在北京大學暢春園召開會議,通過深入持久的討論, 決定將本年度孔子和平獎授予——連戰先生。 獲獎理由:連戰先生為中國大陸與臺灣之間架起了和平之橋,有效彰顯兩岸同胞血濃于 水,給海峽兩岸人民帶來了無量福祉,從而為人類和平做出了巨大的貢獻。 孔子和平獎評委會主席:譚長流(北京師范大學哲學博士) 孔子和平獎評委會成員:羊滌生(清華大學教授),趙振江(北京大學教授),周桂鈿 (北京師范大學教授),李繼興(北京大學研究員) The 2010 Confucius Peace Prize The Candidates of The 2010 Confucius Peace Prize: Panchen Lama ,Bill Gates ,Lian Zhan ,Mandela ,Qiao Damo ,Mahmoud Abbas ,James Earl Carter,Yuan Longping 評獎委員會主席: 譚長流 譚長流,北京人,1961年出生;孔子和平獎評委會主席,中國博士觀點叢書編委會總主 編;北京師范大學哲學博士;已出版的學術著作有《空間哲學》和《君子哲學》。 Tan chengliu was born in 1961 ,a Beijing resident.He was the Chairman of Con fucius Peace Prize Awards Committee, Chief Editor of China’s Dr Books views of Editoricl Board as well as a Ph .D in Peking Normal University.The Publi shed academic books are :<Space philosophy>and<Gentleman Philosophy>. 2010年“孔子和平獎”候選人(8位):班禪、比爾·蓋茨、連戰、曼德拉、譙達摩、阿 巴斯、卡特、袁隆平 班禪 第十一世班禪額爾德尼,俗名堅贊諾布,1990年2月13日出生于西藏嘉黎縣一普通藏族家 庭。法名吉尊?洛桑強巴倫珠確吉杰布?白桑布。 第十一世班禪,自認定、坐床、受戒以 后,經過札什倫布寺以及經師的精心培養、傳授和自己的刻苦學習,不僅掌握了佛教基 礎經文,還學習掌握了大量其他文化知識,已成為一名深受各地藏族信教群眾愛戴、信 仰的宗教領袖,為西藏穩定、民族團結做出了非凡的貢獻。 Panchen Lama The Eleventh Panchen Lama Erdini ,Commonly named Gyaincain Norbu, was born on Feb.13th,1990 in a normal Tibetan ethnic minority family of Jia Li county ,Tibet,China,also with the Buddhist name :Erdini Qoigyijabu.Since the identi fication,enthronement and initiation into monkhook ,Erdini has been elaborat ely cultivated and instructed by Tashithunpo Monastery and yongs-vdsan ,mean while he has studies with endeavor and mastered the basic scriptures of Budd hism and tremendous other cultural knowledge .Erdini has become a deeply lov ed and respected religious leader by Tibetan religious believers.He has made extraordinary contributions to the stability of Tibet and the unity of nat ionatity . 比爾·蓋茨 比爾·蓋茨,生于 1955年10月,是一名美國企業家、軟件工程師、慈善家以及微軟公司 的董事長。他與保羅·艾倫一起創建了微軟公司,曾任微軟CEO和首席軟件設計師,并持 有公司超過8%的普通股,也是公司最大的個人股東。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球 億萬富翁排行榜中,比爾·蓋茨連續13年蟬聯世界首富。2008年6月27日正式退出微軟公 司,并把580億美元個人財產盡數捐到比爾與美琳達·蓋茨基金會。《福布斯》雜志200 9年3月12日公布全球富豪排名,比爾·蓋茨以400億美元資產重登榜首。 Bill Gates Bill Gates was born on Oct. ,1955, he is an American entrepreneur, software engineer ,philanthropist and the chairman of the board of Microsoft Corporat ion .Together with Paul Allen, Bill Gates established the Microsoft Corporat ration ,once assumed the CEO and Chief Software Architect .He held over 8% o rdinary shares of the company and acted as the biggest individual share hold er .From 1995 to 2007,in the Forbs of the world billionaires ranking ,Bill G ates has been the world’s richest for the 13 consecutive years .On Jun .27t h ,2008, he withdrew Microsoft formally and donated the personal property $5 8 billion to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .On Mar.12th 2009,Forbs relea sed the ranking of the world’s richest ,Bill Gates got the first place with $40 billion . 連戰 連戰,1936年出生于西安,1957年畢業于臺灣大學政治系,取得學士學位,1961年取得 芝加哥大學國際公法與外交碩士,1965年獲美國芝加哥大學政治學博士學位。1966年至 1967年在美國任教,1968年任臺灣大學政治系客座教授、政治系暨研究所主任,共歷時 七年。2001年6月17日,國民黨召開第十五屆黨員代表大會臨時會議,連戰以國民黨代理 主席的身份當選黨主席,之后一直以國民黨主席的身份活躍在臺灣政壇。2005年卸任國 民黨主席一職。現任國民黨榮譽主席。 Lian Zhan Lian Zhan was born in Xi An in 1936 and got his bachelor’s degree in the de partment of Political Science of Taiwan university in 1957 .In 1961,he obtai ned the Master of International Public Law and Diplomacy in the University o f Chicago .In 1965 ,he acquired Ph.D in Political Science in the University of Chicago. From 1966 to 1967, he taught in the United States .In 1968 ,Lian Zhan acted as the Visiting Professor of Political Science and the Director of Political Department of the Institute in Taiwan University ,which lasted for 7 years .On Jun .17th ,2001, the Kuomintang held the provisional meeting of the Fifteenth Party Congress ,Lian Zhan was appointed Chairman of the KM T ,since then he activated in Taiwan’s political arena in the name of the c hairman of the KMT.In 2005,Lian Zhan relinquished the position of Chairman o f the KMT .Nowadays ,he is the Honorary Chairman of the KMT. 