Fw: [討論] 拜託高手請幫我把fortran改為C++程式碼

看板CodeJob作者 (機機北北北北)時間12年前 (2011/11/29 19:33), 編輯推噓1(106)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Mechanical 看板 #1ErB-yho ] 作者: geeoh (機機北北北北) 看板: Mechanical 標題: [請益] 拜託高手請幫我把fortran改為C++程式碼 時間: Tue Nov 29 19:19:22 2011 program nozzle implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) real k,kco,kh2o,kh2,kco2,num,11,keq,jh2 dimension x(8), ppt(8),ff(8),f(8),cp(6) open(11,file='xco-k-1000.txt',status='unknown') pi=3.1415926 dt=2*1.4625e-3 ds=3*1.46e-3 at=0.25*pi*dt**2 as=0.25*pi*(ds**2-dt**2) ll=0.130175 rr=8.314 hinf=0. pref=1.01e5 ptt=pref c pmh2=4.4e-5 c pmh2=5.4e-5 c pmh2=3.4e-5 c pmh2=0. pmh2=6.4e-5 pmh2=1000e-5 pts=1*pref c pts=3*pref c pts=5*pref 2001 vvlt=3.33e-6/4 vvls=1e-6 z=0. hts=40. c c 1=co ,2=h2o, 3=h2, 4=co2, 5=he in permeate side, 6=h2 in permearate side, c 7=temperature in tube side, 8=temperature in permeate side c c sc1.5 x(1)=0.295 x(2)=0.443 c c sc=4 c x(1)=0.1476 c x(2)=0.5904 c sc=0.5 c x(1)=0.492 c x(2)=0.246 x(3)=0.195 x(4)=1.-x(1)-x(2)-x(3) x(5)=1. x(6)=0. ff(7)=900+273 ff(8)=25+273 xco=0. c write(11,9011)z,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4) c write(12,9011)z,x(5),x(6) c write(13,9011)z,ff(7)-273,ff(8)-273 c write(14,9011)z,xco c c tube side c x10=x(1) vv0t=vv1t*(ff(7)/298)*(1.01e5/ptt) ft0t=ptt*vv0t/(rr*ff(7)) ut=vv0t/at tt=at*ll/vv0t c write(6,*) tt c c shell side c vv0s=vv1s*(ff(8)/298)*(1.01e5/pts) ft0s=pts*vv0s/(rr*ff(8)) us=vv0s/as ts=as*ll/vv0s c write(6,9011) ft0t,ut,tt keq=exp(4577.8/ff(7)-4.33) cp(1)=(1.1-0.46*(ff(7)/1e3)+1.*(ff(7)/1e3)**2- +0.454*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*28. cp(2)=(1.79-0.107*(ff(7)/1e3)+0.586*(ff(7)/1e3)**2- +0.20*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*18. cp(3)=(13.46-4.6*(ff(7)/1e3)-6.85*(ff(7)/1e3)**2+ +3.79*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*2. cp(4)=(0.45+1.67*(ff(7)/1e3)-1.27*(ff(7)/1e3)**2+ +0.39*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*44. cp(5)=(5.193)*4.003 cp(6)=(13.46+4.6*(ff(8)/1e3)-6.85*(ff(8)/1e3)**2+ +3.79*(ff(8)/1e3)**3)*2. rh=-4.12e4+(cp(3)+cp(4)-cp(1)-cp(2))*(ff(7)-298.) do 201 i=1,4 ff(i)=ft0t*x(i) ppt(i)=ptt*x(i) 201 continue fcpt=0. do 2011 i=1,4 fcpt=fcpt+ff(i)*cp(i) 2011 continue do 202 i=5,6 ff(i)=ft0s*x(i) ppt(i)=pts*x(i) 202 continue fcps=0 do 2022 i=5,6 fcps=fcps+ff(i)*cp(i) 2022 continue c L-H model c m=0 n=8 h=1e-5 zmax=11 1 beta=ptt(3)*ptt(4)/(ppt(1)*ppt(2)*keq) rco=50*0.002093* +(ppt(1)/(rr*ff(7)))**0.5*(ptt(2)/(rr*ff(7)))*(1.-beta) pee=ppt(3)**0.5-ppt(6)**0.5 jh2=pmh2*pee c jh2=0 keq=exp(4577.8/ff(7)-4.33) cp(1)=(1.1-0.46*(ff(7)/1e3)+1.