[心得] 雲端,眾說紛云

看板Cloud作者 (喲)時間13年前 (2010/09/01 12:01), 編輯推噓2(200)
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看到這一篇文章: Twenty-One Experts Define Cloud Computing http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com/node/612375?page=0,0 稍微列一列幾句有趣的定義: "What is cloud computing all about? Amazon has coined the word "elasticity" which gives a good idea about the key features: you can scale your infra- structure on demand within minutes or even seconds, instead of days or weeks, thereby avoiding under-utilization (idle servers) and over-utilization (blue screen) of in-house resources. With monitoring and increasing automation of resource provisioning we might one day wake up in a world where we don't have to care about scaling our Web applications because they can do it alone." -Markus Klems Amazon創造"彈性"一詞,用在雲端,是說可以很快建立一個系統,不用怕當機. 網路系統 的規模可以自動擴展. "For me the simplest explanation for cloud computing is describing it as, 'internet centric software.' This new cloud computing software model is a shift from the traditional single tenant approach to software development to that of a scalable, multi-tenant, multi-platform, multi-network, and global. This could be as simple as your web based email service or as complex as a globally distributed load balanced content delivery environment. I think drawing a distinction on whether its, PaaS, SaaS, HaaS is completely secondary, ultimately all these approaches are attempting to solve the same problems (scale). As software transitions from a traditional desktop deploy- ment model to that of a network & data centric one, "the cloud" will be the key way in which you develop, deploy and manage applications in this new computing paradigm." - Reuven Cohen 雲計算,就是以網路為中心的軟體使用. 應用環境不再是單用戶,而是多用戶,多平台, 以及多網路的全域環境. 用起來簡單地像以往使用網路電子郵件系統那樣,複雜則複雜 地像分散式負載平均的內容派送系統. 至於PaaS,SaaS或HaaS什麼的,都很次要,只不過 是達到目標的手段而已. "I view cloud computing as a broad array of web-based services aimed at allowing users to obtain a wide range of functional capabilities on a 'pay- as-you-go' basis that previously required tremendous hardware/software in- vestments and professional skills to acquire. Cloud computing is the reali- zation of the earlier ideals of utility computing without the technical complexities or complicated deployment worries." - Jeff Kaplan 他覺得雲端運算就是一列陳列展示的網路服務功能,可以隨你挑選並付費使用. 各種 軟體,過去可能要花相當大的代價,購買軟硬體和專業技能人才,才可以擁有. 雲端走 的就是實用路線,這種概念很先進,不過實現時的複雜技術和程序的省掉了. "People are coming to grips with Virtualization and how it reshapes IT, creates service and software based models, and in many ways changes a lot of the physical layer we are used to. Clouds will be the next transforma- tion over the next several years, building off of the software models that virtualization enabled." - Douglas Gourlay 虛擬化原則會被牢牢抓著,改變IT架構. 各種方面都會改變到我們現有的實體架構 層面,使軟體變成走以服務和軟體為基礎的模型. "The way I understand it, "cloud computing" refers to the bigger picture... basically the broad concept of using the internet to allow people to access technology-enabled services. According to Gartner, those services must be 'massively scalable' to qualify as true 'cloud computing'. So according to that definition, every time I log into Facebook, or search for flights on- line, I am taking advantage of cloud computing." - Praising Gaw 他認為雲計算的大版圖是由科技啟動的服務,是能大規模運作的服務,並且能讓人們 使用. "The "Cloud" concept is finally wrapping peoples' minds around what is possible when you leverage web-scale infrastructure (application and phy- sical) in an on-demand way. "Managed Services", "ASP", "Grid Computing", "Software as a Service", "Platform as a Service", "Anything as a Service"... all terms that couldn't get it done. Call it a "Cloud" and everyone goes bonkers. Go figure." - Damon Edwards 雲的概念,就是把人對許多東西的看法: 包含代管服務,應用服務供應,格計算, 軟體即服務,平台即服務,或什麼都即服務等等,將這些看法包裹成一種單一,扁平的 網路架構運用方式. "There sure is a lot of confusion when it comes to talking about cloud computing. Yet, it does not need to be so complicated. There really are only three types of services that are cloud based: SaaS, PaaS, and Cloud Computing Platforms. I am not sure being massively scalable is a require- ment to fit into any one category." - Brian de Haaff 雲端運算很簡單,不必想很複雜,就是三種服務: 包含軟體即服務,平台即服務,和 運計算平台. 