曼德拉 納爾遜·羅利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉( Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela )1918年7月18日出生于 南非特蘭斯凱一個大酋長家庭,先后獲南非大學文學士和威特沃特斯蘭德大學律師資格 ,當過律師。1944年他參加南非非洲人國民大會(簡稱非國大)。1952年先后任非國大 執委、德蘭士瓦省主席、全國副主席。同年年底,他成功地組織并領導了“蔑視不公正 法令運動”,贏得了全體黑人的尊敬。1962年8月,曼德拉被捕入獄,當時他年僅43歲, 南非政府以政治煽動和非法越境罪判處他5年監禁。1964年6月,他又被指控犯有以陰謀 顛覆罪而改判為無期徒刑,從此開始了漫長的鐵窗生涯,在獄中長達27個春秋,他備受 迫害和折磨,但始終堅貞不屈。1990年2月11日,南非當局在國內外輿論壓力下,被迫宣 布無條件釋放曼德拉。同年3月,他被非國大全國執委任命為副主席、代行主席職務,1 991年7月當選為主席。1994年4月,非國大在南非首次不分種族的大選中獲勝。同年5月 ,曼德拉成為南非第一位黑人總統。 主要著作有:《走向自由之路不會平坦》、《斗爭 就是生活》、《爭取世界自由宣言》、自傳《自由路漫漫》。 1991年聯合國教科文組織 授予曼德拉“烏弗埃-博瓦尼爭取和平獎”。1993年10月,諾貝爾和平委員會授予他諾 貝爾和平獎,以表彰他為廢除南非種族歧視政策所作出的貢獻。1998年9月曼德拉訪美, 獲美國“國會金獎”,成為第一個獲得美國這一最高獎項的非洲人。 1999年5月,曼德 拉總統應邀訪華,他是首位訪華的南非國家元首。 1999年6月正式去職。2000年8月被南 部非洲發展共同體授予“卡馬”勛章,以表彰他在領導南非人民爭取自由的長期斗爭中 ,在實現新舊南非的和平過渡階段,以及擔任南共體主席期間做出的杰出貢獻。 Mandela Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in a warchief family in Transkei ,South A frica on July 18,1918.He got his B.A.in the University of South Africa and t he qualification for lawyer in Witte Waters Lund University successively. He was once a lawer .He joined the Africa National Congress in 1944.In 1952, h e was appointed ANC Executive Committee ,Transvaal provincial governor and N ational Vice–Chairman successively .In the end of the same year ,Mandela or ganized and led the ‘Contempt of Unjust Laws Campaign’ successfully ,winni ng the respect of All Blacks .In Angust ,1962, Mandela was arrested when he was 43 ,and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in the name of Political incitement and Illegal cross-border crime by the Government of South Africa .In June ,1964, he was again accused of the crime of conspiracy to overthrow the government and commuted to life imprisonment .Since then ,he commenced a long life behind the bars in prison for 27 springs and autumns ,bearing pe rsecution and torture ,but always unyielding .On Feb .11,1990,under the pres sure of public opinion at home and abroad ,the South African authorities wer e forced to announce an uncondifional release of Mandela .In March the same year ,he was appointed Vice-Chairman and Representative Chairman by ANC Nati onal Executive Committee. In July ,1991, Mandela was appointed Chairman. In April ,1994 ,ANC firstly won the Non-racial general elections in South Afric a .In May the same year ,Mandela became the first Black President in South A frica .His major works :<Long Walk to Freedom>,<Struggle is life>,<Towards F reedom in the world Declaration>,Autobiography <Free Long Way>.In 1991 ,UNES CO granted Mandela ‘Wufuaibo Boigny Peace Prize’.In Oct. ,1993, Nobel Peac e Committee awarded Mandela Nobel Peace Prize to commend his contribution to the abolition of Souith Africa’s policy of racial discrimination .In Sept .,1998,Mandela visited America and won America Congressional Gold Medal ,bec oming the first African to gain the highest award of the sort in America. In May ,1999,President Manthela was invited to visit China as the first headma n of South African nations. He left the position in June ,1999.In August ,20 00,he was conferred ‘Kama Medal’ by Southern African Development Community to exalt his outstanding contribution in the leading longtime struggle for freedom of South Africans and in the realization of peaceful transition phas e from old to new South Africa. 