*(ff(7)/1e3)**2- +0.454*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*28. cp(2)=(1.79-0.107*(ff(7)/1e3)+0.586*(ff(7)/1e3)**2- +0.20*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*18. cp(3)=(13.46-4.6*(ff(7)/1e3)-6.85*(ff(7)/1e3)**2+ +3.79*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*2. cp(4)=(0.45+1.67*(ff(7)/1e3)-1.27*(ff(7)/1e3)**2+ +0.39*(ff(7)/1e3)**3)*44. cp(5)=(5.193)*4.003 cp(6)=(13.46+4.6*(ff(8)/1e3)-6.85*(ff(8)/1e3)**2+ +3.79*(ff(8)/1e3)**3)*2. rh=-4.12e4+(cp(3)+cp(4)-cp(1)-cp(2))*(ff(7)-298.) f(1)=-at*rco f(2)=-at*rco f(3)=at*rco-jh2*pi*dt f(4)=at*rco f(5)=0. f(6)=jh2*pi*dt f(7)=(-rco*rh*at-pi*dt*jh2*cp(3)*(ff(7)-ff(8))- +pi*dt*hts*(ff(7)-ff(8)))/fcpt f(8)=(pi*dt*jh2*cp(3)*(ff(7)-298.)+pi*dt*hts*(ff(7)-ff(8))- +pi*ds*hinf*(ff(8)-298.))/fcps c f(8)=(pi*dt*hts*(ff(7)-ff(8))-pi*ds*hinf*(ff(8)-298))/fcps call rks4(n,ff,f,z,h,m) if(m.eq.5) go to 34 go to 1 c c tube side c 34 ft0t=0. fcpt=0 do 101 i=1,4 ft0t=ft0t+ff(i) fcpt=fcpt+ff(i)*cp(i) 101 continue do 102 i=1,4 x(i)=ff(i)/ft0t ppt(i)=ptt*x(i) 102 continue c c shell side c ft0s=0. fcps=0 do 1011 i=5,6 ft0s=ft0s+ff(i) fcps=fcps+ff(i)*cp(i) 1011 continue do 1022 i=5,6 x(i)=ff(i)/ft0s ppt(i)=pts*x(i) 1022 continue if((z-zmax).ge.1e-6) go to 5 m=0 go to 1 5 xco=(x10-x(1))/x10*100 write(11, 9011) ptt/1.01e5,xco if (ptt.gt.20*pref) go to 2002 ptt=ptt+5000. go to 2001 2002 stop 9011 format(5e12.4) 1012 format(e12.4) end subroutine rks4(n,y,f,x,h,m) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimemsion sum(100),savey(100),y(100),f(100) m=m+1 go to (1,2,3,4,5),m 1 return 2 do 6 j=1,n savey(j)=y(j) sum(j)=f(j) 6 y(j)=savey(j)+0.5*h*f(j) x=x+0.5*h return 3 do 7 j=1,n sum(j)=sum(j)+2.*f(j) 7 y(j)=savey(j)+0.5*h*f(j) return 4 do 8 j=1,n sum(j)=sum(j)+2.*f(j) 8 y(j)=savey(j)+h*f(j) x=x+0.5*h return 5 do 9 j=1,n 9 y(j)savey(j)+h*(sum(j)+f(j))/6. return end 有高手能幫忙嗎 報酬可議 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/29 19:30, , 1F
codejob 版。
11/29 19:30, 1F

11/29 19:32, , 2F
感謝 不知道有那個板
11/29 19:32, 2F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: geeoh (, 時間: 11/29/2011 19:33:18

11/29 20:28, , 3F
http://codepad.org/ 用這個貼吧
11/29 20:28, 3F

11/29 20:49, , 4F
http://codepad.org/EhSL4VTP 希望有人能幫忙 感激不盡~
11/29 20:49, 4F

11/30 03:21, , 5F
11/30 03:21, 5F

11/30 08:14, , 6F
短短兩百行? 倒不如講一下你程式要做甚麼...
11/30 08:14, 6F

11/30 08:15, , 7F
硬翻的話... 執行效率會不如fortran,理解的話,性能還OK
11/30 08:15, 7F

11/30 08:15, , 8F
完全理解的話, C++也是有機會寫出比Fortran快的code
11/30 08:15, 8F

11/30 08:50, , 9F
倒數 第三行的程式碼,似乎有錯?
11/30 08:50, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1ErCB_jf (CodeJob)