而大規模不一定都要塞到這三種分類中. "SaaS is one consumer facing usage of cloud computing. While it's something of a semantic discussion it is important for people inside to have an under- standing of what it all means. Put simply cloud computing is the infra- structural paradigm shift that enables the ascension of SaaS." - Ben Kepes 軟體即服務,是指消費者對雲端運算的使用方式. 除了語意上的探討,也應該要了解 在內部它是什麼意思. 雲端運算是一種架構上的改變,用以提升軟體即服務. "The 'cloud' model initially has focused on making the hardware layer consumable as on-demand compute and storage capacity. This is an important first step, but for companies to harness the power of the cloud, complete application infrastructure needs to be easily configured, deployed, dyna- mically-scaled and managed in these virtualized hardware environments." - Kirill Sheynkman 雲模型本來是談硬體層的主題,讓計算和儲存是可隨選地使用. 除了這第一步之外, 企業也要關心如何駕御雲的威力,那就是整個應用架構要很容易設定,布署,動態控制 規模並管理. "I was chatting with a customer the other day who was struggling with some of the implications of cloud computing. The analogy that finally made sense to them is what I will call 'cloud dining.' I am the cook in the house and I am tasked with feeding the family. If my 10-year old is lobbying for Italian, I am cook at home or order out. The decision may also vary from day to day. For instance, I might not have all the ingredients and have to order out, or, like this weekend, it may be 103 outside and cooking at home is not all that appealing. Now, the same can be said for supporting a given application in a cloud computing environment. In a fully implemented Data Center 3.0 environment, you can decide if an app is run locally (cook at home), in someone else’s data center (take-out) and you can change your mind on the fly in case you are short on data center resources (pantry is empty) or you having environmental/facilities issues (too hot to cook). In fact, with automation, a lot of this can can be done with policy and real-time triggers. For example, during month end processing, you might always shift non-critical apps offsite, or if you pass a certain cooling threshold, you might ship certain processing offsite." - Omar Sultan 舉個使用廚房做一餐的例子,你會有備料或廚房環境的問題. 但其實有另一個選擇是 可以決定要在家裡做菜,或者是去外食. 完整的3.0資料中心也可以這樣,讓你決定 資料要放自己的所在,或者是放在外部資料中心. 使用外部資料中心還可以克服你 自己所在缺少一些資源,或是系統環境不良的情況. 至於這些工作的自動化,可以由 一些控制準則和即時的觸發程序來進行. "Cloud computing overlaps some of the concepts of distributed, grid and utility computing, however it does have its own meaning if contextually used correctly. Cloud computing really is accessing resources and services needed to perform functions with dynamically changing needs. An application or service developer requests access from the cloud rather than a specific endpoint or named resource. What goes on in the cloud manages multiple infrastructures across multiple organizations and consists of one or more frameworks overlaid on top of the infrastructures tying them together. The cloud is a virtualization of resources that maintains and manages itself." - Kevin Hartig 雲端運算雖然跟許多舊的概念重疊,不過在使用情境上如果正確,可是很不相同. 雲端運算是動態地使用所需的資源,而且人在用雲端運算時,是對雲提出請求,而不是 對特定的端點或具名資源提出請求. 而雲的虛擬資源是自我維護,自我管理的. "Clouds are vast resource pools with on-demand resource allocation. The degree of on-demandness can vary from phone calls to web forms to actual APIs that directly requisition servers. I tend to consider slow forms of requisitioning to be more like traditional datacenters, and the quicker ones to be more cloudy. A public facing API is a must for true clouds. Clouds are virtualized. On-demand requisitioning implies the ability to dynamically resize resource allocation or moving customers from one phy- sical server to another transparently. This is all difficult or impossi- ble without virtualization. Clouds tend to be priced like utilities (hourly, rather than per-resour- ce), and I think we’ll see this model catching on more and more as com- puting resources become as cheap and ubiquitous as water, electricity, and gas (well, maybe not gas). However, I think this is a trend, not a requirement. You can certainly have clouds that are priced like pizza, per slice." - Jan Pritzker 雲就是隨選配置的大批資源: 隨選的規模可從電話下單到網頁表單請求之間,有所 不同. 這些資源慢一點可能像普通的資料中心,如果快一點就是雲了, 真正的雲 必須有些公用介面的API可用. 雲是虛擬的: 隨選的請求意思就是,資源要動態調整數目,可能是使用的server數目 從一到多也跟著更動. 雲傾向於隨使用定價: 依時計費,這樣的模式會讓計算資源越來越便宜,很像水電和 瓦斯的計價方式. 