譙達摩  譙達摩,1966年4月生,貴州沿河人。 先后就讀于復旦大學、首都師范大學、北京大 學,獲教育學碩士學位。著有詩集《橄欖石》、《摩崖石刻》等。《世界文壇》、《第 三條道路》主編。 當代世界杰出詩人,21世紀中國第一個詩歌流派“第三條道路寫作” 詩派創始人。1999年12月與莫非主編《第三條道路》、《九人詩選》為契機,標榜與“ 知識分子”、“民間寫作”分庭抗禮,引起詩界極大關注。曾主編《詞語的盛宴——20 世紀六七十年代出生詩人作品精選》;主編《中國百年兒童詩選》。參與創辦大型詩歌 與詩學叢刊《新詩界》。主編大型詩歌與詩學叢刊《第三條道路》(第一、二、三卷) ;主編《穿旅游鞋的舞神們——第三條道路代表詩人作品集》;主編《在路上:第三條 道路10周年作品集》;長詩《世界之王交響曲》入選洛夫主編的《百年華語詩壇十二家 》,該長詩以純粹的詩性深刻地闡釋了美、崇高與和平這一永恒的主題;主編《凈影寺 慧遠大師文集》。曾先后供職于北京教育科學研究院、中國中央教育科學研究所、中國 作家協會《詩刊》編輯部。2004年,應邀參加第八屆國際詩人筆會。2010年3月與溫皓然 共同創辦《世界文壇》。 現為中華人民共和國文化部中國鄉土藝術傳統文化保護部副部 長。 Qiao Damo Qiao Damo was born in YanHe county Guizhou province ,in April ,1966.He was o nce enrolled in Fudan Universihy ,Capital Normal University and Peking Unive rsity. He achieved Master of Education degree .His poetry indudes ‘Olivine’ , ‘Cliff and Carved Stone’ .He was the chief editor of ‘ World Literatur e’ and ‘The Third Road’.As a contemporary world outstanding poet ,Mr.Qiao is the founder of ‘the Third Road Writing’ in the first poetry school of the 2lst century China .In December ,1999,together with Mofei ,Mr .Qiao edit ed ‘The Third Road’and ‘Poems From Nine Selected Poets’.It was the compe tition on equal terms between the intellectuals and the folk writing that ca used great concern on the poetry field. Mr.Qiao has also edited ‘ The Feast s of Words-Selected Poems from Poets born in the 1960s to 1970s’ and ‘Chin ese Children’s Poetry in Recent 100 Years’.He participated in the founding of large Poetry and Poetic Series ‘New Poetry Field’,edited ‘The Third R oad’(Volume One,Two,Three), ‘The Poems From the Third Road Representative Poets-The Gods Wear Dance Shoes’ , ‘On the Road :Poems of The Third Road i n 10 Years’, ‘Selections From Master Huiyuan in Jingying Temple’.The long poem‘King of the World Symphony’,which profoundly expresses the eternal t heme of beauty,nobility,and peace,was selected into Luo Fu’s ‘Poems From T he Twelve Chinese Poets in 100 Years’.Mr.Qiao has worked in Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences ,China Central Institute of Educotional Sciences ,C hinese Writers Association ‘Poetry’Editorial Department .In 2004,Mr Qiao w as invited to ‘The 8th International Poets Conference’. In March ,2010,he founded ‘World Literature’ with Wen Haoran .Nowadays Mr .Qiao is Deputy Mi nister of Culture Protection in the Tradition of China’s Local Arts ,Cultur al Department of PRC. 阿巴斯 馬哈茂德·阿巴斯,1935年3月26日生于巴勒斯坦北部薩法德(采法特),1948年,以色 列的入侵使阿巴斯和他的家人一起逃亡敘利亞。阿巴斯先后獲得大馬士革大學法律學士 學位和莫斯科大學歷史學博士學位。1959年,阿巴斯在卡塔爾流亡期間,曾協助巴勒斯 坦已故領導人阿拉法特創建巴勒斯坦解放組織主流派“法塔赫”。為發展巴勒斯坦解放 事業協助法塔赫,他同阿拉法特合作建立了法塔赫組織并且陪同阿拉法特到約旦、黎巴 嫩和突尼斯等國流亡。在法塔赫建立初期,阿巴斯以其廉潔和簡樸的生活作風贏得廣泛 欽佩。阿巴斯在1970年代期間負責重要的安全事務,后來于1980年被任命為巴勒斯坦解 放組織國內與國際關系事務部門負責人。1994年5月巴勒斯坦實行有限自治后,阿巴斯隨 阿拉法特,回到闊別多年的巴勒斯坦。1995年當選巴解組織執委會總書記,2003年3月1 9日,阿巴斯接受阿拉法特的任命,正式出任巴自治政府首任總理。同年9月辭職。 200 4年11月阿拉法特逝世后,阿巴斯出任巴勒斯坦民族權力機構臨時主席。2005年1月,阿 巴斯以絕對多數票當選巴民族權力機構第二任主席。同年1月15日,阿巴斯宣誓就職。2 008年11月23日,巴勒斯坦解放組織(巴解組織)中央委員會在約旦河西岸城市拉姆安拉 舉行會議,并在會議上一致通過選舉阿巴斯為巴勒斯坦國總統。 