[創作] Kau Bay Blues

看板Create作者 (TESOLguitarist)時間19年前 (2005/08/12 14:33), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.richmedia.com.hk/NewRm/AllbandMain1.asp?songNo=5091&bandID=725#songdetail 這是我今天剛剛做出來的 用了不少不同形式的音階 跟大家分享喔 算是funky blues吧 (其實這首歌也有教學用意啦 用藍調的架構 強調幾個重要的頻率副詞^^) From time to time We are just hungry For love. And we savor the nuances In our zealous breath. More often than not We are unbelievably insane and desperate For love. (we'll never regret) Now and then We are drunk in the ocean of Fantastic romance. Time after time We long for the moment When two become one. For the time being Let's just hold on tight and Enjoy the beautiful feelings. You may not know when We are gonna be apart. -- 這是我自己詞曲創作的搖滾歌 雖然鳥鳥的 有興趣的還是可以聽聽看 http://0rz.net/150us -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 09/09, , 1F
你做的東西真是越來越怪了 小雞掰~~~第二首比較 09/09, 1F 09/09, , 2F
能接受 感覺比較市場化....第一首無法理解 09/09, 2F
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