但他覺得這不一定是必然的走向,也可能是像賣pizza,依片數計價. "Cloud computing is ... the user-friendly version of grid computing." - Trevor Doerksen 雲端運算,就是友善使用版的網格計算. "Most computer savvy folks actually have a pretty good idea of what the term "cloud computing" means: outsourced, pay-as-you-go, on-demand, somewhere in the Internet, etc." - Thorsten von Eicken 電腦達人們其實知道雲端運算的概念,就是: 外包,付費使用,隨選使用,還有上網等等. "In order to discuss some of the issues surrounding The Cloud concept, I think it is important to place it in historical context. Looking at the Cloud's forerunners, and the problems they encountered, gives us the re- ference points to guide us through the challenges it needs to overcome be- fore it is adopted." - Paul Wallis 只要看看雲的一些祖先的前車之鑒,就可以預想雲端運算可能遭受什麼問題,那就在 採用雲端運算之前先把它的挑戰給克服. "I would like to propose a 'Cloud Pyramid' to help differentiate the various Cloud offerings out there. [At the top of the pyramind] users are truly restricted to only what the application is and can do. Some of the notable companies here are the public email providers (Gmail, Hotmail, Quicken Online, etc.). Almost any Software as a Service (SaaS) provider can be lumped into this group. As you move further down the pyramid, you gain increased flexibility and control but your a still fairly restricted to what you can and cannot do. Within this Category things get more complicated to achieve. Products and companies like Google App Engine, Heroku, Mosso, Engine Yard, Joyent or force.com (SalesForce platform) fall into this segment. At the bottom of the pyramid are the infrastructure providers like Amazon's EC2, GoGrid, RightScale and Linode. Companies providing infrastructure enable Cloud Platforms and Cloud Applications. Most companies within this segment operate their own infrastructure, allowing them to provide more features, services and control than others within the pyramid." - Michael Sheehan 雲端運算各層面都在一個金字塔框架中. 頂端用戶被限制在只知道應用程式該怎麼用. 有相當多的SaaS參與這一層. 到中層,多了一些彈性與控制,一些雲端開發平台落在這 一層. 底層是指內部架構的提供. 在底層的企業會有自己的內部架構,有更多的操作 功能,服務與控制. "The web fanatics and blogosphere would have you believe that all applica- tions will move to the web. Some will, most will not. Reliability, scala- bility, security, and a host of other issues will prevent most businesses from moving their mission critical applications to hosted services or cloud based services. The risk of failure is too great. Amazon is the leader in cloud based services, but even Amazon has expe- rienced down times for its own business. Cloud services will continue to improve. But my guess is the uptake will take longer than most people pre- dict." - Don Dodge 有些人瞎說雲端運算是什麼都搬上網路,其實那樣很危險. 事實上,有些會這樣做, 但大多公司並不會什麼都搬上網路. 即便Amazon也經歷過服務停止的問題,雲端服務 的持續改進會超過有些人的唱衰. "Today's combination of high-speed networks, sophisticated PC graphics pro- cessors, and fast, inexpensive servers and disk storage has tilted engineers toward housing more computing in data centers. In the earlier part of this decade, researchers espoused a similar, centralized approach called "grid computing." But cloud computing projects are more powerful and crash-proof than grid systems developed even in recent years." - Aaron Ricadela 高速網路,先進的圖像處理器和便宜的伺服器和儲存系統促使人儘量多用資料中心做 一些計算. 早期有研究支持簡單的集中式的平行系統,稱為網格計算. 不過雲端運算 比較強大,並且近年來較快證實為凌駕網格計算之上. "When virtualizing applications to be used by people who care nothing about computers or technology - as is mostly the case with Clouds - the key thing we want to virtualize or hide from the user is complexity. Most people want to deal with an application or a service, not software. ... The more intel- ligent we want [computers and computer applications] to be - that is, intu- itive, exhibiting common sense and not making us have to constantly take care of them - the more smart software it will take. But with cloud compu- ting, our expectation is that all that software will be virtualized or hidden from us and taken care of by systems and/or professionals that are somewhere else - out there in The Cloud." - Irving Wladawsky Berger 虛擬化應用的用戶可能根本不在乎電腦中的什麼技術; 使用者要用的是應用和服務, 而不是軟體. 好的應用系統用起來就是越直覺,並且越符合常理的使用方式. 雲端 服務商的技工該作的是系統方面和專門技術方面的東西,藏到雲的某處. "Cloud computing really comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licens- ing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay- per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities." - Bill Martin 雲端運算實現的是IT所要的,在不投資新架構,不招募新員工,不買新軟體的授權之下, 馬上獲得新的IT能力,或是增加能力. 這種IT能力的延伸,即時在網路上就能發生. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/11 02:33, , 1F
09/11 02:33, 1F

09/13 11:35, , 2F
09/13 11:35, 2F
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