Mahmoud Abbas Mahmoud Abbas was born in Safad ,Northern ,Palestine ,on March 26,1935 .In 1 948 ,Abbas and his family escaped to Syria owing to the Invasion of Isradl . Abbas got Bachelor of Laws in the University of Damascus and Ph .D of Histor y in the University of Moscow .In 1959, during the exile in Qatar ,Abbas hel ped the deceased leader Arafat establish mainstream ‘Fatan’of Palestine Li beration Organization .In order to develop the liberation of Palestine and a ssistance with Fatah ,Abas cooperated with Arafat in setting up Fatah Organi zation ,accompanying Arafat to exile to Jordan ,Lebanon and Tunisia .In the early days of Fatah ,Abbas won the extensive respect because of his incorrup tible and simple style of life. During the 1970s ,Abbas was in charge of the essential security ,then in 1980,he was appointed the leader of the Palesti ne Liberation Organixation in the department of international and domestic a ffairs .Since the implementation of limited autonomy in Palestine, in May ,1 994,Abbas went back to Palestine with Arafat ,where he was absent for many y ears ,In 1995,he acted as the General Secretary of the PLO Executive Committ ee On March 19, 2003,Abbas took the appointment from Arafat to be PNA’s fir st Prime Minister .He resigned in Sept .the same year In November ,2004, Ara fat passed away ,Abbas took up the post of Temporary President of the Palest inian National Authority .In Jan .2005,Abbas was elected by an absolute majo rity of votes as the second President Pales tinian Natyional Authority .On J an.15 the same year ,he was sworn in .On November 23,2008, the Central Commi ttee Of PLO held the conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah ,Jordan ,a nd unanimously elected Abbas as the President of Palestine. 卡特 詹姆斯·厄爾·卡特(James Earl Carter),1924年10月1日生于佐治亞州普蘭斯。1 941年至1943年先后在佐治亞州西南大學和理工學院讀書。1943年入馬里蘭州美國海軍軍 官學校學習,1947年獲理學士學位。1970年至1974年任佐治亞州州長。1977年任美國第 三十九任總統。卡特在擔任美國總統期間,中美兩國正式建立了外交關系。卡特在埃及 與以色列的和談并簽署戴維營協議中起到了重要作用。2002年獲得諾貝爾和平獎。 James Earl Carter James Earl Carter, was born in Plaines, Georgia, on Oct. 1, 1924. During 194 1 to 1943, he studied successively in Georgia Southwestern University and th e Institute of Technology. In 1943, he joined the U.S. Naval Academy in Mary land and got his Bachelor of Science in 1947. From 1970 to 1974, he was appo inted the Governor of Georgia. In 1977, he was elected as the Thirty-ninth p resident of the United States. During his tenure, China and the U.S. formall y established diplomatic relations. Carter has played an essential role in t he peace talk between Israel and Egypt and signed the Camp David Accords. Ca rter was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. 袁隆平 袁隆平,1930年9月1日生于北京,江西省德安縣人,中國雜交水稻育種專家,中國工程 院院士。現任中國國家雜交水稻工作技術中心主任暨湖南雜交水稻研究中心主任、湖南 農業大學教授、中國農業大學客座教授、聯合國糧農組織首席顧問、世界華人健康飲食 協會榮譽主席、湖南省科協副主席和湖南省政協副主席。2006年4月當選美國科學院外籍 院士,被譽為“雜交水稻之父”。 Yuan Longping Yuan Longping, was born in Beijing on Sep.9, 1930, with De’an county, Jiang Xi province as his hometown. He is a Chinese expert on hybrid rice breeding and an academician in Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is now the directo r of China National Hybrid Rice Technology Center, the director of Hunan Hyb rid Rice Research Center, the professor of Hunan Agricultural University, th e visiting professor of China Agricultural University, the principal consult ant of FAO, the Honorary President of the World Chinese Association of Healt hy Diet, the Vice-Chairman of Hunan Provincial Association for Science and t he Vice Chairman of CPPCC in Hunan province. In April, 2006, he was appointe d the Foreign Academician of American Academy of Sciences and known as the " Father of Hybrid Rice". X -- 補心得補心得 為什麼入圍者中最弱的會得獎 連先生就類似信差角色不是嗎 兩岸交流是許多人的努力 頒給連不就變成他出力最多 或 都是他的功勞的感覺了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: monismile 來自: (12/08 11:49)

12/08 11:54, , 1F
哈哈哈 我實在好想笑
12/08 11:54, 1F

12/08 11:56, , 2F
當然中共對孔子這麼推崇 也算迷途知返
12/08 11:56, 2F

12/08 11:56, , 3F
不過我對孔子沒有崇拜就是了 就是尊敬
12/08 11:56, 3F

12/08 12:10, , 4F
不過 墨子是不是更適合0.0?
12/08 12:10, 4F

12/08 12:11, , 5F
12/08 12:11, 5F

12/08 12:18, , 6F
12/08 12:18, 6F

12/08 12:40, , 7F
12/08 12:40, 7F

12/08 12:40, , 8F
和部隊的任務 主要是維安的 甚至比維安
12/08 12:40, 8F

12/08 12:41, , 9F
12/08 12:41, 9F

12/08 12:44, , 10F
12/08 12:44, 10F

12/08 12:44, , 11F
12/08 12:44, 11F

12/08 12:49, , 12F
可是維持武裝 但是非攻 不是才是王道嗎0.0
12/08 12:49, 12F

12/08 12:49, , 13F
12/08 12:49, 13F

12/08 12:50, , 14F
12/08 12:50, 14F

12/08 12:51, , 15F
至於這個獎 人民或許會更感念袁隆平的貢獻
12/08 12:51, 15F

12/08 12:58, , 16F
12/08 12:58, 16F

12/08 12:58, , 17F
至少 嘴巴上說武力奪台會少說一點吧(應該?)
12/08 12:58, 17F

12/08 13:02, , 18F
12/08 13:02, 18F

12/08 13:02, , 19F
論人口 印度也有資格
12/08 13:02, 19F

12/08 13:14, , 20F
12/08 13:14, 20F

12/08 13:21, , 21F
12/08 13:21, 21F

12/08 13:26, , 22F
12/08 13:26, 22F

12/08 14:54, , 23F
12/08 14:54, 23F
※ 編輯: monismile 來自: (12/08 16:17)

12/08 18:57, , 24F
12/08 18:57, 24F

12/08 20:32, , 25F
由中國來設一個和平獎 真的還蠻適合的 XD
12/08 20:32, 25F

12/08 20:32, , 26F
12/08 20:32, 26F

12/08 21:51, , 27F
12/08 21:51, 27F

12/09 01:34, , 28F
12/09 01:34, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1C_l-G3B (CrossStrait)